INFJ, INFP, Confused?

Are you using the functions or the dichotomies? They're different systems. It's very plausible that someone scores INFP and identifies as NiFe, particularly because Ni is a perceiving-dom function. Probably Myers' most controversial move with the functions (besides assuming dom/aux are in opposite attitudes) was the J/P conversion tool -- the idea that IFJ means Fe is aux and so on.

If you're simply scoring a bit waffling on J/P, it's worth noting that the modern view of personality overwhelmingly favors dimensions, not discrete dichotomies -- the dichotomies just mark correlates of the two ends, but the extent to which you fall on one end or another is highly flexible. So you can just be in the middle on J/P.

It's also worth noting that, between the two, the dichotomies are the less speculative system. The functions seem to venture away from standard empirical soft science and into some admixture of observation and philosophizing.
There are many theorists with many functions theories (similar to how philosophers disagree on almost everything).
There isn't full certainty in the soft science realm either in the way you'd get in, say, a hard science like physics, but treat the scales like the percentiles on a standardized test - it's not like they can tell you your exact position, but they can estimate an interval in which you fall. This approach is more certain than the philosophizing one because it has data to back it up -- but again, it's still soft science, so the conclusions are fuzzy rather than exact (so e.g. you can say you're a strong J or strong P, but not assign a number exactly to "strong")
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I came across this article while asking myself the same question and I found it helped me clarify on which side of the spectrum i fit in more.
Hope you find it helpful :)

I'm more INFP apparently because for me, choices define who i am as a person...and this means any small and stupid as some can be lol
It makes me incredibly indecisive because it is a reflection of who i am. As opposed to INFJs, they wonder how their decision will impact others.
It does not mean INFPs do not care about other people but they want their decisions to be in line with their moral values, etc.
Which is also a very good quality and benefits everyone as opposed to forgetting oneself as all cost.
But like INFJs, i find myself to need to protect other people and save them..I can't turn that instinct off.

Both types are extremely caring individuals but INFJs have more of a tendency to forget themselves in order to help others from what I've noticed.

But like Breeze said, no matter which type you relate to the most, just embrace who you are as a person :D
Plus...we are all different even if some of us share the same personality type ;) It's what makes us so unique!

Hope you figure out which you relate to the most xoxox Good luck!
I am under the impression that I am an INFJ, almost sure of being one. But I have tested as INFP once, or twice. And I see similarities in both that I can relate to.
How can I determine which I am? What are key differences (aside from the obvious) between both types?

Take a qualitative test that measures your use of all the cognitive functions. I think this one is the most academic and accurate. Make sure you answer according to their 3 points at the top. Especially the "If you know understand the statement, choose 'not me'"

INFJ and INFP do not share any cognitive functions, they're very different types that live within the same NF family, so they do share a high level orientation with all the NF's, but that's as similar as they get.

If you're still unsure about your results or how to interpret them, feel free to post and I'll try to help out. It can be tricky to decipher when your scores are close.
Take a qualitative test that measures your use of all the cognitive functions. I think this one is the most academic and accurate. Make sure you answer according to their 3 points at the top. Especially the "If you know understand the statement, choose 'not me'"

INFJ and INFP do not share any cognitive functions, they're very different types that live within the same NF family, so they do share a high level orientation with all the NF's, but that's as similar as they get.

If you're still unsure about your results or how to interpret them, feel free to post and I'll try to help out. It can be tricky to decipher when your scores are close.
I'm no longer unsure. I wasn't familiar with the cognitive functions back then, but I am sure of my being an INFJ now.
Thank you! :)