I think INTJ/NiTe is one of the types I think especially needs some revising in terms of the common understanding. Perhaps in this sense, I see it the same as
@Ren in thinking they're not any more common than Ni/Fe.
The reason for this is that the way they're typically portrayed, they seem too much like Te-doms. Calling someone visionary/emphasizing that facet doesn't hit at what intuition is like to me -- visionary can just as well fit with a judging dominant. The key with intuition is it's preconscious, hard to make explicit, more capable of living with paradox, especially if Ni, than T, etc.
i think the reason for this is the stuff about the J/P confusion -- I don't tend to buy the whole "IJs have Je" or whatever thing (unless you sort of just define it that way), and I prefer to just type Je and Pi and all that individually.
That said -- I find NiTe an interesting type, and pretty natural a combination. There's a sense that, due to the paradoxes an intensely Ni type might live with, Te is preferred to Ti, because even if you don't think formal structures/Ti can be the end-all, you still need to let things play out explicitly in some shape, hence a more pragmatic take on logic that has the capacity to deal with Ni's insights.