Is the Confederate Flag racist?


I would say that spells it out in plain English​

I would say that spells it out in plain English​

Never mind that colonial Europe fucked up everything long before this.

It's really sad that the ones who suffered the most abuse are the ones who had to capitulate and integrate into the invaders. Not just in the United States but on nearly every continent.

The locals would try killing the invaders, for examples the Pueblo Revolt, Boxer Rebellion, The 26 Martyrs of Japan, etc. but later they capitulated and agreed to peace meanwhile the invaders act all smug and waste no time abusing the new hospitality and planting themselves as the eventual superior owners of the fucking territory - those savages couldn't use it right anyway.

Talk about crushed dignity? More than half the world is held together solely by the graceful peace efforts of indigenous peoples and Asia in general who so kindly opened themselves to actual invaders and allowed their ways to be changed. There was a fucking reason that they killed the Christian missionaries and white people at first - because they were trying to take over. In many cases they did take over. I wouldn't find it the slightest bit hypocritical if they continued to execute invaders given how smug and entitled they act after effectively beating the locals into submission and forcing their presence to be tolerated for the rest of time.
So a random shooter just happened to know that a senator would be in that church? In the same city that the original American Civil War started?


Then within a couple days, the Confederate flag is a big center of debate.

In 1987, when Hillary's husband was governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton signed Act 116 that stated “The blue star above the word “ARKANSAS” is to commemorate the Confederate States of America.

I wonder why it's convenient now for the flag to be a dividing factor?

It's called Hegelian Dialectic, and the State doesn't have any power unless there are problems like these, of course!

Here's a clip from 1996 foreshadowing 9/11:


Now here's a clip foreshadowing the use of frequencies on cell phones to help incite a mass scale Manchurian candidate scenario (guess where? In the south): (note: please only watch up until the point he pulls out the gun - it's gross and full of negative energy)


Are you for the Confederate flag? Or against it? Guess what?? As long as you pick a side, you've done exactly what they want. Stop falling for Hegelian Dialectic. Hollywood tried to vilify "Source" with the matrix movies -- we are all from the same source, and any division that they try to point out brings more of the illusion that we're not connected and that we're not part of the same source. Love your neighbor - they're you! :)

Edit - And the guy's name just happens to be Dylann STORM ROOF? As in, what happens when the storm roof breaks? Hilarious! :)

That was a seriously righteous scene in that movie. I will watch it again just for that. Who has not wanted to see this exact thing happen to the Westborough Baptist church?
This is my personal observation. Perhaps there has been a successful agenda to make the confederate flag a symbol of racism. We all know the victors of war write the history of that war. Perhaps the flag represented something substantial at one point but over the years was overshadowed by what else it stood for. Either way its been how many years since the civil war ended and this flag is still being flown why? We dont fly the flag of tbe 13 colonies any more. Few people fly the British flag here. Why exactly is the confederate flag so prominent in the south?

Further, I live in a strange part of Virginia called northern va. Here we have mixture of rednecks (though they are being pushed further and further south) and ummm...other people. I come into contact with people flying the confederate flag often enough. ..more so in the past. I have never thought of any of those people as being of average intelligence. You dont see teachers, scientists, government workers flying the flag or displaying it. You see it on trucks with big tires almost always.
Whether the flag represented something different when it was relevant. .. it represents something very clearly now. I dislike the idea that any inanimate object can hold such power of influence but theres no denying it.
I simply dont care if it goes away or not. For me its just a marker of the people I have no interest in communicating with.

I know what you're saying, but that is exactly what I'm saying that they intend for you/us to feel - hatred towards another. How do I know that if I wasn't brought up in that community I wouldn't say or think the same as them? It's confusion/illusion that divides people. Name-calling, violence, hatred -- these will not help anyone out of their confusion.

When a child is being really whiny and bratty, it would seem easier just to slap them or beat them into behaving better -- it takes MORE strength to be loving and patient towards them; responding with love rather than with impatience and wrath.

My hope is that people will come out of their confusion with love and understanding, rather than turn to violence and hatred and create more confusion.

Shouldn’t this be the Confederate flag?​
Okay…maybe that was too mean.

I know what you're saying, but that is exactly what I'm saying that they intend for you/us to feel - hatred towards another. How do I know that if I wasn't brought up in that community I wouldn't say or think the same as them? It's confusion/illusion that divides people. Name-calling, violence, hatred -- these will not help anyone out of their confusion.

When a child is being really whiny and bratty, it would seem easier just to slap them or beat them into behaving better -- it takes MORE strength to be loving and patient towards them; responding with love rather than with impatience and wrath.

My hope is that people will come out of their confusion with love and understanding, rather than turn to violence and hatred and create more confusion.

I do not disagree with the foundation of what you are saying here.
The best case scenario is that humans could somehow figure out a way to live together in peace and understanding. Lets face it though, thats not going to happen anytime soon. This doesn't mean we shouldn't stop trying of course.
And the of course there are those people of whom no amount of hugs, kind words or attempted communication will ever work on. Thats the other thing we need to recognize. Sometimes theres simply no fix no matter how hard you try.
"If your identity is so fragile that it depends on pride in a symbol of a shameful, unsuccessful 150-year-old rebellion fought over the right to own other human beings, then I have no ideas on how to fix you.

