- Enneagram
- don't remember
I can see that in myself too. Standing up on other peoples behalf (more than on mine). I concidered it a good tread :shocked:
One side note, it is not because no offense was intented that the other person can't be hurt or offended by what you say or do. Maybe the reason why INFP's stand up so quickly is because they have a strong radar for what can be offensive to others and what not?
No question that it can be a good trait Morgain. Not all those of a type express its traits the same way, and added to that different people have different 'issues' and carry different baggage, and I think it was some of that baggage which skewed her outlook on things.
I think INFJs have a strong radar for what others are thinking and feeling too, but perhaps in INFJs it more relates to how the thinking/feeling affects them personally rather than how it might affect others?