INFJ, what sort of work are we suited to?

Paul Wenz

Regular Poster
Always wondered?
Could and have done most jobs and nothing was ever beyond me.
Personal Assist for many years , love organising, time management .
Later often work alone or unsupervised .
Love fixing problems. Worked as a librarian. Laboratory assistant.

I was very good at maths , did some accounts work without much training always accurate.
Most things i did were never that challenging.

Often wonder what other people like myself do?
I've worked in a lot of different unskilled jobs in hospitality and retail, it was educational but unrewarding. I'm not good at many things and can't do mathematics. I greatly value hard work. I have an undergrad degree in literature. I'm doing an MA in information science and would like to work in libraries or archives, my teacher says I might also be well suited for a research career path. Writing will always be the most important thing to me, no matter how bad I am at it, I love it and believe in it.
I think that we can do anything well. the most difficult thing for me was choosing one role because there is such a huge variety of subjects I find fascinating. I am into business analytics currently, but I feel into it and I use my intuitive functions over thinking to form my findings. there is fact and there are black and white answers, but all that data still needs to be interpreted and that's where the numerical poetry comes in =) I love it.

I have also held supportive roles and enjoy helping though it does become draining on my psyche --I needed a LOT of downtime to recharge because I took it to the extreme and needed to find perfection in it. people took advantage of this and it was not good for me.
I've worked in a lot of different unskilled jobs in hospitality and retail, it was educational but unrewarding. I'm not good at many things and can't do mathematics. I greatly value hard work. I have an undergrad degree in literature. I'm doing an MA in information science and would like to work in libraries or archives, my teacher says I might also be well suited for a research career path. Writing will always be the most important thing to me, no matter how bad I am at it, I love it and believe in it.

Of course that you cannot do maths. You are a feeler after all. :banplease:

No, I should be fair by telling a story of mine.

I was working in academia for a while, in science, and a colleague was an INFJ. This was research, not studies. We were discussing maths together for a project. And of course, I was better than her. :peace: But it did happen a couple of times that she pointed out errors that I had committed. :yield:

We are all learning, sometimes painfully, sometimes painlessly; sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly.
Always wondered?
Could and have done most jobs and nothing was ever beyond me.
Personal Assist for many years , love organising, time management .
Later often work alone or unsupervised .
Love fixing problems. Worked as a librarian. Laboratory assistant.

I was very good at maths , did some accounts work without much training always accurate.
Most things i did were never that challenging.

Often wonder what other people like myself do?

You could go for a math degree? I have one! I promise advanced mathematics is not as intimidating as everyone makes out!
I don't have much work experience, but I'm currently working in a music-related job. (Not PR or anything like that though sometimes I do have to meet with clients to find out their requirements.) Listen to a ton of music and sort them out according to genres, make playlists for clients based on what I feel suits them and their brand the best. I'm plugged in almost the whole of 8 hours, which is great for me.
So many of the replies sound like me.
Except i found maths very easy once i got in the grove.
Writing is almost like having to see the sunlight each day.

A lot of things i studied were very easy and often un-challenging, then i was always interested in so many things it was hard to focus.
Some things became very familiar and i understood the workings well, which was what i always hoped for. Then i would move on to something else.
Out of all this i developed in my head a system, part intuitive that enabled you to reason and manage all these diverse interests.
Like a diagnostic problem solving engine.

i remember doing applied maths and structural maths , it was so magical that one could describe all the forces and what was happening.
i remember doing applied maths and structural maths , it was so magical that one could describe all the forces and what was happening.

Hmm, I've never really enjoyed applied mathematics. There was something distinctly unsatisfying about it. Did you enjoy things like Partial Differential Equations and Stochastics?
Anything and everything. Despite most descriptions saying INFJ's would hate being an auditor, I enjoy many aspects of it. I get to use my problem solving skills to find buried treasure and each claim is different which fits me well. Of course to balance this, I do need more artistic hobbies to pursue in my free-time which I do. I go to the gym a fair amount of time, I write, I read, I learn foreign languages, I refurbish old wooden furniture, I build computers, I make costumes, I paint, I draw, I take pictures and I cook, a lot. About the only thing lacking in my life now is an exciting social life which I have done before and sometimes feel the need for but it is only ever temporary and can be satisfied by going to a bar/club once or twice a month.
I could see INFJ being good criminal psychologists.

I think I'd be a fantastic detective. Probably a good criminal psychologist too. Many people have told me they can see me as a detective.

I was telling someone if I could get re-born as something else, I'd want to be born a male FBI agent with a personality disorder that makes it hard to feel emotions, so I'm not really affected by emotions on the job. Due to the fact I'm female and have a soft voice, I think more people are calmed by my presence rather than feeling a powerful presence.