INFJs - what makes you cry?

Do you cry?

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I almost never cry. I've suppressed it. There are a lot of stressful events that I suppose would make me cry like fighting with someone, being put down, maybe being rejected, failing a course, but most of these are very unlikely. I occasionally cry just from stress.

I'm with Dragon on this one. I haven't cried since my aunts funeral when I was 7 years old and now I'm 21. Other times I've forced myself to cry just because I don't feel human anymore and I just want to know how it feels like. If I see something sad I will feel it deeply in my heart but I don't show any emotion on the outside and that's exactly what makes me look as a cold bastard. Only if other people would know what my insides feel, alas, it would be another story LOL
Other things that make me cry:

when no one understands me

when I feel alone (which is rare, but when I do the tears are never-ending)

when other people's stereotype of who they believe I am infringes on who I must be and I'm not in the position to tell them off

week before periods

In other words, I'm always crying.

Mainly by myself. Or to my mother, sister or a couple of friends.

I think I cried once during a TV movie when I was about 12, 'The Thorn Birds.' Other than that, I generally don't cry at films maybe because I'm too busy either feeling the emotional weight or dissecting a scene. Neither leads me to tears.

Usually, I don't cry when someone dies, so it surprised me I cried so much for Michael Jackson. I think I relate a lot to him as a fellow black INF and 4. It's hard for me in my life. I could only imagine what it was like for him, on such a grand scale.
I don't cry often. But I do cry easily. Books, movies, sometimes halmark commercials, etc. And also more real things. I once cried because I saw an accident, even though everyone was fine.
Deaths, seeing other people cry (usually those close to me), anything that makes me feel very down, being super stressed, extremely sad movies. I don't really cry that much, but I usually feel sad instead and dwell on whatever it is that's making me feel that way.

I suppressed tears for a long long time, now the stuff sneaks up on me in the weirdest times. Sad films, death, a sad song that reminds me of something, thinking about my family etc will set me off. I keep it under wraps though usually.
I almost never cry too. When I was a child I cried a lot but as I got older I stopped. I felt bad that when my grandparents passed away I did not shed a tear. It takes a lot to make me cry and I usually do my best to hold it in. It usually happens after a build up of negativity in my life which I have internalized for a long time and someone sets it off by either yelling at me or scolding me, making me feel defenseless and feeling sorry for myself.
geez...sometimes I just cry out of absolutely nothing! (I like to think I'm sort of "connected" with someone else, though I know is more likely that I'm waay too sensitive. yes, I'm weird.)
I don't cry often. Never have. Even as a child.

When I do cry, I do it in solitude. If I cry around someone, I have to be either very stressed or frustrated, and I don't like that sort of loss of control. I think it is healthy to cry, though, and when I'm alone I don't try to suppress it.
I don't cry often. Never have. Even as a child.

When I do cry, I do it in solitude. If I cry around someone, I have to be either very stressed or frustrated, and I don't like that sort of loss of control. I think it is healthy to cry, though, and when I'm alone I don't try to suppress it.

Same here, I have only cried in front of someone one time in the last 25 years, and that was when I was seeing my aunt for the last time before she died, and even then I had to escape to the bathroom by myself and my girlfriend came in to soothe me. : /
I cry when I see or understand/comprehend something very beautiful. (Perhaps twice a year)
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I be up in yerr polls votin' it up.

I don't cry. I laugh. I laugh when I'm nervous or terrified or reallly angry.

I don't cry when I'm sad. Usually. It quiets me. Sadness makes me stoic on the outside.

And when I get angrier than realllly angry. I cry futile pouty tears and punch pillows because I can't get away with strangling people, now can I?
I cry futile pouty tears and punch pillows because I can't get away with strangling people, now can I?

Can relate here. When I get really frustrated and overwhelmed, I tend to throw a little fit and storm off and cry a little, but that's rare, and I have to be REALLY frustrated
I laugh when I'm angry and nervous and usually I'll just laugh when I'm not supposed to. It confuses others deeply.
When I was young I would cry whenever I was picked on or got in trouble. I hardly ever got in trouble though unless it was a misunderstanding; I still maintain that most of it wasn't my fault to this day. :m040:
I cry when all the positive emotions I have are used up on other people to make them happy. Then I cry as I don't have any left for myself so I end up wallowing. D:
Movies makes me cry, songs on the rare occasion.

For that reason I rarely watch movies :P
When i am really really really pissed off and couldnt find any sort of way to express myself, cause i think i am too patient and not too good with expressing emotion esp anger/dissapoinment. once it blows, it blows hard!! one thing i hate is being misunderstood.:m070:
When i am really really really pissed off and couldnt find any sort of way to express myself, cause i think i am too patient and not too good with expressing emotion esp anger/dissapoinment. once it blows, it blows hard!! one thing i hate is being misunderstood.:m070:
Your first post! Welcome :P
What makes you cry?

After my mother beat the crap out of me once when I was a kid (this happened several times a week), I was crying and she threatened to send me to an orphanage if I didn't stop crying. She picked up the phone and pretended to talk to someone and ask if they had room for me and told them she was on her way to drop me off.

Since then, I can't cry for myself, only for others.

But, cartoons and animals get me misty at the drop of a hat.

How really awful and I can relate so well. While my mother never beat me, she frequently threatened to have me institutionalized because I was "unstable." It scared the crap out of me, but I think I knew better than to cry. I, too, have a difficult time crying unless it involves someone else's pain...this story, for instance, brings tears to my eyes.

I can also cry over sad movies, Hallmark commercials and bagpipe music, to the great embarrassment of my sons.But the only "real life" situations which allow me to cry usually involve cruelty to children.