just me
Well-known member
- infj
^way to be all encompassing (almost like cheating)
I shall still keep healing as one by itself....
^way to be all encompassing (almost like cheating)
^way to be all encompassing (almost like cheating)
That sounds more like God. But I wouldn't necessarily say that's cheating.1) healing power
2) the ability to speak to people with their understanding, also
3) miracles
I would carry a sharp, two-edged sword made of the best hardened steel in the universe, glistening into the heavens from its brightness, shining like the sun from the handle of gold; diamonds and rubies would line the handle of the sword. People would merely see a staff to show my authority. The staff would be a gift given to me by an angel. My name would be Merciful. The name of my staff would be Vengeance. The name of my sword would be Truth. The name of my garments would be Righteousness. My armies would follow me and none could stand before me.
I would offer everyone Mercy, and those that fought against me would be shown the Truth. That would be my super hero: call it cheating if you may.
You Would Be a [sic] Upstanding Superhero
You are alert and observant. You can see through people easily. You know who's evil and who's good.
You need a lot of freedom in your life. You like to do your own thing, and you don't fit into any normal mold.
Through lots of life experience, you understand the world well. You can often predict what people will do before they even think of doing it.
You tend to feel apart from the rest of the world. You don't really fit in, and you don't try to!
You are a true intellectual. You are thirsty for knowledge, and you are curious about the world.
He'd love midnighter so hard he'd be bleeding from his staff.Midnighter. You'd love him.
I want to hear your argument.I wrote out three paragraphs of why this statement was wrong, and deleted it just cause I don't want to get into an argument about superpowers at 1:42am.
I do that enough already, but I will say this your statement has some holes in it.