INFJs are more likely then not to hold Supernatural or Superstitious beliefs

Are INFJs are more likely then not to hold Supernatural or Superstitious beliefs?

  • Yes

    Votes: 23 56.1%
  • No

    Votes: 18 43.9%

  • Total voters
Yes, I think we are. Ni can lead to us coming up with reasons and explinations for things that transcend the physical and reality.
I can't say, yes, I think we are, but I can say, Yes, I am. I laugh at superstitions, but step on a crack? I will laugh at myself as I avoid it, knowing it's illogical and nothing bad will happen. :p And I believe in a lot of supernatural things.
Are INFJs are more likely then not to hold Supernatural Beliefs?

Are INFJs are more likely then not to hold Supernatural Beliefs?
I myself don't believe in anything supernatural.

I do have some superstitions though. I know that whichever lane of the freeway I'm in will be the slowest, and whichever line I'm in at the grocery checkout will contain someone ahead of me who has some problem with what they're buying.

Them: What? I thought this was on sale! Do you have the newspaper with the coupons? I'll show you! What? You mean I have to buy two? Where does-- oh, I see. Can I just go run and get another one?

Well, I know INFJs tend to be superstitious based on the astrology thread.

Define superstitious? Why would Astrology be of a superstitious manner? this has been studied throughout history and like science it has been searched upon, does not make it all valid but it certainly a theory which has some sort of thery behind it combined with the spiritual of course, I believe believing in the supernatural involves astrology and all this great concepts, like Arby said something superstitious does not need a spiritual basis, a superstition is a ridiculous fear which does not involve some sort of background.
ok, I do not believe in superstitious hooey...but I do believe in the paranormal, supernatural, ect...having experienced it myself. I am inclined to say "I" far as all I dunno...

I am like the others, I cant say yes and i cant say no...
Define superstitious? Why would Astrology be of a superstitious manner? this has been studied throughout history and like science it has been searched upon, does not make it all valid but it certainly a theory which has some sort of thery behind it combined with the spiritual of course, I believe believing in the supernatural involves astrology and all this great concepts, like Arby said something superstitious does not need a spiritual basis, a superstition is a ridiculous fear which does not involve some sort of background.

call it whatever you like, I cannot be bothered to debate something that obviously flawed. It's superstition.
Supernatural, indeed. I have experienced enough unexplainable events in my near 40 years to safetly say YES.

Plus: I end up feeling like I'm having dejavu and then remembering the time when it first occured in thought thinking to myself; "when this actually happens (when you get this dejavu), something to do with this aspect in your life will be at risk, so watch out and be ready"...

hmmm, spooky, lol
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As has already been said, superstitious and supernatural are two different things. Most supertitions are man-made creations made to make those things people can't understand feel safe. The supernatural are those actual things and events, and the beliefs associated with those things, that defy normal explanation and scientific backing. I'm constantly amazed at how many people say they believe in God (most of us), yet find it outragous that someone claims they have seen a ghost! And most don't even realise the hypocrisy of it all!

I do believe in a supernatural world that we can't quite grasp, and certainly can't fully explain at this point in human existance. A big part of the problem is we attach things to the realm of the supernatural that don't really belong there, thus clouding the waters. Astrology and the Bible are two great examples. These are man-mad constructs that likely have very little to do with the supernatural world. Notice the word natural in Supernatural. I don't think we have a proper system yet for real understanding of these events. We are too defined now by our technology. Native Americans, and other indigenous people are much more in tune with such things.

No, things like our religous cannons and "systems" like astrology are just early attempts at understanding. They are attempts to explain that which it extremely hard to define. Each have nuggets of truth in them, and yes even wisdom, but they are not something to base all your spiritual convictions on, or use to guide your lifes decisions as astrology tries to do.

We need to constantly search for the truth in these things, using reason and intuition. Don't dismiss things because they don't fit in with what you already know, or what some other person or book is telling you. The hardest, and most worthy, of lifes questions are the ones that seem to border on the insane. Questions of the supernatural cetainly fall into this catagory.
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Superstitious: a credulous belief or notion, not based on reason, knowledge, or experience.In this instance, I would say generally no, most INFJs don't beliver in superstitious beliefs.

