I wonder if this desire for ego death among some individuals is anything to do with the low-level eusociality among humans. That it's a kind of mental correlate/epiphenomenon in the conscious to eusociality.
In any case, I wonder who one would actually be working for if everybody achieved ego-death... just a society of selfless worker bees without a queen. Utterly aimless, joyless and passionless.
We have egos for a reason, and its probably exceptionally unhealthy to pursue its suicide like this.
You can still feel emotions with an ego dissolution...just in a different manner, often more strongly imho as they seem to be from more pure sources and not run through the lens of the ego-self.
The subconscious right-brain, “sacred feminine” that is usually drowned out by the direction of the ego and it’s ceaseless gibber-jabber is able to make itself known and emerge.
The time(s) I would say my ego was gone - it was still very hilarious to my other “self” as it was so clear how ridiculous we act as creatures and animals and “intelligent” humans, lol.
Even my own normal daily habits were clear and quite silly...but it also gives one the ability to see a perspective that further helps you recognize when your ego is calling the shots and not...you would think it’s clear, but as someone else mentioned, the ego knows you are coming for it lol.
It will try to protect itself and stop you from not letting it drive the car and direct the show.
What’s more with a loss of the ego-self comes a connection to everything else in a divinely beautiful manner that can be literally breathtaking.
But all this is wholly subjective of course, and each person will have similar but unique experiences with a loose or lost ego.
And yes...
@efromm is very right...it’s not about you...it’s about everyone else...it’s not self-serving...it’s not doing, it is being.
Being in the moment, being aware of the impact you create in others and the world.
I don’t think anyone on their actual death bed ever really worried about their precious car, or this or that in those final moments (if they did they had some kind of mental problem lol), it is our loved ones that will matter at that time and little else (at least that’s how it was when my heart nearly stopped).
I only wanted those I loved to know that they were my final thoughts, they are the most important thing to me.
Wiping out your ego can also show you such priorities in a clearer light.
Not to mention quieting an often constant source of self-criticism and self-imposed expectations.
I feel that it’s deeply helped me realize a lot of unaddressed issues and opened my eyes to a perspective that I previously could not fathom.