INFJs on foreign languages

Alright, so as I further my research on the INFJ personality, I find that everyone tells of an inate interest/desire that INFJs have to learn foreign languages.

I, myself, find this to be very true, as I am currently pursuing fluency in multiple languages (including german-rooted languages, which I find to be especially beautiful tongues).

I want to know if this trait fits anyone else, please. ^_^
I enjoy languages a lot and had a knack for spanish when I was in high school. I'd like to learn a few others too but am somewhat unmotivated.
I don't learn foreign languages formally. I pick them up once I'm there. I don't' like speaking English in foreign countries. I don't see the point in going anywhere if you're not going to try and learn about the culture. (I'm way too serious!) But I tend to pick up verbs from signs and stuff. Like in Spain, I saw Se Vende on houses, guessed it meant For Sale and used it in shops. Of course, it's pigeon Spanish, it's like saying "For sale towels?" Which is what I asked (and I pronounced towels wrong!) but I enjoy just speaking with people in their own language, I don't get too caught up in grammar, punc, spelling even in the English language - so long as the meaning gets through I don't see why it's important to get it right. (so long as you're trying to say something simple!)
I like to learn languages also. I've learned some Spanish, French, German, Arabic, and Polish. I've forgotten a lot of it too :( .
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I've never been officially able to learn a foreign language. At least not from books and lessons. The only way I've learned as much Spanish as I have is by working with Mexicans, Guatemalans and other South Americans for a couple of years. I can get a basic message across and understand a good part of what they say.

I tried classes in German and learned a bit as well, but without the immersion, it just isn't the same.
I'm formally versed in Spanish and Latin. But I learned Twi from my step-mom since she's from Ghana and even more from visiting there. I also have picked up ASL from a friend of mine At church who has started to go deaf, and currently am learning a bit of Tagalog from a Filipino friend of mine.

I definitely find it easier and more fulfilling to learn a language in real time, I.E visiting the place where the language is spoken. it's just common courtesy.
Language has always been my favorite area of study. I'm fascinated the history of it and the execution of it, which is why I studied English lit. I'm also fascinated by the scientific aspect of it, which is why I'm planning to become a Speech-Language Therapist. I can never escape it!
I love learning new languages. Currently I am rooted in English, Spanish, and French. But I would love to learn more of the Asian languages (Chinese, Japanese, etc) when I go to college, perhaps even visit the countries.

Makes sense if it is indeed an 'INFJ thing'; our auxiliary Fe's tendency for human interaction fits the bill pretty well ^_^
Well, i am Estonian and i studied Estonian, German and Russian in school.
So as you can see i do type and speak English and i learned that by
playing computergames and watching telly.
And now i live in the UK and my accent is so good that people think i am
a native English speaker.

So yeah, i do have a nack for languages.
This my own thread, but I've decided to answer with my own languages!

I speak english, obviously, and Japanese. I'm currently in the process of learning spanish, swedish, german, and dutch. I'd also like to learn russian, arabic, and mandarin or cantonese at some point, but that will come later.

I think the only language I'm not interested in is French. I'm not fond of the French...
I used to speak fluent Spanish, it was my first major in college (before I got to advanced literature and chickened out.) Yup I remember when I used to be able to conjugate verbs with ease. :( I've only had the desire to learn German and Polish, only b/c it would be useful when researching genealogy. I suppose I've lost the desire to learn because I never had anyone with which to practice speaking (only in college.)
For me, this is definitely true. Currently, I am in the process of learning Swedish and definitely plan to become fluent. Hopefully, I will also progress onto others and make myself fluent in a variety of languages from Asian to Eastern European ones, though I have yet to decide which.
My parents are immigrants from two different countries so I absorbed foreign languages through them.
I have always been very attracted to foreign language, and am a really fast learner. I wish I had the same talent with English. A few of my dabblings in other languages have had to do with boyfriends of the time (Taiwanese, Lebanese, Brazilian, so Chinese, French, and Portuguese). But I also took Spanish for 6 years so I can read and write pretty well (still not so good at the talking part!). I also watch Korean dramas and am currently learning Russian. Additionally I love learning programming languages!

Ultimately, I want my life to be heavily involved in other cultures, and I fully plan to live my life abroad as I grew up!
yep. love 'em. love learning how to speak in different ways and learn about different cultures. One a a time for me though (Espanol)
I actually really want to speak German and Russian with near native fluency.
Right now I only know the basics of the two languages. So I guess that means that I have a passion for learning languages :)
I don't suppose I'm against learning new languages (I know a touch of Spanish) but I long-ago recognized that I really just wanted to master English! And I mean master it.
currently working on my spanish, greek, and biblical hebrew
I relate to the language thing also. I've taught German in a university for the last 40 years. Yeah, I know. I'm old. But not really. I've also studied French and Latin a lot. It's been a lot of fun.
I adore languages, especially their sounds. I listen to tv stations where people speak a language I don't understand for the pleasure of the fizzing syllables. I speak, read and write in English, French, German and read Italian, Spanish, Dutch and 3 ancient languages.