Introvert! How would you describe yourself?

Do you guys think... that because you see less of yourselves on your outsides, it makes it harder for yourself to be able to recognize who you are, at all?

no, because i spend so much time thinking about who i am and what i want from the world and i've sort of made peace with the fact that i won't be a bubbly overly-energized extrovert that i know myself *better* now.

i'm usually quite reserved, most people describe me as "weird" and people that don't know me just think i'm quiet and snobby--because "quiet" and "thinking about things" makes people automatically think i'm judging them. i may be, but i also pick up on what they project on me, and if it's negative without anything but neutrality coming from me, then... i act accordingly. it's not easy to become my friend, but there's a short process where i analyze what vibes i'm getting from someone and the things they're saying and then i decide if there's a possibility they can "get" me on a deeper level--and if yes, i continue talking to them.
Do you guys think... that because you see less of yourselves on your outsides, it makes it harder for yourself to be able to recognize who you are, at all?

sometimes. when you feel as if you spend much of the time operating or acting in opposition to your natural personality, preferences, or instincts, you begin to feel less affirmed because you're having to meld yourself into whatever group or situation you're in.
sometimes. when you feel as if you spend much of the time operating or acting in opposition to your natural personality, preferences, or instincts, you begin to feel less affirmed because you're having to meld yourself into whatever group or situation you're in.

What is stopping you from acting that way? Do you believe that your natural 'ways' wouldn't work or are inferior?
What is stopping you from acting that way? Do you believe that your natural 'ways' wouldn't work or are inferior?

sometimes, yeah. I mean, I understand that each situation or environment requires some adaptation so I don't expect it would be appropriate to "be myself" at all times. There has to be some flexibility. But if you're always operating in a mode which seems contradict what is expected of you, it teaches you to spend most of your time shaping yourself to fit each environment, and consequently leads you suppress your own natural traits.
So, as introverts we tend to have fairly rich inner lives.

How would you describe yourself? Do you feel like the you on the inside is accurately portrayed on the outside? Do you share much of yourself with people and do you feel it's important to do so?
How much of yourself do you just keep for you?

I think you probably get the gist of what I'm asking.

I only tell others about myself if I've been with them for a decent amount of time. And only then, it's only minimal.

I'm lucky enough that nobody has ever really asked too much information in regards to myself. Probably because they know that I don't really want to.

How would you describe yourself?

Only word I can think of is; "Misunderstood."

Do you feel like the you on the inside is accurately portrayed on the outside?

Meh. As far as how I act; somewhat. Physically; No. (I'm a tad stocky compared to most, which gives most people the impression of a simple minded "hulk smash.")

How much of yourself do you just keep for you?

About 95%, give or take.
sometimes, yeah. I mean, I understand that each situation or environment requires some adaptation so I don't expect it would be appropriate to "be myself" at all times. There has to be some flexibility. But if you're always operating in a mode which seems contradict what is expected of you, it teaches you to spend most of your time shaping yourself to fit each environment, and consequently leads you suppress your own natural traits.

Do you think you could present a time when you would have acted like yourself but couldnt? What would your real self done vs what you did?
I still don't know how to answer this question, although I love it to bits.
I was on the bus earlier today and I thought, for a moment, whether I would have grown up more like an ESFP had my environment not carved me out in the ways in which it did. What makes us who we are? How much did the nurture affect the nature in my case?
These days, I am more introverted. I just.. there is such a fascinating life that can be lived in quiet and contemplation, and few people seem to live up to the hype that is painted of being social and trying to foster relationships. Maybe it is a hype. Or maybe I cannot compromise well enough, and throw my hands up too quickly.
Sometimes it seems like it comes down to time. I just don't have enough time to live both my inner and outer worlds equally. If I lived as an extrovert, I would never have the time to be and to experience my own consciousness.
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How would you describe yourself?

I don't. I simply find it too hard ><
MBTI classification covers the bare essentials, since that in itself is complex enough...

Do you feel like the you on the inside is accurately portrayed on the outside?

A more helpful idea might be how others describe you. And a few fellow members here have described me a peaceful spirit...but like many here I feel like there is constant "turmoil of thoughtful considerations" underneath my exterior, which finally channels to the surface as "simple". So in answer, to your question yes and no. No because of the turmoil, yes because it's still me. xD

Do you share much of yourself with people and do you feel it's important to do so?
Yes, I like to feel like I don't disappear, so every now and then I keep my support network updated on important details though they might not remember it, heh.

I feel like it's especially important to do so, if someone comes to you for help and you must share your experiences to enlighten them too.

How much of yourself do you just keep for you?

Quite a lot. Maybe not on purpose. Maybe out of fear. I find I certainly keep to myself about who is really giving me the shits, lol.
Do you think you could present a time when you would have acted like yourself but couldnt? What would your real self done vs what you did?

I'm not sure, I'll have to think about that one and get back to you.
So, as introverts we tend to have fairly rich inner lives.

