omg this thread is so full of win
Thank you Last Dawn, Morgan, NeverAmI, gloomy-optimist and arbygil for being brave and showing yourself. You guys are awesome!!!
My thoughts for our recent converts:
Morgan, after watching this I'm very certain you're J. The way you have described emotional interactions with people is the very same thing that I was trying to explain on your thread yesterday

Your look, pattern of speech - everything fits.
NAI - I've got "bad" news for you - you're a P

The way you have arranged your story perfectly fits the informing style. And you have that radiant warmness coming from you.
I have remembered this great video which highlights differences between INFP and INFJ
Thanks Tama!!! :kiss:
I'm watching that video and I'll just write time some thoughts I have about it:
Seeing this video I'm even more convinced I'm INFP, if they typed themself right that is. Like the lady said, she knows how other people are feeling and what other peoples values are. And that she has troubles finding out what she is feeling, what her values are. I don't do that. I always know what I feel and my values. I can sense when someone has expectations from me and mostly that makes me feel tedious because what they want doesn't match with my values or I don't have the time to check with my values weither or not I want to do what they want.
I can relate to other people when they tell me something, but it more that I think I know what they are feeling and than the same sort of feeling comes up in me. I really enjoyed watching this guy when he tried to explain Fi. I would have the same trouble to explain how I feel inside. My video doesn't show an inch of the deepness of what I feel inside
she also said that the INFP guy when being in the group always go's inside and check in inside how that land with him and she is going outside "hi, how are you doing" and knows very accurate how that person is doing. I know how I feel about that person and how that person influences me but I have to do an effort to be able to sense how that person is doing. And when I do have a sense about that person, I can't name it, I cant put it out there, because I will never be able to describe accurately what I feel
actually I don't like this lady. I can see myself sitting there on that mans place and her talking to me. It would feel like she is intruding my inner feelings, trying to explain who I am while she hasn't a clue and by trying she diminish my depth. Is sh' really INFJ, my god. I know she is very kind but I think I would say, back off, you have no clue of what I feel inside
he hasn't a clue about how to explain himself. I wouldn't be able to do that myself. Only on paper, that is easy, than I have all the time of the world to look inside to see how I feel about something but in front of people, if she would ask me questions like that, I wouldn't be able to get completely in tough with what I feel because there is the pressure of answering quickly
oh and what he says about when he meets other people, that he judge in less than 20 sec if he wants to deal with them or not, and that he do that based on how he feels inside, are they autentic/real or try they to sell him something, manipulate him, is there heart real or not. I do that too
And like she says that this Fi can be misjudged for intuition because it feels intuitive. I was thinking the same thing!
is there anyone who can relate to this women?