INTP/INFJ derailment discussion

This is the worst confession of romantic feelings I've ever read, Jesus man learn some subtlety.
Oh man. You totally won that if we are comparing responses. Heh... I can get a little heated when defending the ones I love... grrr. There are a few I'd kill someone for (probably:sweatsmile:) on here and Hos is one of them.
@ClevelandINTP What the fuck? Are you being serious right now? If you are, how rude, you're not smarter than Hos. In fact, I don't even see how you came up with that opinion unless it's a reaction to an insecurity that he's actually smarter than you.

I retract. No "Ruji make up kiss". (That was strictly platonic as it was just a joke, as Ruji used to do... -he was one of my favorites and clearly you are not like him.)

How dare you treat Hos that way. You need to stop being so pissy and sensitive!

Actually, Fuck YOU.

Fuck you, too. Hos has literally threw fuck yous at me because of intellectual defeat. Maybe you missed that, so he can have one back. And yeah, people applauded his aggressive response and didn’t see that underlying slam of being beat intellectually that created it in the first place. I’m happy to throw a fuck you back with someone I know can’t beat me there
Fuck you, too. Hos has literally threw fuck yous at me because of intellectual defeat. Maybe you missed that, so he can have one back. And yeah, people applauded his aggressive response and didn’t see that underlying slam of being beat intellectually that created it in the first place. I’m happy to throw a fuck you back with someone I know can’t beat me there
Sorry, man, I don't argue with little girls. ;)

What's this about being 'intellectually beat'? Were we arguing about something?
Fuck you, too. Hos has literally threw fuck yous at me because of intellectual defeat. Maybe you missed that, so he can have one back. And yeah, people applauded his aggressive response and didn’t see that underlying slam of being beat intellectually that created it in the first place. I’m happy to throw a fuck you back with someone I know can’t beat me there
I'm sorry, but I still think you're being really sensitive when if you guys had some kind of show down... I hate that this is all on you, but damnit, you're ruining people's respect of you and you're the aggressive one, you just do it in a passive way which is infuriating and cowardly. You say Hos was aggressive because he was direct, whereas you just throw snide comments in places where it's not even discussing the subject anymore or even at all... It's not right. Come on, when everyone is saying something about you, how can you not at least consider it as a possibility? That you could be.. you know, wrong?
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I'm sorry, but I still think you're being really sensitive when if you guys had some kind of show down... I hate that this is all on you, but damnit, you're ruining people's respect of you and you're the aggressive one, you just do it in a passive way which is infuriating and cowardly. You say Hos was aggressive because he was direct, whereas you just throw snide comments in places where it's not even disgusting the subject anymore or even at all... It's not right. Come on, when everyone is saying something about you, how can you not at least consider it as a possibility? That you could be.. you know, wrong?

Funny, Hos was the aggressor
Funny, Hos was the aggressor
You're pretty sensitive, Cleve, and while there's nothing wrong with that, don't make the mistake of imputing emotions or 'aggression' into the actions of Internet strangers. I'm barely invested in this at all.

If it upsets you to be called a little girl, then I'll refrain from that kind of language with you in future.

*puts on kid gloves*
Funny, Hos was the aggressor
I meant in general, and that's an opinion I don't share. People getting fed up with your playing the victim and whining about Wyote is bound to lead to a more direct approach, and let's face it. The only people who you're pointing at are the people trying to actively save the forum from listening to you do what you do. I was empathetic and hell I even enjoyed some of your banter... until you attacked not one but two of the best people on here and then say it's because of them? When they are just trying to stop you from creating discord. Why can't you see this?