Hey guys, first off, I apologize for not responding sooner, but I've been pretty busy with work lately.
ACD - That is a very good question, as I contemplated that as well. How can both of us come together and mutually choose the other? In our small circle of friends, almost all of them are poly, so we have learned a lot from their experiences, etc. I guess it all comes down this... Which one do both of us feel a very strong connection to and which one do we think would a.)benefit and accept their role in the relationship and b.)how her and I would benefit from it. I think it's a very meticulous process that will spark a lot of conversation, but I think it should be done that way (That's just ME though. Not all will agree.) Of course there will be differences, but nothing is perfect. That's when some compromise comes into play.
melatonin - What you've said has been very well put. I am very vocal and sometimes have make some judgements (there's the J coming out), but I have made it clearer than crystal that if I have a bad feeling about anything, then we'll have to end the relationship.
With that being said, I'm not trying to get on to the attack with what I'm about to say and please don't take offense to this. If you are offended, I apologize. Although I'm new to polyamory, I am very strong with myself emotionally. Everyone in the world has doubts and nerves when trying something new, but that's a given... Just a fact of life. Asking questions helps calm the doubts and nerves. To me, it seems like people are seeing me as weak and foolish, which could be further from the truth.
It's great to have an open discussion about it though because you can learn a whole hell of a lot, but I don't want my situation to cause strife among my fellow people at all.