News flash: You CAN have pride in your heritage without embracing the one thing those ancestors really, really fucked up.
The rest of the world manages it every single day.

For instance, in the US, most of us live on land that used to belong to Native Americans.
of us would not live here if our ancestors had not, somewhere along the line, either committed or benefited from genocide.

Am I proud of that?
Hell no.

Do I fly Custer's battle flag?
Of course not.

See how easy that is?
But then, it isn't really about the heritage, is it?

It's about a heritage of racism - the idea, enforced with help of the government until just a few decades ago, that less melanin = a better person.

That's it.

End of list.
The rest of us see it.

The only ones you're fooling now are yourselves."

Shouldn’t this be the Confederate flag?​


I think this whole thread and saying people need to be "educated about history" so we blindly accept your idiotic reasoning for wanting to "appreciate" the rebel flag is a bunch of horse flavored bullshit.

We know the history. You are trying to force-feed us your horrible excuse for flying your flag.

Look, fly whatever flag you want because that is your right as an American. That is your right that the military that yall CONSTANTLY bash fight for every day, so you can fly your racist flag if you so choose to do it. Enjoy that freedom that was given to.

But DO NOT try to "school" us on the history of that flag and why it's image is tainted. Some of us know far more about its history that what you're pawning off.
There were slaves in the Union, too. Just saying. Take prayer out of school started all this. Let's get rid of this and that. I'm feel bad about the killings. Can't help but to wonder if he was put up to it by someone.

There are a lot of people being mistreated in Iraq by Muslims right now. Want to throw away the crescent moon and star? This is how ignorant this all sounds to me.

My own Mother picked cotton. My wife's Dad, too. We picked whatever it was the season for picking. They worked as many hours as any slave. When you farmed, you were up before dawn and worked til dark outside.

To fight this, someone went into a church where people were studying the Bible and praying together. That must sound ignorant to some of you out there. That is what we do in the South.
There were slaves in the Union, too. Just saying. Take prayer out of school started all this. Let's get rid of this and that. I'm feel bad about the killings. Can't help but to wonder if he was put up to it by someone.

There are a lot of people being mistreated in Iraq by Muslims right now. Want to throw away the crescent moon and star? This is how ignorant this all sounds to me.

My own Mother picked cotton. My wife's Dad, too. We picked whatever it was the season for picking. They worked as many hours as any slave. When you farmed, you were up before dawn and worked til dark outside.

To fight this, someone went into a church where people were studying the Bible and praying together. That must sound ignorant to some of you out there. That is what we do in the South.

I see your point, but I respectfully disagree.

Muslim customs and religion are still current in today's modern society. Taking away their star and moon would be like taking away a Christian's cross. The Confederates are a part of history, but not modern society. What is ignorant to me is someone waving a confederate flag and saying stuff like "the south will rise again."
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Go ahead and skirt the issue by pinning things on other people, arguing that the "other side" is equally guilty and comparing yourself to slaves. Like this tactic isn't predictable and been used a bajillion times. Very typical. Next you'll be saying you have black friends.
Go ahead and skirt the issue by pinning things on other people, arguing that the "other side" is equally guilty and comparing yourself to slaves. Like this tactic isn't predictable and been used a bajillion times. Very typical. Next you'll be saying you have black friends.


Yeah isn't it fucking hilarious how that works? Like the guy up here the other month that hung up a Confederate battle flag and NOOSES ffs.

A suburban Detroit business owner and his wife who hung Confederate flags and nooses on their property insist that anyone who sees the actions as racist is “stupid.”

“I am not a racist,” Robert Tomanovich, owner of Robert’s Discount Tree Service in Livonia, Mich., told the Daily News Monday night.

“I know black guys, I have black friends. We’re all laughing at this stupidity. Do you know how many white guys were hung back in the day? This isn’t racist. But all of a sudden it’s out of control.”

Tomanovich, along with his wife, Lindy, and an unnamed coworker, said the flags and nooses are in no way related to race. Lindy said her husband just likes the way the flags look, and the noose was in honor of a friend who hanged himself.

"There's no crime in hanging a noose," she said.

Seriously people need to come up with better excuses.
Go ahead and skirt the issue by pinning things on other people, arguing that the "other side" is equally guilty and comparing yourself to slaves. Like this tactic isn't predictable and been used a bajillion times. Very typical. Next you'll be saying you have black friends.

To fight this, someone went into a church where people were studying the Bible and praying together. That must sound ignorant to some of you out there. That is what we do in the South.
To fight this, someone went into a church where people were studying the Bible and praying together. That must sound ignorant to some of you out there. That is what we do in the South.

To fight what?
Explain yourself now.

Everyone has the right to be a total douchebag asshole racist piece of shit alive….but NO ONE has the right to take a life over it.
I don’t care what back-woods idiotic banging your head into a brick wall again and again mentality the south has, it doesn’t make it right.
You should quit and STFU while you have some remaining face.
To fight this, someone went into a church where people were studying the Bible and praying together. That must sound ignorant to some of you out there. That is what we do in the South.

What does that even mean? Since when does the South have a monopoly on church-going?
You're right, it does sound ignorant.
What does that even mean? Since when does the South have a monopoly on church-going?
You're right, it does sound ignorant.

Figure it out.