INTJ guys are great

...and, as usual, INFJ males are absent from the equation. Yet another reason for us to be second choice to everyone.
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...and, as usual, INFJ males are absent from the equation. Yet another reason for us to be second choice to everyone.

Don't get envious, this thread isn't a slight on INFJ males, it's just about a different MBTI type.

For the explicit record, I think INFJ males are awesome friends... in fact, all introverted intuitives are awesome.
I am pretty great. Thanks for noticing.

At the moment I have five guy friends who are close to me. 3 are INTJ, 1 is ENTJ and the last is an INFP.

I wonder how a female INFJ can handle 5 close guy friends at the same time?
you've been always a mystery to me lady!

anyway, [MENTION=14647]Sniper73[/MENTION] you should see this thread :m096::mcute:
I wonder how a female INFJ can handle 5 close guy friends at the same time?
you've been always a mystery to me lady!

anyway, [MENTION=14647]Sniper73[/MENTION] you should see this thread :m096::mcute:

Oh? Why do you think I can't handle 5 close male friends? I have female friends too, but they are not INTJ like the guys that hang around me.
Oh? Why do you think I can't handle 5 close male friends?

She said nothing of the sort, so why would you think she is thinking that about you?

I have a woman INTJ friend who I grew up with since I was 12 or 13 and I love her very much, she is a totally wonderful person. I say this without reservation, without putting her on a pedestal either, she is just one of those people who you can't really fault, kind and generous and thoughtful, very intelligent and funny, nothing remotely mean spirited about her. She lives overseas now, probably permanently, but I just can't think of my world without her. <3
There certainly seems to be a lot of chemistry between the two, from my limited experience. It has to be the Ni primary function, shared by the two types. Plus how the auxiliary Fe and Te compliment each other.

The connection, for me, was immense. I could see him doing his introverted stuff (zoning out) like I do, but combined with intellect and logic. It made me appreciate why others find me appealing. He was mysterious and I was mystical!

Shame it never went anywhere. Although, I don't know if it would have worked long-term.
INTJ males are so absolutely wonderfully that they make you think, 'can it get any better than this? Swoons'.

And then...
you meet an INTJ female. And you realize it can. It really can.
I know so few real-life INTJs it's almost depressing. I've really a hard time believing they're more common than INFJs.

Those I've met, however, were pretty cool. In every sense of the word.
I think INTJ/NiTe is one of the types I think especially needs some revising in terms of the common understanding. Perhaps in this sense, I see it the same as @Ren in thinking they're not any more common than Ni/Fe.

The reason for this is that the way they're typically portrayed, they seem too much like Te-doms. Calling someone visionary/emphasizing that facet doesn't hit at what intuition is like to me -- visionary can just as well fit with a judging dominant. The key with intuition is it's preconscious, hard to make explicit, more capable of living with paradox, especially if Ni, than T, etc.

i think the reason for this is the stuff about the J/P confusion -- I don't tend to buy the whole "IJs have Je" or whatever thing (unless you sort of just define it that way), and I prefer to just type Je and Pi and all that individually.

That said -- I find NiTe an interesting type, and pretty natural a combination. There's a sense that, due to the paradoxes an intensely Ni type might live with, Te is preferred to Ti, because even if you don't think formal structures/Ti can be the end-all, you still need to let things play out explicitly in some shape, hence a more pragmatic take on logic that has the capacity to deal with Ni's insights.
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The reason for this is that the way they're typically portrayed, they seem too much like Te-doms. Calling someone visionary/emphasizing that facet doesn't hit at what intuition is like to me -- visionary can just as well fit with a judging dominant. The key with intuition is it's preconscious, hard to make explicit, more capable of living with paradox, especially if Ni, than T, etc.

I think you're right about INTJs being sometimes depicted too much like Te-doms. I wonder if this might be because most of the INTJs people have in mind are T-subtypes, like (presumably) Elon Musk and company. I find INTJ philosophers very interesting in that regard, because they tend to be N-subtypes: Heraclitus, Nietzsche, Hegel and Marx, etc. I'm not talking about the content of their philosophies, but about their approach: they all have a very clear fondness for paradox and mystical insight.

That being said, I think the epithet "visionary" suits them in some sense. Having a vision is something that is intricately part of an Ni-dom's life, I think. It's not necessarily to be understood in terms of being ahead of their time, or seeing far into the future of humanity, but more in terms of: how we operate is always by projecting ourselves towards a long-term vision of some sort. It's literally how we function. And given that INTJs use Te, they can be very very efficient at implementing those visions concretely. In that specific sense, INTJs are genuine "visionaries".
One of my best friends as a teen was an INTJ girl. She didn't behave like a Te-dom at all, though I suspect she would argue that was because of gender socialization. Really, she was one of my kindest friends--at least outwardly. We both identify as homosexual now (though I'm a man, not a woman) but people often thought we were dating back then because we hung out a lot and were so similar in behavior and interests. The things we were really passionate about were different though. She was crazy about math, and I was crazy about social sciences. So... I guess with both being Ni types, INFJs and INTJs can be pretty similar depending on their upbringing, exposure, etc., perhaps more so than with INTJs and ENTJs.