Thank you everyone so much for your thoughtful responses! I appreciate all the comments saying "just move on," so I'd like to explain myself a bit more. I take all experiences in life like this as a way to more deeply understand humanity and to illuminate which parts of me need to be healed. I definitely want someone who also wants me romantically, so I am moving on, no doubt. Sorry if my initial post came off otherwise. All these questions I'm posing and musings are a part of my process, which, undoubtedly, one that leans in. Some may see it as unproductive or self-defeating or even masochistic, but I've learned over time that it's my gift to "face the music," if you will, at times like these. I actively lean in and I am able to meet and chat with the inner demons that come up - and I learn and grow immensely from it... I learn so much nuance about myself, people, human nature, relationships, which all brings deep healing. Just wanted to share the perspective from which I'm approaching this.
Having said all that, being an ENFP, at times like these, asking lots of questions and entertaining/exploring possibilities is how I process. So, truly thank you everyone for your responses. Hearing all your different perspectives has helped me process and left me finally in a state of peace with all this this evening!
Everything absolutely happened as it needed to.

There is no one to blame and we both acted authentically and natural to what we felt. I've very glad I told him when I did (before further feelings developed), so I'm proud I protected myself while honoring my feelings; although I care for him as a friend, what I feel for him, honestly, is mostly infatuation/limerence and I know it. The pain comes from the perceived attachment that the infatuation produces. Nonetheless, it still hurts - but that's because him seeing me just as a friend is showing me old wounds, deeper layers of self-love that I have not healed yet. For that, I am so grateful and that's part of the joy in this journey.
My motto is very much: The only way out is through! So I am letting go in my own way - which is to lean into the questions and the pain, and I am learning so much about different kinds of caring and love and healing. The fact that this man has come into my life, the closest to an ideal partner as I've met, means that I am on the right path. I can't wait to meet the right one for me - and I'm sure he can't wait as well.
Thanks again everyone and have a lovey night!
@ReasonEnduring @slant @Aneirin @mintoots @Rit4lin @acd @Peppermint @Fidicen @Asa