How would you describe yourself? Do you feel like the you on the inside is accurately portrayed on the outside? Do you share much of yourself with people and do you feel it's important to do so?
How much of yourself do you just keep for you?

I think you probably get the gist of what I'm asking.

I find these questions interesting but I dont really know how to answer them
I dont really understand myself or know how to explain it to others. I am private, yet open. I share myself with others if they care to know. I feel it is very important to be self aware and honest, and to engage with others. I keep things for me mainly when i dont understand it enough to articulate it or when i think others are not interested. I dont enjoy talking about myself but i make an effort to in order to understand my own experience better and relate to others. I think the insides are more or less accurately portrayed on the outside. It seems mostly congruent, but there are still some fears i have to work past.

Other than that, being an introvert means i like and appreciate time by myself. I find too much company too often chaotic. I cant think when theres too much going on around me. And then i just seem to space out into some kind of meditative zone and just block out all external stimuli. I like privacy but have learned to go without it. I do genuinely enjoy spending time with others and meeting new people. I dont have any issues in approaching others. Some may think im quiet, other may think im quite talkative. I have never been bored. I find my head very entertaining and sometimes have to make a huge conscious effort to be more engaged with the external world and other people. It helps that i found just about everthing and every person fascinating but sometimes i still get stuck in my head. Additionally, the idea of facebook makes me feel physically sick and i will avoid it for as long as i can. I cant stand being around gossip, it makes my skin crawl. Obligations, particularly social obligations freak me out. As do getting too many emails to write back to, or feeling like i need to in a specific period of time. And i normally feel unimpressed when the phone rings, even though i have worked in customer service for years. Sometimes i hear it ringing and i think, 'make it stop, what do you want from me'
Thank you all for your replies! I have not abandoned thread, just been reading. I suppose it's only fair if I reply myself...I shall do this later.
Well basically, communicating about myself is quite a complex matter most of the time.
But if I had to do it, I would probably say, very introverted and very easily affected by other people's emotions, especially the bad ones.
And most of the time it's other people that put me in a bad mood.
I value my freedom more than anything, and obeying rules and regulations that seem to oppose my need to express my self through action really gives me a headache.
Not good at speaking out most of the time, I try avoiding conflicts like the plague. Rarely simple, mostly complex! :))
Craving personal interaction, but to sheltered to open up.
“How would you describe yourself?” Friendly but quiet individual who comes across much older than he is. Very professional and well put together and chooses his words carefully. Confident in my own abilities but humble to a fault about my accomplishments. Content to observe before making an action to decide the best choice.

“Do you feel like the you on the inside is accurately portrayed on the outside?” Hell no. Is my outside a random construct of ideas, thoughts and emotions? Nope, I portray for the most part a very well put together and professional individual that does not match the cluster of information going on inside my little head.

“Do you share much of yourself with people and do you feel it's important to do so?” Depends on the individual. I share a certain amount with all people and I am a sales person so I have to naturally do some type of sharing. Most of it is service deep that really doesn’t mean much but it puts people at ease and lowers other individuals natural barriers. I do feel it is important to share deeper thoughts and emotions with those close to me but alas I have very few of those so for the most part I keep it to myself but it is very important to have someone to share that with to live a healthy lifestyle.

Plus my family is a very messed up group of individuals who find playing mind games and manipulating others as a form of entertainment so keeping one’s self protected is a must.

“How much of yourself do you just keep for you?” A good portion but I do make a conscious effort to open up and share with others just because I don’t see why I shouldn’t. People can only hurt me if I give them something to hurt me with and there is not much that exists in that department. In fact I think I am more open about my vulnerabilities than I am about my strengths.
How would you describe yourself?
I am not entirely sure sometimes how to describe myself. I think I appear different ways to different people. Sometimes I feel like I am quite literally a different person around some than I am others. This is probably true, and I think it has to do with the energy they give off. Certain peoples energies work well with me and encourage me to be open and free to communicate my thoughts as they come to me. But not very many. Around most people I am very reserved and I just observe, don't talk very much. I feel very detached from the external world the majority of the time. Life feels like being an active participant in a movie sometimes more I'm very sensitive, even if I sometimes appear very hard. An idea or a thought often triggers strong emotions and brings tears to my eyes (and by often I mean this stuff happens daily), but I'm quite good at hiding it or removing myself from people who might see when it happens. I can remember dreaming of knowing someone who I could share every single one of those feelings with, who would understand, or at least just listen and not act completely baffled or confused with a "where the hell did that come from?" sort of look on their face. My husband comes closest to this, but even with him I sometimes hide it.

Do you feel like the you on the inside is accurately portrayed on the outside?
Sometimes I suppose it is. I try very hard to make this so, but I feel like what I "am" changes depending on environment and who is around me. The me I portray on the outside is usually censored/softened for others comfort, or for my own, at least in the initial stages of interacting. Once I've gathered a feel for what seems to be acceptable, or if I care (lol), then I'll act/react accordingly. I think a lot of people get the idea that I am a lot more confident than I actually am, and that I am not very emotional or not very sensitive. Both of those are extremely inaccurate.

