Irrelevance of liberal, socialist and communist ideals in the modern world.

Much like unions, some ideas are past having any relevance in the modern world. Though where unions had their time and place, liberal, socialist and communist ideals never have because they simply have never been able to stand on their own in the real world.
Liberal motivation collapses under its own weight. "We want this but we don't know how to make it work. You work for us and figure it out. Do as we say not as we do..." and so on and so on.
In the face of failed ideals such as these, why do the associated irrelevant groups continue to thrive like a festering wound in society? What steps are needed to cauterize the wound and disinfect it so that the world may heal and move on?

Well one way to move on is to stop fixating on the doings of associated irrelevant groups.
What steps are needed to cauterize the wound and disinfect it so that the world may heal and move on?

If you think @Eventhorizon that "liberals" are just going to disappear you are sadly mistaken. 2016 was not a great year for progressives, with Trump and Brexit being the low lights. If you now think that progressives are just going to give up and quietly let Trump do whatever he wants to do, and to whomever he wants to do it to, well you may be more deluded than the starting post of this thread suggests. Expect to challenged intellectually, morally and in every other way possible. Don't ever forget that the tide of history is on our side, not yours. This is a setback but more accurately bump in the road. In the long run, we will come out on top.
Much like unions, some ideas are past having any relevance in the modern world. Though where unions had their time and place, liberal, socialist and communist ideals never have because they simply have never been able to stand on their own in the real world.
Liberal motivation collapses under its own weight. "We want this but we don't know how to make it work. You work for us and figure it out. Do as we say not as we do..." and so on and so on.
In the face of failed ideals such as these, why do the associated irrelevant groups continue to thrive like a festering wound in society? What steps are needed to cauterize the wound and disinfect it so that the world may heal and move on?
I agree. I often feel like one of the only conservative Intuitives on the face of this earth. Especially as an INFJ...
I agree. I often feel like one of the only conservative Intuitives on the face of this earth. Especially as an INFJ...
Really? My experience is that it's not that intuitives are conservative. I myself am not conservative. It's just that they are highly aware, highly conscious beings that understand liberal ideology simply cannot exist in the real world. Like real magic, conguring things out of thin air also does not exist. It's a matter of supporting half sane ideas over insane ideas and it's why aware thinking people don't drink the coolaid so to speak and vote liberal.
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kind of a violent solution to ideas that people don't agree with don't you think?

Come to think of it, this is a superb book title for the history of humanity
Really? My experience is that it's not that intuitives are conservative. I myself am not conservative. It's just that they are highly aware, highly conscious beings that understand liberal ideology simply cannot exist in the real world. Like real magic, conguring things out of thin air also does not exist. It's a matter of supporting half sane ideas over insane ideas and it's why aware thinking people don't drink the coolaid so to speak and vote liberal.
Absolutely, I agree.
But, I'm speaking especially in the terms of being an INFJ. It is quite rare to find an INFJ who is not a Marxist, or at least a liberal.
What exactly does Charlton Heston have to do with this conversation? Or is it that he is laughing?
Conservatives have their own set of issues I don't agree with. As I have stated before I'd rather have half a plate of crazy than a full plate.
Really? My experience is that it's not that intuitives are conservative. I myself am not conservative. It's just that they are highly aware, highly conscious beings that understand liberal ideology simply cannot exist in the real world. Like real magic, conguring things out of thin air also does not exist. It's a matter of supporting half sane ideas over insane ideas and it's why aware thinking people don't drink the coolaid so to speak and vote liberal.

Conservative ideology can not exist in reality either. The world is constantly changing. Stasis (conservation) is not the way to survive a changing world.
Conservative ideology can not exist in reality either. The world is constantly changing. Stasis (conservation) is not the way to survive a changing world.
Not fully. I'll give you that. It's just that one is half in the real world while the other exists completely outside of it.
I disagree with this. Liberalism is something different than what its morphed into today. So is conservatism.
When we speak of it, I am referring to it's its present form.
When we speak of it, I am referring to it's its present form.

In that case, both have deformed into extreme popularity contests. Politics is now nothing more than talking points, lip service and fear mongering. I don't see any reason liberals are "worse" or "more terrifying" than conservatives. They are both extremely deluded; both buy into this extreme bipartisanship. Much like you have.
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