If you had a time machine, where would you travel?

I would have quite an agenda.

1) The day my Mother fell that led to her death. To catch her, of course, or otherwise stop her from falling.

When: 1450s
Where: Rome, Italy, France, and others
Why: Renaissance
My living room, 20 years from now. I'd like to have a nice sit down with myself to see how things are going.
1850s, a small western pioneer colony. I used to dream about living as a pioneer girl as a child, for some odd reason. Flowered dresses and bonnets....horse drawn carriages....a little close knit community where everyone knows everyone....it sounded so romantic. Maybe it was because I owned a Kirsten American Girl doll and watched "Little House on the Prairie." Although I'm sure there were many drawbacks too, such as women having fewer rights, no antibiotics, etc.
When Jesus was alive.
Just to see.

I'd like to do this too.

I'll make a list of 4, in no particular order:

1. Jesus' era, as acd mentioned
2. To see my three year old self
3. The summer of 1998, so that I could see my grandma again before she died
4. I'd like to visit my 35 year old self, to check in, see how she is, what she's doing, who she's become, and maybe how she got there
Everywhere! Just because I can and because there's soooo, soooooooo much to see and experience, I wouldn't want to miss a thing. *dreams*
I would go back two hundred years. This location, Middle of Spring.

I would collect as much gold lying around the place as possible. I would start a bank account in the Bank of London, before the American Revolution. I would start the account based on a portait resemblance of me, and a series of 12 codes, left in the Vatican, Bank of England, Swiss Parliament and Sandringham. The existence of which would be known only to the English Royal Line, and the Head of the Bank of England.

Then I would come back, and go collect.
I would go back two hundred years. This location, Middle of Spring.

I would collect as much gold lying around the place as possible. I would start a bank account in the Bank of London, before the American Revolution. I would start the account based on a portait resemblance of me, and a series of 12 codes, left in the Vatican, Bank of England, Swiss Parliament and Sandringham. The existence of which would be known only to the English Royal Line, and the Head of the Bank of England.

Then I would come back, and go collect.

Why not just buy shares in microsoft before they go public?

When: Somewhere around the Jurassic era
Where: There was only one place to go, as far as I know XD
Why: To see dinosaurs!


When: 1920s
Where: Britain
Why: I'd be able to meet loads of awesome writers :)
I want money, I don't want shares in a company I know is going to do well. I want the excitement of building.

Just sell the shares in the future then. Your way just sounds like too much work.
If you had a time machine, when and where would you travel?

When: future. at least 2000 years from now
Where: earth, for starters :P
Why: because i want to know what will happen after thousands of years, whether people would've advanced or self destructed by then, whether religion would've still been going strong, 100 years aint enough for me, i want to live more!
I'd travel into the future so I could find a way to rid you guys of various catastrophic diseases that would otherwise ravage the globe and administer it to you before y'all go bounding off into the past. And I'd make sure you all understand the implications of the butterfly effect theory pretty well before you go.
^ wow for a second i thought you'd posted NOTHING and i was about to comment on how profound a statement that was, lol
I would perhaps go back two hours and see what it would be like to have a conversation with myself. (assuming no temporal paradox occured).
Go back to the French Revolution in France, and watch the personal journey of Marie Antoinette with her family, from capture to the guillotine.
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When: 80s
Where: New York
Why: For the youth culture

When: 60s
Where: San Fransisco/New York
Why: Isn't it obvious? Oh yea, the music too.

When: The Future
Where: Wherever
Why: Futurism/Modernism/Technology