Introverted thinking.

This big ENTJ boss once said to an audience composed mainly of research engineers most of whom I recon were NTs and I quote: "From now on we must use fact based management ". To which my INTP colleague replied: "So what have we been using until now?" She never did answer the question. The reason I know she was an ENTJ is that my INTJ friend typed her!

My alarm bells are ringing! :D

The INTP is of course correct. What had the ENTJ boss been doing before? Sounds like they were fessing up to being either lazy or incompetent.

I admit, I have considerable difficulties dealing with such Te'I just picked up this good idea!'isms because they just don't make sense. I can sympathise, although you will find this is common to extroverted thinkers to be non-critical of external rationality. Or as I like to call it, how ExTP, ExTJ individual counter-rationalised bad logic.

Introverted thinkers have a problem of stressing under weak logic whilst still trying to defend it when it's really looking sad, it's quite pitiful (he says as an introverted thinker who does this on occasion).
I have more to say but I can't think of the correct way to say it at the moment, I'll probably update in a few hours (or after a few posts.) The reason I want to know this information is because I'm still trying to discriminate between INFJ and INTJ(or TP, but I find that unlikely), and I suspect this well help.

This is 'position depandant' if it lies in the ego or the id.

It is important to allow the id elements of a person relax and destress.

For an INFJ Ti is in the id and therefore they do get stressed out regarding the logical minutae and vent it; therefore they look like they are 'demanding' introverted thinking whilst finding 'hasty disjointed conclusions' repulsive (Fi-PoLR).
By contrast for an INTJ Ti is in the id and therefore they do get stressed out regarding the ethical minutae and vent it; therefore they look like they are 'demanding' introverted feeling whilst finding 'hasty disjointed morality' repulsive (Fe-PoLR).

It's a stress reaction however. Let the people relax and chill and talk to them about it. They'll be happier afterwards.

Eric B had a nice description on this regarding the Beebe descriptions of Trickster/Demon roles/archetypes.

Note! found it: LINK

All INFJs will love that link.
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Change for change's sake is never good and sometimes Tes' need to create change and see instant results runs away with them.

Of course Fe(s) can suffer from the same illusion that we can and have reformed others when it couldn't be further from the truth!!!
Change for change's sake is never good and sometimes Tes' need to create change and see instant results runs away with them.

Of course Fe(s) can suffer from the same illusion that we can and have reformed others when it couldn't be further from the truth!!!

It is important when using our extroverted judging functions that we look into the roots of issues rather than applying a filling when a root canal is required. Fundamental change is always a result of carrying along people through growth rather than through pseudo-jingoist interventionism.

Never a truer word said regarding extroverted rationality.
My take on the difference between Te and Ti with intuition:

Te organises things and people as if they were physical pieces on a chess board and then will attempt to do this in the real world literally. People with over developed Te believe that if they reorganize people physically (eg organisations) that they will reorganize things mentally in people's mind. I worked in an organisation where we had constant reorganisations materminded by NTJs who somehow believed that just by reshuffling the seats and changing a few rules imposed from above the fundamental way in which the organisation functioned would change. When things didn't work they just reorganised things once again and the whole system became more and more inefficient.

Ti creates an abstraction of the external world... then states this is how it is... there is no attempt at any reshaping of the external world using this function in the same way Te does this.

Excellent! I agree. I keep speaking to INTJs on the internet who have political ideas (often communism interestingly) where they think that if they literally just change the structure (wealth redistribution) things will be fair, completely missing the point of how capitalism came about anyway - we made it that way, not deliberately, naturally, and things will go back to their natural order eventually. If you try to change it, you get corruption - but I always wondered if it was a lack of Fe on their part and not understanding human nature as much as they did economics.