INFJf: home for an INTP?

aWWW...yes good to have you here

I was on an INTP forum before I came here where the motto (before you entered the door to their Dante's Inferno) immediately stated: for all of you non-INTP people go over to TYPOLOGY CENTRAL........ like they were tired of some kind of "intruders" already! Once I was talking to them, I found them too cerebral and yes, too focused on strange, nitpicking kind of things which were some kind of inside joke to them. They need to get out of their heads and explore the world around them :) Welcome, welcome, welcome......:) :) :)
INTJf is nice, but the inferior Se circle-jerks annoy me to no end.
INTPf is awesome. Intimidating, occasionally creepy, but awesome.

Haven't been to INTPc, so I can't say.

I also like the atmosphere here. It's much more lighthearted than either INTJf or INTPf.
circle jerks?

Well, variety is the spice of life. =) I guess it could be easier for an INFJ to went towards the exclusivity path, but most people here don't (generally, most of the time.)

Well, it's not really that ununderstandable that people become so defensive against non-[their own MBTI]s, on the other way. Albeit if it's getting too much, I can see why it's annoying for outsiders... ^^;
Let's face it, INFJ's are nice people, something that doesn't come naturally to those INTP's and INTJ's who are less balanced and immature. I found INTP Central to be filled with unjustified hubris and immaturity not to mention the annoying, mean clique at the center of things. They are so impressed with themselves. To me, INTPc is filled with good examples of what an INTP should try not to be.
Let's face it, INFJ's are nice people, something that doesn't come naturally to those INTP's and INTJ's who are less balanced and immature. I found INTP Central to be filled with unjustified hubris and immaturity not to mention the annoying, mean clique at the center of things. They are so impressed with themselves. To me, INTPc is filled with good examples of what an INTP should try not to be.

The INTJs seem nice enough to me, they tend to be cold but I haven't seen much bullying there...
Inspired by all the non-INFJ types who blend so well into this forum, one day I decided to start frequenting other type forums, starting with INTP and INTJ (because I like both of those types a lot, but don't know too many personally). Well, the INTP forum immediately redirected me, as a "non-INTP," to another forum. I also got a sort of condescending vibe from it. I briefly browsed through the topics and everything seemed dry and overly pedantic to me, so I left, feeling unwanted there.

Then the INTJ forum..... well...... Maybe it was just a bad day and I got a skewed first impression, but EVERYONE SEEMED TO HATE WOMEN. Just about every thread insulted women or denounced feminism in some way. I was shocked, bewildered, and offended.

So that little experiment failed. I wanted to get to understand the other types better, but I don't feel I got an accurate representation at all; more like a compilation of all their worst attributes.

Also, I didn't like the layout of the actual forums either. They made less sense to me and just felt.... less friendly somehow. I can't justify that one, but oh well.

I like it here. It's welcoming. Cozy. And I love that feed on the homepage that lets you see the latest threads without having to click on a category.

The INTJ women hatred is more about retaliation than anything, Feminism isn't really feminism anymore in a lot of cases and many men resent it. I think INTJs are more likely to be vocal about it, and they seem to be really into that pick up artist crap.
Yes, circle jerks.
NO. I mean, Se circle jerks?

Can you explain more?

they seem to be really into that pick up artist crap.

Anyway, digressing....
I noticed something else too. Whenever coming to a for-all MBTI forum (Typology Central and Personality Cafe), the atmosphere is different too. It's like....being on the internet equivalent of a club. Is it just me?
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NO. I mean, Se circle jerks?

Can you explain more?


Anyway, digressing....
I noticed something else too. Whenever coming to a for-all MBTI forum (Typology Central and Personality Cafe), the atmosphere is different too. It's like....being on the internet equivalent of a club. Is it just me?

Personality cafe seems to be slightly obsessed with INFJs which is weird.
NO. I mean, Se circle jerks?

"INTJ is the most intelligent type of all. We are the most efficient, and that is a fact, other types are unworthy. We don't need to care about other inferior life forms who have common tastes, listen to common music and have common views, we are eclectic and interesting and elite." so on and so forth, you get the picture.
Personality cafe seems to be slightly obsessed with INFJs which is weird.
Maybe because within the scope of MBTI, they're the lesser of two evils ? Compared to INFP who tend to be, in my perspective, dreamy and romantic to the point of sometimes being pushy about it. But either way they're practically infested with INFs there. Both INFJ and INFP...

Arsal said:
"INTJ is the most intelligent type of all. We are the most efficient, and that is a fact, other types are unworthy. We don't need to care about other inferior life forms who have common tastes, listen to common music and have common views, we are eclectic and interesting and elite." so on and so forth, you get the picture.
yeah, I see what you mean. :) Thanks xD
Seraphim said:
They have a "lounge" type feeling to me. Or a cafe..... which is fitting for Personality Cafe.
That works too, but IMO lounge or cafe fits this forum more. But that's semantic. XD
And I agreed. When I want to mingle around other types more, I go there. (And that's...not often. I mean, 20x post against 230x posts.)
Guys, this is a thread about INFJf and how welcoming it is, not hating on other types/forums.
INFJs seem to be really warm and welcoming, so I don't see why other types and INTPs shouldn't be around. Naturally, there may be times that another type has trouble relating, but there's always room for fresh perspective.
Let's face it, INFJ's are nice people, something that doesn't come naturally to those INTP's and INTJ's who are less balanced and immature. I found INTP Central to be filled with unjustified hubris and immaturity not to mention the annoying, mean clique at the center of things. They are so impressed with themselves. To me, INTPc is filled with good examples of what an INTP should try not to be.

Due to the nature of some posts and their profiles INTPc seemed to have a significant portion of people under 18. I wonder if that has some sway in the attitude since INTX's tend to develop the more socially directed functions later in life?
Due to the nature of some posts and their profiles INTPc seemed to have a significant portion of people under 18. I wonder if that has some sway in the attitude since INTX's tend to develop the more socially directed functions later in life?

INTPc is certainly rife with immaturity and imbalance. Unfortunately, isolating themselves within their own type is surely the wrong way for INTP's to develop social skills.

I am an extreme introvert, but I have found that the best way to develop as a person and become balanced is to be engaged in the world, connected to other people, and to have wide and varied experiences. You have to fight your fears and go out into the world and do things.