Illegal President


I'm not worried about their opinion of me! I was trying to show how dumb their position is because in reality we ALL believe in conspiracy theorys and are in fact ALL conspiracy theorists

For example the official narrative of 911 is a theory that there was a conspiracy between some muslim extremists to hijak planes and crash them into targets; so the offical narrative IS a conspiracy theory!! Anyone who believes the government on 911 IS a conspiracy theorist!

Anyway I'm also sharing a perspective relating to the interdependent nature of society and how that impacts on the individual

What i'm saying is that we no longer have the luxury of just letting people have their own opinions anymore when their opinions involve hurting us

I'll give another example relevant to this thread

The authorities are listening by the way...they listen and record EVERYTHING. They call it listening to the 'noise' on the internet

So if enough people are saying online that they understand false flags and that they are wise to the ploy then the US is less likely to try and carry out a false flag on US soil for example letting off a nuke or dirty bomb in one of its one cities to then be able to blame it on Iran in order to then go to war with them as a major geo-political step on the road to the new world order

However if people are instead saying the stuff that just me is saying ie that we should go to war with Iran then it emboldens the conspirators

So its not really healthy for humanity to hold those kind of pro-war opinions anymore cos it could drag us all into a nuclear conflict; Iran for example now has defence pacts with China and Russia so an attack on Iran can pull those two into the conflict

I'm not sure what justme thinks will happen to him in a nuclear conflict with those powers but basically he would be converted to a puff of irradiated dust

I’m not saying that we shouldn’t debate people…but recent studies have shown that people don’t change their minds like that, in fact they double-down on their initial argument no matter how much evidence to the contrary is presented.
So debating people is fine to a point, but after a while I lose interest arguing with a wall for all intents and purposes.
I present stories and ideas about things that I believe are important or helpful, and I will correct people when I know something is an all out falsehood.
Beyond that is really just mental masturbation IMO.
I’m not saying that we shouldn’t debate people…but recent studies have shown that people don’t change their minds like that, in fact they double-down on their initial argument no matter how much evidence to the contrary is presented.
So debating people is fine to a point, but after a while I lose interest arguing with a wall for all intents and purposes.
I present stories and ideas about things that I believe are important or helpful, and I will correct people when I know something is an all out falsehood.
Beyond that is really just mental masturbation IMO.

Well on one hand i'm supporting you in your debate with just me and on the other hand i'm trying to talk some sense into just me at the same time

However even throwing down info is not a waste of time because even if initially you hit a brick wall they might in time come back to that information; also there are other people reading who might also benefit from the information

I think this sharing of information that you and me have been engaged in is going on all over the internet, globally, with people from around the world now becoming familiar with the things we are discussing and that's great

Just me is talking about the if he can just make the link between the anti-iran rhetoric as coming from the bankers then it would be case closed

The U.S. Constitution gave us sound Biblical money
The founders of the U.S. gave the people real money of silver and gold. In the Coinage Act of 1792, the basic unit of currency was the dollar and the dollar was defined as 3711/4 grains of fine silver. That much silver was to constitute a dollar. Each dollar was a unit. All other money was to be counted from this unit of a silver dollar. Hence dimes, quarters and half dollars were fractional parts of the dollar.Gold was made money by measuring it from this basic unit of a silver dollar. The ratio was fixed at 15 to I, and in 1834 the ratio was fixed at 16 to 1. This was the law of money up to 1873. The amount of silver in the dollar never changed during all this time. Silver was considered the money of the people, while gold was considered the money of the rich.
[TABLE="width: 95%, align: center"]
[TD="width: 36%"]
Free coinage of silver and gold.
[TD="width: 4%"][/TD]
[TD="width: 60%"]From 1792 to 1873, the U.S. had free coinage of silver and gold. That meant that anybody could walk into the U.S. Mint, and the government would coin their silver or gold into lawful money at the rate of 3711/4 grains of pure silver for each dollar, and 24.75 grains of pure gold to each gold dollar.
This system was called bimetallism, and the ratio of silver to gold always seemed to stay the same over the centuries.

In 1873 Silver was assassinated
On Feb. 12, 1873, Congress revised the coinage laws. By a simple stroke of the pen, silver was assassinated. The U.S. went on a gold standard, and silver was demonetized except for payments under $5.00. A gold dollar became the unit of value, and free coinage of silver was ended. Soon after, the entire world demonetized silve,r and most nations went on a monometallic or gold standard. England had already demonetized silver in 1816, which paved the way for the gold standard, and the fake money paper usury system that dominates the world today.
[TABLE="width: 100%, align: center"]
[TD="width: 50%"]

Silve—r the people's money -- was assassinated by a simple stroke of the pen in 1873.
[TD="width: 48%"]

Gold— the rich man's money -- was now king.
[TD="width: 2%"][/TD]
With half the world's money supply demonetized, gold became an even more precious commodity, and an item to be hoarded. Tons of it left the United States. The death of silver led to the fake money or paper system and usury on a colossal scale.


