mm mmmmh....
Hello, I'd like to say a few things.
About INFJ's being naturally wary of INTJs
I tried, but I don't get how and why. It might make sense to me, if I consider it in this simple way: Fe is concerned with the well being of people and harmony, while Te with objective facts and consistency. To someone using Fe, Te might be problematic because it makes decisions based on facts only, while disregarding other people's personal reactions, thus jeopardizing the harmony that Fe holds so dear. If this is what
@FreeSp1r1t is talking about, then ok, I see it. I just wouldn't describe it as something that would make someone suspicious about someone else. It's just a different orientation when interacting with the world. It doens't make someone ambiguous.
But then there's another point. INTJs have Fi, FreeSp1r1t mentions that. But that means INTJs have personal values their actions and thoughts will be in line with, and they are more concerned with how things impact them personally, than how things would impact others. This might sound selfish, but suspect? Not to me at least. To me, it means that whatever INTJs are saying or doing, it speaks of their personal feelings and values. Thus, if I want to know INTJs' feeling and thoughts I just listen to what they say and see what they do. INTJs not acting "outwardly emotional" on their feelings is not something that I think would raise suspicion: their own feelings are still what their tertiary function is based on and I don't think it's that difficult to find out what they're like, for an intuitive type like INFJs are.
While...based on what I see FreeSp1r1t is pointing at, as a trait that would naturally alarm INFJs(the Fi being "hidden")...well, I'll try to make it a short story. INFJs are Ni doms that have Fe as auxiliary function and Ti as third function(next is Se). Fi is not even there. INFJs are awesome at valuing everybody's values and feelings. Good luck figuring out what are their own. (And I mean personal ones, not universal Fe values).
About MBTI functions and people
To me, the best way to talk about MBTI functions is to talk about MBTI functions; to start from a definition of a function and then see how it would interact with others(also well defined. Because if one defines, for example, Ne as "costantly seeing possibilities in the external world" and the other defines it as "bitch you can't even pay attention to me for more than two seconds", then these two are discussing two different things). MBTI is a clever system and it's a joy to apply it to social dynamics(explains well and makes easier so many things in life/people!)and for self investigation/growth whatever, but it's based on 8 cognitive functions. People are not made of just cognitive functions. Cognitive functions are ideas based on a specific aspect of people. They are conventional "things", just like words are. You cannot describe people with just cognitive functions. Shall I go on? I will only add this to close the "careful about definitions" parenthesis: one day Someone finds out he is this thing called INFJ (or whatever, it's just an example but I'm getting tired of writing it, so I think I'll be soon developing a new hypotetical type called ANUS to use for example purposes). This INFJ thing perceives mainly by means of Ni but also with Se. Someone starts forming in his head an idea of what these Ni and Se are, and because(he thinks) he is this INFJ thing himself, he assumes everything he perceives, is perceived through Ni and Se, and begins to use himself(as a person) as a basis to define Ni and Se. Someone is wrong.
About value and this thread
What would bring value to this conversation? Because this thread is about "infj vs intj intelligence" and everything that is coherent with this topic should thus be valuable, shouldn't it? FreeSp1r1t used his INFJ intelligence to give his insight into Tin Man's behaviour. Fine. How is
@Tin Man 's attempt to make FreeSp1r1t realize, that what he said about the "natural" inclinations of INFJs towards INTJs is just his opinion, and not a fact, not valuable?
About many other things, but I won't now because I'm not sure my irony would be appropriate in this context.
Coming soon but just maybe
That said, I wouldn't discard FreeSp1r1t's opinion on the wariness thing, because if it is true it would make me,as an INFJ, even more of a freak of nature, for my unnatural tendencies, and someone has an opinion about INTJs being drawn to freaks. Come and get me INTJs. Mlmlmlmlml