But then again, Von, what is your opinion?
My opinion is that it looks like the INFJs are getting back into the trap of over classifying themselves again ...and we all do it from time to time.
Let me help make something clear again.
If you're trying really hard to figure out if you're an INFJ or an INFP, you're an INFJ.
And now I'm going to explain why in ridiculous amounts of detail.
First, everyone uses
all of the functions. All INFJs are going to have use of Ne, Fi, Te, and Si to some extent. Some INFJs, develop their Fi and Ne rather strongly. If you're an INFJ, and you have a strong Fi or Ne, you're perfectly normal. These are the normal side effects of developing strong N and F functions. Eventually, use of these functions will bleed into their opposite axis. Fe fosters Fi, and Ni fosters Ne. This is how the mind works.
Second, if you're focusing on the minute details and trying to perfectly match yourself up with your type, you're using Ni, Fe, and Ti as your reflexive processes, which means you're an INFJ. As an INFJ, when you focus inward, you're going to be focusing on your introverted processes - Ni and Ti. Your Fe will be pushed aside, and may only be able to offer the need to come to a resolute decision. Fe is an amazing function to help determine the types of other people, but it is almost useless in determining our own because it is an external thought process. This is how we get confused. We're using a subconscious function (Ni) and our lesser reasoning function (Ti) to try to compare ourselves to others without being able to measure directly (Fe is external reasoning).
Additionally, and interestingly enough, when we focus internally and therefore focus more on our introverted functions, we also amplify our Fi, and even our Si. I'm sure some of you have noticed that when we focus on hurtful feelings, we also focus on 'how things used to be'. These are manifestations of Fi and Si in INFJs, because we're usually not so well versed with them. But, they also elevate when we are introspective, which is why we usually have very high Fi scores on the cognitive function tests.
If you feel very strongly that you are an INFJ despite all of the little things that imply that you're not, then you're an INFP or an ENFJ.
As F dominant people, INFPs and ENFJs make decisions based on how they
feel about them, and will only change their opinions when they change how they
feel about something. How an INFP or ENFJ feels about something is more important to them than the facts of the matter. Understanding the pattern and truth of a matter are secondary to how the INFP and ENFJ feel because thier N is secondary and their T is inferior.
For INFPs, introspection is inherent based on how they feel with Fi, but is is paired with Si which gives them a storehouse of instances to support how they feel. This is almost the opposite of the INFJ process. Rather than analyzing the details and trying to match them with the answer, the INFP approach is to use the deatils to match how
they feel. Because this is an introspective process, the INFP can skip the possibilities that their Ne might offer to the contrary, and focus on the possibilities that support how they
feel. INFPs don't ponder the possibility that they might be something other than what they feel they are, and if something challenges what they feel, they are prone to defending themselves quickly and adamantly, or just letting go of the notion entirely.
Here are examples of the difference between the types.
INFJ Confusion - "I dunno... I might be this, or that, I'm not sure, because of this, this, that, and that. (Ni seeing patterns and Ti analyzing the details) What do you think? (An attempt to get others to use their Fe function on them the way the INFJ reflexively uses it on others)"
INFJ Certainty - "All of the facts imply that I'm an INFJ (Ni seeing the pattern and Ti not having refuting evidence), so I must be an INFJ (Fe accepts this pattern as truth)"
INFP - "I feel that I am an INFJ, therefore I am. (Fi) Here's why. (Ne digs for Si which comes up with defenses for how Fi feels) I don't really have any other way to explain it. I just am." When applied with truth to the contrary, INFPs often reject everything to do with the offense to how they feel, "You can't label people!"
ENFJ - "I'm an INFJ. Next. (Fe has found their social role in this system)" Only when forced, will and ENFJ go deeper. "I mean, the test said I was (Ni starting to seek the deeper possibilities to validate Fe)." ENFJs will tend to see the pattern well enough to prove their opinion with Ni, despite having some doubt. They don't start splitting hairs like an INFJ until they've really gotten their Ni invested "So how does this work? (Ti finally engaged)". If at any point the ENFJ realizes that they are better suited for the ENFJ social role, their Fe is usually happy to accept it, and often this happens when Ni is first engaged on the subject by someone who's social role is to know the correct answer. "Oh, I'm not an INFJ, I'm an ENFJ? Gotcha. ENFJ it is. Hey everybody! I'm an ENFJ!"