Like this, @muir ? Careful...
The U.S. Constitution gave us sound Biblical money
The founders of the U.S. gave the people real money of silver and gold. In the Coinage Act of 1792, the basic unit of currency was the dollar and the dollar was defined as 3711/4 grains of fine silver. That much silver was to constitute a dollar. Each dollar was a unit. All other money was to be counted from this unit of a silver dollar. Hence dimes, quarters and half dollars were fractional parts of the dollar.Gold was made money by measuring it from this basic unit of a silver dollar. The ratio was fixed at 15 to I, and in 1834 the ratio was fixed at 16 to 1. This was the law of money up to 1873. The amount of silver in the dollar never changed during all this time. Silver was considered the money of the people, while gold was considered the money of the rich.
[TABLE="width: 95%, align: center"]
[TD="width: 36%"]
Free coinage of silver and gold.
[TD="width: 4%"][/TD]
[TD="width: 60%"]From 1792 to 1873, the U.S. had free coinage of silver and gold. That meant that anybody could walk into the U.S. Mint, and the government would coin their silver or gold into lawful money at the rate of 3711/4 grains of pure silver for each dollar, and 24.75 grains of pure gold to each gold dollar.
This system was called bimetallism, and the ratio of silver to gold always seemed to stay the same over the centuries.

In 1873 Silver was assassinated
On Feb. 12, 1873, Congress revised the coinage laws. By a simple stroke of the pen, silver was assassinated. The U.S. went on a gold standard, and silver was demonetized except for payments under $5.00. A gold dollar became the unit of value, and free coinage of silver was ended. Soon after, the entire world demonetized silve,r and most nations went on a monometallic or gold standard. England had already demonetized silver in 1816, which paved the way for the gold standard, and the fake money paper usury system that dominates the world today.
[TABLE="width: 100%, align: center"]
[TD="width: 50%"]

Silve—r the people's money -- was assassinated by a simple stroke of the pen in 1873.
[TD="width: 48%"]

Gold— the rich man's money -- was now king.
[TD="width: 2%"][/TD]
With half the world's money supply demonetized, gold became an even more precious commodity, and an item to be hoarded. Tons of it left the United States. The death of silver led to the fake money or paper system and usury on a colossal scale.


Like this, @muir ? Careful...

I think silver is a good investment at the moment

The people who want to destroy Iran are the same people who control the paper money system

Don't support them in either endeavour!
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Speaking of illegal...
Oh 'mister' is it? lol

Get off your high horse man and grow up!

You've just spent months harrassing me in the vaccines thread whilst trying to get people to poison their children and you've pursued me in many other threads as well and as soon as i post an article countering yours you have a little tantrum like a toddler!

Are they paying you stu or are you just beligerently trying to misslead people for sport or do you actually believe the things you say?

I genuinly would like to hear your answer (although it doesn't mean i'll believe you)

But listen up pal......your threats of 'slapping' are a fucking joke; i've seen pictures of you and i'd knock you sideways, so don't try and act the big man with me

And one more thing...everytime i catch you posting lies to people, i'm gonna correct you because this is a public forum

So get used to it
btw the way, any time...coward.
btw the way, any time...coward.

Well the way i see it the coward is the one who can't face the truth

Any 'therapy' that doesn't help someone to face and deal with the truth is a fraud
UM, a coward is one who is afraid, lives in fear.
and which therapy are you reffering to?

If I where you I would take a closer look at my pictures and read my profile and posts carefully, I am exactly who I pose to be. No more, no less.
UM, a coward is one who is afraid, lives in fear.

No a coward is not one who is are mistaken

A coward is one who allows their fear to control them

That is a different thing

Fear is a useful tool. Fear is the reason you are alive. If your ancestors did not feel fear they would have been bear meat

Fear provides it's counsel and it's counsel should be heeded, but then action can be determined by other things that make up judgement

Doing the right thing despite fear is not cowardice.....cowardice is allowing fear to make you compromise your ideals

and which therapy are you reffering to?

Have you ever had any form of therapy stu?

Ever advised someone to have the same kind of therapy you have because they don't agree with you?

If I where you I would take a closer look at my pictures and read my profile and posts carefully, I am exactly who I pose to be. No more, no less.

I asked you if you were paid to be was a simple question

of course it's also possible that you are just a brewer running from the truth
I have encouraged you to seek therapy, I am doing it now.

