If you had a time machine, where would you travel?

Bumped from the deepest depths of hell. (Thought it was bump worthy so...)

When: Year 3000
Where: Everything
Why: I want to see what becomes of this earth. Was global warming eliminated? How advanced is the technology? Will it be possible to visit other planets? How many species of plants and animals did we exterminate? What has humanity achieved? etc etc.
If I had a time machine, I would use it all the time. I wouldn't want to be limited to a single voyage.

I would visit the year after the human race died out. It'd be interesting to see the planet without people.
If you had a time machine, when and where would you travel?


I would go to 1152
and congratulate Queen Eleanor and King Henry on their recent marriage :)
Funnily enough I don't care so much to visit the future. Oddly, I'm not really curious about it all too much, even though my thinking is largely geared that way, I figure I'll see what I need to see when it comes and happens. Thus if I had to time travel I'd visit the past.

Yet actually, when I think of it, despite having a severe medieval love, I'm not even sure I would use the time machine. I honestly can't think of a time to visit. I've been placed in, and belong to the present. What a time-travel party pooper!
Ha! I was going to post about going back to when Jesus supposedly was around but I already posted that in this thread eons ago.

I would want to go thousands of years into the future to see what humanity becomes... and what medical and cultural and technological advancements we make. Hopefully humanity exists thousands of years into the future, and hopefully we live more in harmony with one another and the planet--though I guess we would have to in order to survive thousands of years into the future.
When: 10,000+ BCE
Where: moon
Why: I want to witness God's creation of the Earth.
1 hour into the future
I would travel all to the planets with possible life
1 hour because then I would age slower than all my friends and then I could make fun of how saggy their skin is and I would go other planets because that is just cool
When: Not sure about the time, but something BC.
Where: Maybe ancient Greece, ancient Egypt or ancient Rome (Italy).
Why: Ancient cultures have always fascinated me greatly, how people lived back then, how the world looked like, language etc. everything really!
Back when I was 14.
A fish camp owned by Barrett Oil in FL.
Want to stop my soul mate from leaving, maybe by going with them. I never traveled to visit her in two years, but wrote to her. We were many miles apart, but she had to move on. Guess I was a fool.
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Fast forward to tomorrow. I hope the one I chose to be with has a better day tomorrow. Amazing how time works on two people.
When: To the future. Like, 5-10 years from now.
Where: to hopefully where i'm migrating.
Why: so i wouldn't have to think of the future too much knowing all too well that what im doing/going through at the moment will eventually achieve my goal.

I'm scared of not being prepared for future problems.