Spreading awareness by prompting people to think for themselves is about as much as 1 individual can do. Or did you want us to follow some famous bad INFJ's in their footsteps ?
In europe we barely take 10% of the vaccinations you do. we're pandemic free. so are south america and asia who vaccinate even less. Besides you gonna tell me the mark on my arm left by an vaccination is healthy ?
In the country where my heart lies, most people eat their homegrown food, un-sprayed, barely buy any stuff from the supermarkets, and tell you what. they don't do vaccinations unless necessary. And wanna know the best thing? They're just about the most healthy people on earth. Maybe yo, you are mistaken. After all, there's no way mega corporations would play with peoples health and make tons of money by selling them useless bs right? right?
And maybe just maybe the reason people don't take kind to so called helping professionals in africa is because it is widely known the US has patented EBOLA. And the fact that no1 even send aid when it began. The international community ignored it until it became a problem for them. after all who cares about some people in another continent right? They did not even bother sending the people who did help proper protection to counter the spread to the healthcare workers. You know what, why don't you read up on the latest news about it. since CNN obviously has more important stories to tell then an ever worsening of the situation concerning Ebola. I mean it's not like about 80 people are in the US are potentially got into contact with an EBOLA patient in dallas right right? But ofc. your vaccinations will protect you from... oh wait, there ain't one for ebola!

hows that possible? You patented it years ago

! even though its been around for a long long long long time already. Better read up buddy.