[INFJ] Is Political Difference A Deal Breaker?

The thought of a partner, who is convinced that I am a sexist, privileged oppressor seems appealing... it takes the pressure of unrealistically high expectations off.
No, it wouldn't be a deal breaker. Although, there would be many heated political arguments followed by a lot of angry hate sex.
I guess to me, there's a big difference between political orientation and ethical. The law and/or politics is ultimately a practical enterprise, whereas ethics uncompromisingly asks about what ought to be. I would find it interesting to ask: what if two partners had convergent ethical views and divergent political attitudes. Then this becomes more of a difference of "what appears to be the best way of implementing my ideal ethics in this far-from-ideal world, given we can't wait to have all the data perfectly before deciding, as the world doesn't stop for that?"

I could imagine differences of ethics to be pretty contentious and difficult to overcome, but differences of political orientation should be things two partners could overcome.
hush said:
This be me too. I've actually seemed to become increasingly weary over views that are too stubbornly focused on one extreme, without allowing any consideration for different beliefs. Pretty much, just think critically, don't be overly biased, accept that you and your views aren't infallible, and don't get lost in vilifying opposing views so much so that it makes attempting to have any sort of reasonable discussion nearly impossible.

This is more or less where I'm coming from too; I guess my take is that there are some things we are pretty sure of, and some things we're much less sure of. I'm wary of anyone too sure of practical issues. On ideal matters like mathematics, it's fairer to feel confident!

It's not even to me necessarily a question of being infallible so much as that I'm not convinced there is an objective answer in political situations, because half the issue is you're forced to act whether you like it or not. No matter how unreasonable people are being.
Of course even if there's an objective answer, the forced decision-making does render one much more prone to error.
My gf is a republican one day and democrat the next. I appreciate cognitive fluidity and openness more than anything. I think I'd just get bored being with an extremist tbh. You are set in your ways, very dull.

My best friend and my father whom I love both voted for Trump. I did not.
No, it wouldn't be a deal breaker. Although, there would be many heated political arguments followed by a lot of angry hate sex.

I've had that, when asked what kinda sex I enjoy, I say '' Angry sex.'' I can tell a lot about a person by their reaction to that statement.


Good times, good times.
My gf is a republican one day and democrat the next. I appreciate cognitive fluidity and openness more than anything. I think I'd just get bored being with an extremist tbh. You are set in your ways, very dull.

My best friend and my father whom I love both voted for Trump. I did not.

I do exactly what your gf does. I think people (on this forum) would be surprised to know that I am not a Democrat, although I did switch my party so that I could vote democratic in the primary (Sanders). I hold many conservative views, and some not so conservative. I do not like labeling myself as X, Y, or Z. I have my opinions and they do not fit in with any one party. And why should they? They should ditch this ridiculous system and let people vote for who they really want without the consideration of a stupid label that was forced upon them. I can tell you now, if that was the way we did things, Trump would not be pres-elect. And neither would Clinton...

This election wasn't about politics. It was about human decency, respect and kindness, love versus hate...

DJT represents the ugliness deep within people. He has pulled it right to the surface and has given it the okay to be released with no consequence. He will change the world and leave his mark for sure, but not in any way that will benefit us for better.