INFJ/ENTP seems pretty darn ideal to me :love:
I don't think I've ever known any ENTPs in person. I know a few INTPs (even a girl one!), but no ENTPs.:(
I've been married to an ENTP for 10 years. It only took us about seven years to learn how to get along well together. The first couple of years were INSANE. But it's been worth it. We are constantly surprising each other. We really have balanced each other out...he's now more mushy/weepy/introspective and I'm more of an obnoxious, cruel badass.
Good. Now convince all the girls here that they want an ENTP Australian Lover.
Good. Now convince all the girls here that they want an ENTP Australian Lover.

All INFJ girls, I would recommend an ENTP Australian lover, hahaha. ENTP guys are EXTREMELY loyal and dedicated and will worship you. SERIOUSLY.
All INFJ girls, I would recommend an ENTP Australian lover, hahaha. ENTP guys are EXTREMELY loyal and dedicated and will worship you. SERIOUSLY.

Problem is. That can repel an INFJ. If I had myself an ENTP australian lover that was a worshiper, I would likely be scared off.
For some reason they don't believe the loyalty...

Not in the slightest. An ENTP lover would make me tear my hair out. It would be kind of fun and exciting and passionate at first, but I think it could go just as badly the other way. It would be EPIC FAIL. ::shudders at the thought::
I'm not saying that an ENTP and INFJ could never make it as a couple; I'm just saying that stereotypically I don't see very much common ground for the two types. INFJs seem to like to be talked to very gently and sincerly, while an ENTP is likely to blurt out a problem in harsh way without even knowing the impact they are going to have on an INFJ.

Hmmm, I don't know. When I met my ENTP husband for the first time, I instantly felt comfortable with him and we couldn't shut up talking to each other. There was one of those blips in the space time continuum and reality was altered forever. It was weird to feel so comfortable around the opposite sex for me, let alone around someone I was attracted to. I had never been able to talk so easily to a guy before.

HOWEVER, as years in the relationship went by, there's a definite issue with insensitivity on the ENTP's part I think, but a lot of that has to do with how emotionally sensitive I am. I think with time, however, it helped me be less emotional/hypersensitive(in a good way).:m200:

I am not loyal in the slightest with an online relationship, but when they become physical (as in "real", in the physical world), completely loyal.

But I'm not a worshipper.
I have a friend who is ENTJ or ENTP, and we get along great. However, I would never want to date her. Her life is way too crazy for me anyway.
yeah i don't think i could ever keep up with ENTPs out there.
Maybe we don't want you to keep up.

Chaos can be creative or destructive, but the only way it can be creative is if it has a stable base to build from.

Maybe we want someone who is like a rock.
Thinking about it more. an ENTP could work. But I think an ENTJ would be alot better for me.
Okay, but try getting a laid-back ENTJ, not a crazy-focused ENTJ. That might end in some arguments.
Okay, but try getting a laid-back ENTJ, not a crazy-focused ENTJ. That might end in some arguments.

Well, an ENTJ has found me. He isn't in Bozeman but will be in july. And honestly, I get along with focused people well as long as there is some common ground (which there is). He has also said "you are a really intresting person..." so knowing that type, he isn't likely to let go for a while.
I like laid-back people, yes. I tend to be serious, but I'm getting to a point where I'd much rather have fun and dream and be a bit childish; I like it when I have someone to play with :)

Indigo: Focused people are fine; what I'm talking about more is the ENTJ tendency to be FOCUSED. And by that, I mean uncompromising; they're great in many ways, my twin's ENTJ and I have at least one more good ENTJ friend. The difference between them is that one is more laid back than the other, and they tend to be a lot more willing to compromise...when you have a focused ENTJ, they sometimes will not change their mindset for anything, and they don't tend to factor other people into their plans or ideas...that can be really frustrating sometimes.

I like the type, but it's good to be wary of that if you're getting in a relationship with one, as that may or may not come up