Interesting video

I see the truth in what you're trying to say, but I'm also saying its easier said than done. Sometimes we do need the comfort from others to be able to stand up on our own two feet and fight. You have to have that taste of hope or, at least decide, by yourself, that this is what needs to be done before you can find the strength to change your strategy. That will isn't going to boomerang out of nowhere, after all.

And sometimes you simply need someone to post a video on youtube that shows EXACTLY how you feel and what you go through in life, just so you don't feel so alone.

TheDaringHatTrick said:
So in this case, I think a bit of sympathy might go a long way. Practicality can come in after a bit of validation and worth has been realized... gently, and carefully.

TRUE practicality would argue that it is more important to put your aggression/selfishness aside and simply help someone so they can move on with their life and be more productive to society.

TheDaringHatTrick said:
But thank you for standing up and saying whats on your mind. I hope people do not take it the wrong way.

I certainly don't take it the wrong way, I have heard it a billion times before, first time on this forum though. :P
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I think this video is hard for people to relate to that lack Fi.

It is inner conflict, it isn't resignation, it is an observation of facts.

It is the constant inner struggle to move forward despite your crazy mind taking you in 15 different directions at once.

This probably still won't make sense, but it makes perfect sense to me.

What you say makes perfect sense to me.
I think the person who made this video is a very introverted INFP.

Absolutely! Like NAI said, it is hard to relate to this if you lack Fi. This person has my sympathy, realizing that I know nothing of their situation really. If I got to know them for a while that might change somewhat. But being empathic I would still feel for them and would try to understand why they feel so sorry for themselves. Yes, we have to stand up and take responsibility for ourselves and how we feel. But on the flip side we shouldn't be heartless, unfeeling Vulcans either. Especially if someone is suffering from depression, a simple "Get over it" will not do the trick.
Absolutely! Like NAI said, it is hard to relate to this if you lack Fi. This person has my sympathy, realizing that I know nothing of their situation really. If I got to know them for a while that might change somewhat. But being empathic I would still feel for them and would try to understand why they feel so sorry for themselves. Yes, we have to stand up and take responsibility for ourselves and how we feel. But on the flip side we shouldn't be heartless, unfeeling Vulcans either. Especially if someone is suffering from depression, a simple "Get over it" will not do the trick.

Oh definitely not, but she's just blaming society.
I mean, it's easy right?
You can just blame the rest, after a while you might be even saying to yourself that you don't want to talk to them because you hate them all.

You can't just blame everyone else for not reaching out, when you haven't reached out to them either.
Instead of looking at our own errors, we blame society way too quickly for everything that's wrong.

Injustice? Poverty? Loneliness?

It's up to us to take action and change these things.
Don't be a passive element that just rants, take action now.
Hate the world? Then change it damnit.

Okay, I might've gone a bit off-topic, but hey. That's why all of you like me.
I had to watch the video again because some commented that it mainly express self-pity, while I saw it basically as an expression of love.

Now, I can see what people mean, but I still see the video as a whole as something very positive and beautiful, which probably seems crazy to a lot of people.

This makes me further wonder how other people perceive me when I express dark feelings, which is natural for me to do as a way to get over them. I can't believe how enlightening it is to hang around at this forum...

I have never hated people, though.
There is never one statement in that film that points blame towards anyone. The film simply presents what has shaped her life.

I think the assumption that this tries put blame on anyone is fallacy. It is simply an expression of how she feels.
Oh definitely not, but she's just blaming society.
I mean, it's easy right?
You can just blame the rest, after a while you might be even saying to yourself that you don't want to talk to them because you hate them all.

You can't just blame everyone else for not reaching out, when you haven't reached out to them either.
Instead of looking at our own errors, we blame society way too quickly for everything that's wrong.

Injustice? Poverty? Loneliness?

It's up to us to take action and change these things.
Don't be a passive element that just rants, take action now.
Hate the world? Then change it damnit.

Okay, I might've gone a bit off-topic, but hey. That's why all of you like me.

Please note that I say this with all due respect.

What is wrong with someone expressing themself, is it wrong because it is not socially acceptable and does not help anyone else?

This is a process of self recognization and growth for her. Just because a process works for you, or doesn't work for you, doesn't mean it will work for everyone.

In my opinion a little acceptance goes a long way.
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There is never one statement in that film that points blame towards anyone. The film simply presents what has shaped her life.

I think the assumption that this tries put blame on anyone is fallacy. It is simply an expression of how she feels.

She says she's become like that because noone talked to her.
This implies that the fault lies at others, not her. Because they just should've talked to her.
She says she's become like that because noone talked to her.
This implies that the fault lies at others, not her. Because they just should've talked to her.

Do you know what context that statement was even made in?

Literal interpretations without seeking the full meaning of why someone says something contributes to so many misunderstandings. Maybe she meant that no one would talk to her because of her lack of communication skills, which would then be her fault.
Do you know what context that statement was even made in?

Literal interpretations without seeking the full meaning of why someone says something contributes to so many misunderstandings. Maybe she meant that no one would talk to her because of her lack of communication skills, which would then be her fault.

I interpreted it from the context of the video.

'Noone would talk to me when I was young.
When I grew older, the noticed the lack of my social skills.
Guess what they did?
They avoided me even further.'

And everyone is assuming it's a woman, but in the video tags it says 'shy guy'.

It's a man.
Interesting that everyone thought it was a woman though.
I interpreted it from the context of the video.

'Noone would talk to me when I was young.
When I grew older, the noticed the lack of my social skills.
Guess what they did?
They avoided me even further.'

And everyone is assuming it's a woman, but in the video tags it says 'shy guy'.

It's a man.
Interesting that everyone thought it was a woman though.

The gender doesn't really matter. I said it cause someone else said it.

But I doubt I will be able to get my point across, so I digress.
The gender doesn't really matter. I said it cause someone else said it.

But I doubt I will be able to get my point across, so I digress.

I don't think you really get mine either, but hey.
I'll throw in a few monkeys and everything will be fine.

Some say you can't blame wolf for being wolf.

Somehow I get this feeling from the video.
I don't think you really get mine either, but hey.
I'll throw in a few monkeys and everything will be fine.


I get your point and your words are quite valid, I had to use what you said to pull myself up, and I say it to myself all the time, but not before I went through that process of discovery/analysis.

Some say you can't blame wolf for being wolf.

Somehow I get this feeling from the video.

You mean that the author of the video wanted to spread this message, or that it's just the way we should interprete it?
I get your point and your words are quite valid, I had to use what you said to pull myself up, and I say it to myself all the time, but not before I went through that process of discovery/analysis.


You lost me there bro.
Keep in mind, I'm foreign.
You mean that the author of the video wanted to spread this message, or that it's just the way we should interprete it?

No. Not as a message. I just don't feel that the person is trying to put blame on anyone.

I know that it is easy to argue against. It is just what I think.