I'm a Personist.

... unless this person is a cannibal who intends on eating me.
Then, screw that. All bets are off.

Phase I, among co-equal unknowns: Do unto others AS you would have them do unto you.
phase II, among those proving themselves less than trustworthy: Do unto others AS they do unto you.
phase III, among those who have demonstrated predatory behavior: Do unto others BEFORE they can do unto you.

Of course, it would be preferable to avoid those covered in phases II and III rather than to manifest THEIR behaviors with them ... if one has the luxury to avoid those behaving inconsiderately and/or predatorily.
Trying to apply any form of centric thinking to other people is always going to fail in the long run, since everyone is different.

  1. any
  2. always
  3. fail
  4. everyone

My sense is there is a good bit of absolutism/black-and-white perspective expressed in that statement.

In my experience, absolutism/black-and-white perspective tends to distort that which is perceived. Expressions made from that perspective are by their nature distorted.

That aside, I found the statement ironic given the context of the post and thread inasmuch as you spoke about accepting people as they are, yet at the same time, you declared what each and every person is