I disagree too. [MENTION=5667]Jacobi[/MENTION] has some really good points.
I would agree with you if Turing Pharmaceuticals made some new drug…or even bought some new drug rights and jacked them up a bit.
But to take a staple of life saving treatment and jack the prices up that high is just pure price gouging.
The guy even hints at making supplies scarce to keep tighter controls on any generics being made, fuck that guy.
Just because someone can do something our laws allow them to get away with or exploit, doesn’t mean that they should.
US Businesses have a sick definition of what ethics are.
This is an old drug that is much needed.
And now Fox news is negatively reporting on the company, just FYI.
You can care now.
Foxnews has a whole demographic of old people who watch. Its a base and speaking negatively about drug pricing can only help their ratings.
I never said I agree with what they are doing. I only understand the engine behind it and that engine goes far beyond drugs. Shouldnt people have cheap food, gas housing. .. yes. All great ideas, all noble ideas. Make it easier for people to live. A chicken in every pot. Pot in every chicken...

But thats not what drives innovation. That ls not what drives technology to adapt and evolve quickly. And it is the quickness in which these things move that will make a world like that possible one day. Its just nit going to be in our lifetimes even though we are on the precipice of it. Corporations are creating the items needed to do this even though they dont see that in the end game they will become obsolete. A perfect example is 3D printers. People dont have to take ideas to corporations any more to bring them to the public. They can create their ideas at home. Jumpstarter. People dont have to bring their ideas through corporations anymore. They can give them directly to the public and see if the public wants to make it happen.
We are on the verge. All brought to you by technology originally funded by corporations. Corporations currently still play a role though just as capitalism does. Get rid of either right now though and the whole thing collapses.
And I dont think a lot of people get this about me. Im fine with this world coming about after I am dead. I dont need this world to exist right now even though it would be nice. I recognize we are moving toward it but I also recognize what can ruin the possibility and that is why I am so out spoken about those things.
We just need cheap clean energy to keep everything moving.
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