Is it possible...?

I'm starting to know myself well that way. It didn't deserve all that. I didn't deserve all that. The goal being, go to people again. The right ones this time.
I'm starting to know myself well that way. It didn't deserve all that. I didn't deserve all that. The goal being, go to people again. The right ones this time.

I'm sorry if this is a crude or seemingly flippant analogy but when you go to buy new shoes how do you find the ones that fit you?
Simple and comfy. A bit flippant.

yeah it was

But we can only know things by trying them

The point being that we have to equipe ourselves with a philosophical mindset or life can crush us
Only pieces of them then, because dreams don't go away that easily. You're pretty flippant :smile:

I think we are here in this reality to have a life experience

Am i flippant or do i just realise that one day i will be dead and this particular life experience will have ended?

I can dwell on things excessively or i can process them and then keep on flowing