- Enneagram
- 5
Do you guys think... that because you see less of yourselves on your outsides, it makes it harder for yourself to be able to recognize who you are, at all?
no, because i spend so much time thinking about who i am and what i want from the world and i've sort of made peace with the fact that i won't be a bubbly overly-energized extrovert that i know myself *better* now.
i'm usually quite reserved, most people describe me as "weird" and people that don't know me just think i'm quiet and snobby--because "quiet" and "thinking about things" makes people automatically think i'm judging them. i may be, but i also pick up on what they project on me, and if it's negative without anything but neutrality coming from me, then... i act accordingly. it's not easy to become my friend, but there's a short process where i analyze what vibes i'm getting from someone and the things they're saying and then i decide if there's a possibility they can "get" me on a deeper level--and if yes, i continue talking to them.