Do you share much of yourself with people and do you feel it's important to do so?
I am very open, if I am asked, or if it comes up into relevant conversation. I am more open than others are sometimes comfortable with. I am the kind of person who considers literally almost everything to be up for discussion, other than private relationship/other matters that would breech trust. To me, I feel like I am just being real. If someone asks me something, I assume they are legitimately curious and want to know, or else why would they have asked? So I give details. I want to be a "what you see and hear will be true to how I feel" kind of person. Sometimes this is off putting to people, I can tell immediately when it is and someone doesn't like the impression I've given and/or finds me inappropriate. In a way, this is part of the reason I do it. The people who accept it and still enjoy my company are the ones I want around. Not the ones who don't. I'd rather establish if this is the case right away so I do not waste my time or theirs. The people who become close to me, I want to feel no fear of being myself around. Anything else just does not seem like a worthwhile relationship to have. So yeah, I guess I do find it pretty important. I have no interest in having surface-y relationships with people who don't really want me to know them, or to know me.

How much of yourself do you just keep for you?
Not sure exactly what you mean by this, if this wasn't really what you meant, let me know. I keep the inner most details of my marriage for myself and my husband. I share some of the less personal details with others, but I try to keep it on the DL by large. It is our business and I would not wish to make him feel that his trust or privacy was violated. I keep my most intense emotions and sensitivities to myself. I don't trust others to handle with care the things that are most volatile within me, so they remain my own.
So, as introverts we tend to have fairly rich inner lives.

How would you describe yourself?

I'm fairly centered all around, but I definitely live inside my head.
My inner world is a perfectly organized orbiting cataclysm of thoughts, feelings, ideas, etc.

Meanwhile, outside of all of that, I'm an open,empathic,intelligent young woman. I'm on the quiet side, but I wouldn't exactly say that I'm shy.

Do you feel like the you on the inside is accurately portrayed on the outside?

It's more detailed and complex inside there, than what meets the eye, but I've been getting increasingy proficient at translating such inner modalities into a language most can understand/relate to.

Do you share much of yourself with people and do you feel it's important to do so?

I share as much as I feel comfortable sharing, depending on the person. I can usually tell within about a minute of meeting someone, if that person will ever reach the inner realms of me.

I pesonally feel that with people I become closer to, it's vital for them to know more of me, because that mutal knowledge of self can lead to some fantastic growth, or relalizing that it's time for me to let them go if they can't handle it.

How much of yourself do you just keep for you?

I keep plenty of myself for me : )
I am not a hermit by any means, though I do enjoy my solitude, often in the form of walks in natural areas which tends to help stimulate my Se. Walking at night in an unlit area is one of my favorite things to do because the reduction of external stim allows me to more thoroughly enjoy the playground of my intuition.

There are also times where I get an energy boost from being around others, without necessarily being required to interact. An example of this would be: in a coffee shop with a book and a computer.

Then there are times when I interact with real humans.
I find these questions interesting but I dont really know how to answer them
I dont really understand myself or know how to explain it to others. I am private, yet open. I share myself with others if they care to know. I feel it is very important to be self aware and honest, and to engage with others. I keep things for me mainly when i dont understand it enough to articulate it or when i think others are not interested. I dont enjoy talking about myself but i make an effort to in order to understand my own experience better and relate to others. I think the insides are more or less accurately portrayed on the outside. It seems mostly congruent, but there are still some fears i have to work past.

Other than that, being an introvert means i like and appreciate time by myself. I find too much company too often chaotic. I cant think when theres too much going on around me. And then i just seem to space out into some kind of meditative zone and just block out all external stimuli. I like privacy but have learned to go without it. I do genuinely enjoy spending time with others and meeting new people. I dont have any issues in approaching others. Some may think im quiet, other may think im quite talkative. I have never been bored. I find my head very entertaining and sometimes have to make a huge conscious effort to be more engaged with the external world and other people. It helps that i found just about everthing and every person fascinating but sometimes i still get stuck in my head. Additionally, the idea of facebook makes me feel physically sick and i will avoid it for as long as i can. I cant stand being around gossip, it makes my skin crawl. Obligations, particularly social obligations freak me out. As do getting too many emails to write back to, or feeling like i need to in a specific period of time. And i normally feel unimpressed when the phone rings, even though i have worked in customer service for years. Sometimes i hear it ringing and i think, 'make it stop, what do you want from me'

Get. Out. Of. My. Head. :m131:

I'm new here. I've been studying MBTI for years now. I test back and forth between ENFJ and INFJ. I am an Enneagram Type 2. I think that distorts the I vs. E thing. I'm enjoying this thread.