endeavoring to persevere
The solution is simple: don't worry. You really shouldn't base so much on your MBTI. An MBTI is only four letters, that just so happen to correspond to some fundamental properties of your personality. However, a personality is mostly your subtleties and nuances. You each have little things that are completely separate from your MBTI, and it seems that these things are the reasons you fell for each other. So what if somebody out there wrote something that says it can’t work? This person’s never met either of you, and is completely disregarding what most of a personality is made of.is there any way around this? can we turn these weaknesses into strengths? or is it something that is just inherent in us all?
i am the INFJ male, CokeNut is the ESTP female...
in fact, we had the conversation just this past weekend (while we were doing some major yardwork at her parents house)...
...and i asked her, "what if the roles were reversed, with an ESTP male and INFJ female?"
Coke's immediate answer, "it won't work."
"why is do you think its not possible? i mean, we work out alright."
Coke states, "simply because of the gender roles of society. and in various societies, the women are raised to take care of the men. it would be too much of a strain on the INFJ female."
... she was getting at the point that the only we have worked out thus far, is because she is the ESTP female...
The oracular INFJ may opt for the inventive ENTP, but also may go for a different kind of contrary, namely the ESTP. The ESTP and ENTP, to the casual observer, look pretty much alike. Charming, suave, urbane, humorous, witty, fantastically easy to approach, venturesome, even reckless. But one is out to invent, the other to promote; this is no small difference. It takes an inventor to make a mousetrap, it takes a promoter to make an enterprise. To succeed, the promoter has to be, in the best sense of the word, a con artist. He must be able to get people's confidence. Now why would a meaning-giver INFJ be intrigued by an entrepreneur ESTP? Because he wants to help the entrepreneur find his soul and his significance in the scheme of things. Similarly, why is the INFJ attracted to ENTP? Because he wishes to rescue this iconoclast from his seeming folly (and let's face it, most inventions are abortive, or still-born).
Directed to CokeNut & MotorJax: Do you CokeNut often flirt with other men? And if so, what do you MotorJax feel about that?
Directed to CokeNut & MotorJax: Do you CokeNut often flirt with other men? And if so, what do you MotorJax feel about that?
I don't tend to flirt with other guys, and if I do, I don't really notice it. Jax tends to be pretty arrogant about things like that ... you know the She-Coming-Home-With-Me attitude.