I am not paid to be here, I am a working stiff, a son of immigrants, a liberal and a democrat.

I am a dad and a husband, a tax payer and a home owner and I have three dogs.

Your version of the truth is dark and twisted. Your facts are often non provable. Your assertions on a myriad of topics border on lunacy.
But I do not call you a liar, I believe you believe what you say.

I post in response because the sloppy thinking that you espouse in an infection within normal discourse.

You feel compelled to speak your truth to as many people as you can reach.

I feel compelled to point out that your truth is, for the most part, crazy.

I do not like the way you threaten me, I do not like the way you use the personal information I have shared on this forum to paint me the way you see me. I find you vulgar and thuggish.

I do not like the way you never share anything about yourself other then your bizarre take on reality. How you repeatedly post in the confession threads without confessing anything, how you comment on the member picture thread without ever posting a visage of yourself, and then refer to my picture, which i posted, threateningly.

I do not like they way you tell me to "grow up".
In short. I do not like you at all.
I have encouraged you to seek therapy, I am doing it now.

There is only one therapy stu: the truth

I am not paid to be here, I am a working stiff, a son of immigrants, a liberal and a democrat.

I am a dad and a husband, a tax payer and a home owner and I have three dogs.

That wasn't hard was it?

Your version of the truth is dark and twisted.

No it's not my simply is

This is where you are having problems...this is imo why you are feeling in need of therapy...

You seem to think that you get to pick a 'version' of reality

But that is not reality....that is a perception of reality

What i am doing here is DESTROYING move closer and closer to the truth

“Enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It's seeing through the facade of pretence. It's the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.” Adyashanti

Your facts are often non provable.


I am proven right again and again and's all there in black and white in the posts and the real world events that then prove the posts to be true

Your assertions on a myriad of topics border on lunacy.

I think you have allowed the system controllers to create your boundaries of what is possible thereby ensaring your mind in a box adrift from the truth

But I do not call you a liar, I believe you believe what you say.

Well.....i'm just gonna keep posting the proof of my claims as it arises, just as i have been doing here for ignore it if you want

I post in response because the sloppy thinking that you espouse in an infection within normal discourse.

You feel compelled to speak your truth to as many people as you can reach.

I feel compelled to point out that your truth is, for the most part, crazy.

And what 'truth' would that be?

I do not like the way you threaten me, I do not like the way you use the personal information I have shared on this forum to paint me the way you see me. I find you vulgar and thuggish.

It's you who has threatened me...numerous are the thug...i am merely holding my should anyone who is speaking the truth

Why should the truth give ground to lies?

I do not like the way you never share anything about yourself other then your bizarre take on reality. How you repeatedly post in the confession threads without confessing anything,

If someone mentions me i do them the curtesy of replying

If i do not reveal too much about myself it might be because people like you have threatened me....i remember once you even implied you had tracked my computer...what a dark and sinister thing to do stu!

Then recently there was the way you started talking about 'slapping' me and also the veiled threat in the way you posted that clip of the LA cop who blew the whistle on CIA drug running who supposedly committed suicide followed by a sad face emoticon....very sinister stu

Then there is your constant harrassment of me in a variety of threads where you post comments about me for example in the 'which outlander series character are you' or in that thread in the suggestions thread or the way you re-post in clumps my posts in the vaccines thread! (why? Whats the point in that except as a way to try and bully me off the thread?)

You have also quoted me out of context a few times passive aggressively in your signature

You pushed me off the syria thread when i was then later proven to be right (why should your false perception of reality take precedence over those whose analysis has a grounding in reality?)

You sneakily constantly try to undermine me all around the forum then accuse me of 'cowardice' when i stand upto you!!!

And lets not forget the time when you got me infracted for saying the boston bombing was a false flag attack...a fact that even mainstream writers like Naomi wulf has admitted

Then you even start whole threads like 'lets look at the psychology of conspiracy theorists' whioch are clearly directed at are relentless

But listen up....i will not be bulllied by you

But then i am used to your dark thuggish behaviour...but i'll tell you this right do not intimidate me and i've seen off far bigger bullies than you in my time

how you comment on the member picture thread without ever posting a visage of yourself, and then refer to my picture, which i posted, threateningly. talked about 'slapping me' and i defended myself by saying i was not intimidated by you physically which i am not; i think you even posted a picture of you flexing your biceps!!'re not the only one with big biceps so you don't impress me

I do not like they way you tell me to "grow up".
In short. I do not like you at all.

And yet it is ok for you to say i am crazy and in need of psychiatric help...that's hypocritical

and believe me the feeling is most definately mutual...i don't trust you one bit
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