Supernatural though...that term doesn't sit well with me, everything we experience is 'natural.' Putting a label of "super natural" only implies that we don't know much about it and thus we label it as something foreign and not understood. I'm not an INFJ but I'm open to anything 'super natural' but at a point, you must attempt to prove a least part of your supernatural experience, lest it not turn into a superstition

Anyways, I believe INFJs (Perhaps Ni dominant types?) are likely to hold super natural beliefs.
INFJs would never follow dogma, they are too innovative. So this scraps any traditional beliefs usually. However, superstition in general is part of most of animal and human behavior, so most people train it, under many forms. That's how our brains operate. In fact, most of the process of thinking is a sequence of wired superstitions, whether we like it or not. In addition, over 80% of humanity is religious, and this means a lot of INFJs too.

I think that there is some scientific dogma in the assumption that if people believe in something unexplained by peers, then it deserves no attention. People never believe without causes, so there are real reasons for the way any experiences are formed, and thus this whole functionality is as much part of science, as anything else.

Throwing away whatever claims can't be explained doesn't explain how people formed the claims. Presuming, like science often still does, that all such people are just dirty lairs, sounds more unreasonable than their experiences. Some people may lie on purpose, but definitely not all, and not INFJs, so it becomes of serious interest to understand what causes any supernatural experiences. Sometimes, following this path, real scientific breakthroughs come to the surface.
I was somewhat superstitious as a kid but now I'm not at all really. I'm very open to the supernatural but I definitely need some solid measurable evidence before I accept such things. Even then, I hesitate to call anything supernatural, it is all just stuff we don't yet fully understand. Maybe that is supernatural.
How much do facts matter?

In the " Do you believe in Ghosts" poll 53% said that they believe in them and in the UFO poll 61% said they believe. Those polls were open to all members, all types. There is no reputable scientific evidence for either of these "phenomena". I would grant that a belief in ghosts is more of a supernatural than superstitious belief for most people but UFO's? There would have to be physical evidence and the lack of it could only be explained by a massively implausible government conspiracy. (of course that really does explain the data, INFJs are very susceptible to conspiracy theories.)
Again, though, UFOs are not "superstitious." They can be considered supernatural, or some such, but superstition usually comes with a fear that if you don't do something "X" will happen to you. Chain letters are superstitious, for example.

Honestly, I really don't see many INFJs as superstitious. I see superstition as more of an SJ trait, and/or an Enneagram 6 trait. Ni-dominant folks tend to be too logical to go for pure superstition without factual basis...but we're very open to ideas beyond our five senses.
Again, though, UFOs are not "superstitious." They can be considered supernatural, or some such, but superstition usually comes with a fear that if you don't do something "X" will happen to you. Chain letters are superstitious, for example.

Honestly, I really don't see many INFJs as superstitious. I see superstition as more of an SJ trait, and/or an Enneagram 6 trait. Ni-dominant folks tend to be too logical to go for pure superstition without factual basis...but we're very open to ideas beyond our five senses.

^^ this ^^

I will not subscribe to silly things like a black cat crossing my path means bad luck.

Or walking under a ladder means I will die soon...NO...cant do it

BUT I KNOW there are ghosts, and i believe there are other beings out there besides us.
Plus: I end up feeling like I'm having dejavu and then remembering the time when it first occured in thought thinking to myself; "when this actually happens (when you get this dejavu), something to do with this aspect in your life will be at risk, so watch out and be ready"...

hmmm, spooky, lol

Ria, I have that exact same experience. I trust it.
define our terms


"Superstition is a credulous belief or notion, not based on reason, knowledge, or experience. The word is often used pejoratively to refer to folk beliefs deemed irrational. This leads to some superstitions being called "old wives' tales". It is also commonly applied to beliefs and practices surrounding luck, prophecy and spiritual beings, particularly the irrational belief that future events can be influenced or foretold by specific unrelated prior events.

Credulity is not simply belief in something that may be false. The subject of the belief may even be correct, but a credulous person will believe it without good evidence.

Reason is a human mental faculty that is able to generate conclusions from assumptions or premises.
Reason is often contrasted with authority, intuition, emotion, mysticism, superstition, and faith, and is thought by rationalists to be more reliable than these in discovering what is true or what is best. "

The fact is most "supernatural beliefs" fall into the realm of "superstition" .