If You Could, Would You?


Retired Staff
If you could change your personality, be it MBTI, wing, or otherwise, would you? Why?
No. I figure if I changed, it would suddenly become advantageous to be how I was before.
No, I like being an INFJ and now more than ever since I'm learning how to deal with myself. Would you Dragon? Why?
D: Nope.
Nope. I love myself the way that I am!

Life might be a bitch for an INFJ, but it's always interesting.

Anyway, all the cool chicks dig the thoughtful, introspective males.
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Lol! No, I wouldn't change. I wish I'd been more comfortable in my skin a decade or two ago, though.
I would, but I don't know what to, as long as N was involved. I would want it so every time I took an MBTI test I would get the same answer.
Nahhh... I'm happy just the way I am, save for this long list of flaws I have of myself. My personality type is not on that list....
With the way I throw around my functions, I change too much as is...there are days, though, where I wish I was something less complex and more consistent, but I know I probably wouldn't go through with that change.

I don't really like my current combination of 4w3, though. It makes me too needy for feedback from others
I don't know what I'd change to though. I don't know a lot about the other types. Something with E on the front of it...