If you could buy memories would you?

I wouldn't buy them. Might hack my own though.

I love Red Dwarf's first few seasons up til season seven, after that....well. That said, this was one of the better story lines for the show. The ship's hologram, "Rimmer", was the unknowing recipient of shipmate Lister's memories of a spectacular (but abandoned so failed) relationship with a beautiful ex-girlfriend. Rimmer was offended and dismayed for upon learning of the ruse, and this is understood. However, I had a sideways thought of there existing the capability of retrieving past memories for oneself. You know, the ones that got away. I think I would be shocked to find what contents might be there. How can I be so sure I can recall all of my experiences, both mentally and physically? What really lurks in my psychic closet? All of those memories surely have connection to other memories and actions, potential actions, and so on. It's fascinating to me the consider the possibilities. Yes, I think hacking my own memories would be better than reliving some strangers hopes, dreams, and life actions. We are uniquely ourselves, too, after all. Aren't we?
I'd want skills implanted. I might also do memories recreationally if the changes were reversible, or after a certain time I could realize they were fake.

Might have some other implanted ones. Less to supply pleasant experiences and more to provide motivation.
Absolutely. I have no desire to get on a plane for 20 hours to Thailand, but I’d love to visit the temples there. So sell me a memory where I can still smell the monkey shit and I’m all in on bought memories.
No, I wouldn't trust them. :sweatsmile:

Sell me instead the lucid moments viewed from a God-like perspective. With some thought bubbles about what people were really thinking, I would buy those.
No, I wouldn't. Happy the way God made me.

Sell me instead the lucid moments viewed from a God-like perspective. With some thought bubbles about what people were really thinking, I would buy those.

I think this idea might run into some philosophical problems :kissing:
If it meant losing current memories, I couldn't do it. Memories, no matter how painful they are, helped shape the experiences I learned from and assisted in shaping me into me.

If it's for a momentary, tangible experience via imagination? I would definitely develop lucid dreaming as my best friend has. The dreams he has are insanely interesting as a result.
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