Community Member
- Enneagram
- 9w1 sp/so
It figures that the page for type 9s doesn't have that...I didn't know wikipedia had areas that described that! I'll have to look into that
It figures that the page for type 9s doesn't have that...I didn't know wikipedia had areas that described that! I'll have to look into that
From what I have read, most people have one main fear that drives their defense mechanisms and needs, but some of us have more. Most people are at their core a balanced Enneagram type. Some people have a strong wing, and others have two strong wings. Because my issues are so deep, my Enneagram personality traits are also very broad. This implies that there is a hidden connection to cognitive functions... not with respect to the order of our functions, because function order is unrelated to our fears, but to the degree to which we develop our functions since stress is the greatest factor in function development and stress is a byproduct of our fears.
This makes me consider the possibility that the width of someone's Enneagram base is proportional to how well developed their cognitive functions are.
So, in other words, you test a wider range of enneagram bases? I've tested everything between 1-7 except for 6, I think...would that somehow be related to my cognitive development?
my situation is...i am 4w5 (although i have not voted in the poll)
i relate to both (and of relative equality) 4 and 5.
i am rather confused, i am on INTPforum and am....i think INXP so 4w5 would be plausible
i talk with a person with a similar situation that has a theory that I (and her) are INJ's (based on Childhood personality, dominant function as child etc) and i relate more to the description of INJ than ITP or IFP - although i DON'T have any organisation either internally or externally.
so, what do you guys think. are you, as an INFJ, organised (in any way)? and if so to what degree?
is it possible i am INFJ? do i sound INFJ-ish?
do i sound INFP? or do i sound INTP?
It's weird to me how uncommon 3 and 7 are for INFXs -- those two have usually been one of my wings.
According to the chart, you could be an ENFP, like Satya, hehe. 4w3's are quite common, and 7's are the most common. You've certainly got the cognitive functions for one.
My 1w2 status didn't seem to fit at all until I realized I was an ENFJ. Now I'm quite common and right in alignment with the chart.
Hehe, convert to the ambiverted extrovert side. We have cookies.
I can act pretty extroverted -- but I'm absolutely sure that, down at the base, I'm a tried-and-true introvertNo doubt in my mind, really.
But upon review, I noticed that my twin sister is ENTJ, and my best friend of 8 years is ESTP, both of which have very common 3 and 7 traits, respectively...that might be it...
You know...
I have been neglecting the simple fact that people are malleable and easily influenced to a certain degree. Our attitudes and especially our perceptions are greatly influenced by those we care most about.
No one is going to perfectly fit any mold, but most importantly, no one is ever going to fit the same way all the time. We shift and change in reaction to our environments. We adapt. It's part of being human.
I am often more INFJ than ENFJ, but when I am ENFJ I seem to be more deeply ENFJ than I am INFJ when I am INFJ. I switch back and forth because I've learned how to switch my function preference to adapt to my situations. The simplest solution is that I'm both. That's really not that much of a stretch considering my Ni and Fe are always tied for preference on any tests I take.
I also seem to do the same with my Enneagram type. I am as much a 1 as I am a 9 as I am a 2 as I am an 8. Some days I'm more of a 1w2. Other days just a 1, other days a 1w9, or a 9w1, or a straight up 9, a 9w8, or even an 8w9 when I am extremely stressed, when I'm influenced by certain people, or a situation demands it.
Thanks Gloomy, for being as brilliant as usual, and reminding me that people are first and foremost adaptable creatures.
It figures that the page for type 9s doesn't have that...
Well, it was by no means a conscious brilliance, but thank you :B
I was actually thinking about this too -- I'm certain at the base, I'm INFJ. But if you looked at my lifestyle, you'd see an ENFJ, and I have the cognitive functions of an INFP, and an enneagram of an ENFP. And I often act more like my INTJ dad than my ENFJ mom.
I do think that enneagram, especially, has more to do with nurture than nature in comparison to MBTI...and I think the people around you have a lot to do with how you react to your fears and what causes them.
And I don't know what kind of point I'm trying to make, but I hope someone can get something out of that.
I've already read through that, and I didn't see anything specifically regarding 9w1 or 9w8 (all that's there are simple nicknames for each, no descriptions), otherwise I would've mentioned it before.