Illegal Immigration, a worldwide problem.

tellingly EH has had a measured response to all but one on topic post in this thread
tellingly EH has had a measured response to all but one on topic post in this thread
I have no idea what you mean here. Can you elaborate?
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Well said!
@Eventhorizon You're a smart man, but I think you're missing a crucial point in all of this: the democrats and republicans serve a bigger master. The same master that keeps Mexico enslaved to the United States. Did you know that just last year, our president Enrique Peña Nieto privatized our oil to big companies from your country? That means that in order for us to have gasoline for our cars among other uses we need to import it from the US which originally came from Mexico itself. The same thing happens with other products such as corn and other produce. This has resulted in extremely high prices for basic necessities. Also thanks to NAFTA, all of your manufacturing companies are coming here because it's so much cheaper and the quality is very high. Our minimum wage is at 85 pesos a day(about $5 dollars).

My city is one of the biggest Mexican cities for manufacturing. About 80% of them come from Canada and USA. Sure you could argue that we should be thankful for giving us jobs. However, the reality is that families need to work 2-3 jobs just to cover the essentials because these companies don't pay enough. Didn't Trump say that he was going to keep Carrier jobs in the United States? Months later after saying that and becoming president, Carrier shut down their factory and moved to Monterrey. Thousands of American were left jobless and furious. While from your pov it seems like a big win for Mexico and you might say things like "they took our jobs", the reality is that your business over here hurts us more than they help. If you have the time, I'm going to leave a video at the end of the post that gives you further insight into this situation.

These masters are, of course, the big corporations that profit from keeping the average Joe and Jose working for almost nothing. Your government takes millions of dollars from these corporations that expect them to do their bidding. Which they do. Mexico's government is also their bitch because they're the same corporations.

Just take a look at the bigger picture, man. You can then see how all treads connect together. Illegal immigration has a cause, and yes, my government has A LOT to be blamed for. However, your government is not innocent either.

I loved something you said, though. We, as citizens, need to start taking a more active participation in our country's affairs. We need to stop depending on government to fix our problems. You're absolutely right about that. The same thing could be applied everywhere else in the world. With all that said, the reason that I'm more optimistic about this new administration that's coming in is because it's the first time in history that we'd be having a president from a third party, not the traditional corrupt ones we've had these past 80 years. But who knows, maybe they will disappoint us as well. We'll see what happens.

Wow you sure are a nasty example of a human being. Are you sure you’re an INJF? Didn’t know they came in your flavour, ewww!
Oh so your just impressed with that egghead of a ,"leader" we have? Then your head should blurt into flames after reading my idea for the problem. My solution solves two problems at once and doesn't cost anything. First off, let’s start off with problem one, the African Americans. You know why they call themselves Africans in their description of themselves because they don’t feel like real Americans. Why, because they were kidnapped from where they lived thus they don’t feel, “at home” here and they never will. They will destroy this country before calling themselves Americans.

Which, brings me to how we can solve both problems. See, you give the blacks the land at the border. It would extend from Texas to California at 150 to 200 miles wide thus creating an artificial wall so to speak. Can’t see to many South American, which are normally tan, making past 200 miles of black neighborhood, they would stick out like a sore thumb. Two problems solved at once.
We have ripe corruption in our goverment. Replace them though and it would be just a matter of time before the ticks would find their way back. We should start with term limits. And get rid of all the perks senators and others get. As a start...
Disregard, my mistake.
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But the part about blacks was ok. Got it.
"My post had nothing to do with any race. Nor was it made in response to a post having to do with mention of any race. This is inflammatory and an attempt to destroy character." This was sent to the admins on my behalf regarding your post fyi.
"My post had nothing to do with any race. Nor was it made in response to a post having to do with mention of any race. This is inflammatory and an attempt to destroy character." This was sent to the admins on my behalf regarding your post fyi.

Looking back you are right. I thought you had quoted smake but you had actually quoted My apologies.

But also idc about your reports on me. I'll just edit my offensive comment. I think you should quote me when I say Eventhorizon was right!
Looking back you are right. I thought you had quoted smake but you had actually quoted My apologies.

But also idc about your reports on me. I'll just edit my offensive comment. I think you should quote me when I say Eventhorizon was right!
Thanks. Sorry for misinterpreting your intent.
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