Is the Confederate Flag racist?

Me: "Both sides were pretty shitty"
You: "Well the North was shitty and continues to be shitty"
Just dropping this here...


The misconception that the south eastern the only place in the world that slavery was practiced is such a lie and a travesty of where blame should be applied worldwide and especially up north in America,where they were up to their eyeballs in slavery themselves.The slave ships that sailed to northern Africa and anchored off shore to wait on the black slave traders to row their captives(white,black,middle eastern,asian,etc.,etc.) out to these boats were built in New York Harbor where they sailed to Africa and returned to New York Harbor,not anywhere in the southern states,to New York where they were put on the auction block and sold to the highest bidders.The farce that we have been indoctrinated with every since the War of Northern Aggression,and continues to this day,needs to be unveiled by doing our own true research of history and what really happened and was the cause of this terrible war.Itwas about taxation without representation and states rights,it was not about slavery.Let me meake myself clear,I do not condone slavery of any fashion period!It is an abomination of the worst degree and should never happen to anyone or anything.But this nonsense thats been going on for over 150 years needs to be corrected with the truth and not the socialist spin if we are to ever truly put an end to the lies.How many know that England did not stop all of its slavery practices until 1922,57 years after the war?Why then is there no outrage against the Union Jack red,white,and blue English Flag?Brazil was the worst in history,along with Spain,Potugal,Asia,and the Middle East.Some of these countries are still practicing slavery today!There are statements in our National Archives from Abraham Lincoln that were obviously racial statements:“I dont believe that blacks should serve on any jury or in any supervisory position."He also planned to deport all slaves after he"freed" them.He tried sending some to Central America and they told him they didnt want them.The jist of the matter is,the truth needs to be told and put to rest once and for all,and we all need to do our own research away from our history books that have been altered for the last 100 years,from slanted academic indoctrination,hollywood,or the worthless media today.There are great books on the truth: "The Politically Incorrect History of The South”,and “Black Rednecks and White Liberals,by Mr. Thomas Sowell—who by the way—is a very prominent black scholar.Do history and yourselves a huge faveor and read the truth for once about this part of our history.
I think this is a good example. In the news when we hear of ISIS and radical Muslim actions we NEVER see Muslim leaders stepping foward and condemning their actions or the people themselves. Its always someone who has studied Islam from afar. Never the leaders and in my mind this means the leaders condone their actions. Its the same with the Confederate flag. Where are our leaders stepping foward saying no, the flag doesnt represent slavery represents a states right to whatever and those people who fly it for any other reason are misguided, wrong and racist. We dont see that. No rational intelligent person is stepping foward to tell anyone they have the flags meaning wrong and are completely off base with the idea it has anything to do with past slavery.
So I am sorry but yeah if no one is coming foward to tell everyone how we have the confederate flag all wrong I am inclined to believe we dont.
The confederate flag needs to stay in the history books just like the swastika but I do not see it as having any other good place in the world.
One freedom at a time...
One freedom at a time...

Did they stop you from flying it?
Is it illegal now?
Let’s stop this stupid farce…your article three post above that reads - “Copied…”, is an opinion piece.

These are skewed “facts”.

Yeah, blacks fought in the Confederate army because they had no choice….I’m sure they signed right up for that one.
In this post -
I have provided direct quotes from the states and the southern government that clearly spell out that it was indeed about slavery.
Did they stop you from flying it?
Is it illegal now?...

I see your point. But while it's not illegal there's starting to be a disturbing atmosphere of blackballing going on. For example the cop who tweeted a pic of himself wearing confederate flag boxers (admittedly a stupid thing to do, especially considering the climate), and was promptly fired. But sometimes the line between illegal and blackballing becomes immaterial if times have become heavily censorious. I don't like censorship coming from either side is my only point. Not here to laud the confederate flag.
See I can post opinion pieces too!
(Except mine seems to have a few more facts? hmmm)

Graham Is Right; Confederate Flag Represents the Racist and the Treasonous


On Sunday a South Carolina member of the United States Senate actually did something mind boggling and inadvertently uttered a very truthful statement regarding the Confederate flag at the center of a fair amount of debate.

Lindsey Graham was attempting to explain why South Carolinians love their symbol of white supremacy and treason against the United States when he said of the Confederate flag, “it’s who we are.”

Whether Graham knew it or not, and it is highly likely he did, when he said “we” he meant racists, traitors, and anti-Americans across the former Confederacy, the Republican Party, and of course mass murderer who killed nine innocent African Americans, Dylann Roof.

After images emerged of murderous Confederate Dylann Roof posing with the symbol of “who we are,” there has been a steady call for South Carolina to remove the Confederate flag from the state capitol grounds.

The pressure and negative publicity finally incited to South Carolina’s Republican Governor Nikki Haley to announce it was time to remove the symbol of hate and treason.
In her press conference, Haley acknowledged that ‘some people’ felt the white supremacist symbol was inappropriate and sought to praise the sentiment behind flying the flag above the Stars and Stripes she ordered lowered to half-mast.

Haley said, “The (Confederate) flag stands for traditions that are noble–traditions of history, of heritage, and of ancestry. The hate-filled murderer in no way reflects the people in our state who respect and in many ways revere it. Those South Carolinians view the flag as a symbol of respect, integrity, and duty. They also see it as a way to honor ancestors who came to the service of their state during time of conflict. That is not hate. Nor is it racism.”

Haley is so full of bovine excrement and desperate to sate the hate of racist Confederates that she thought pretending to honor a symbol of white supremacy is not racist, and dared characterize racist traitors waging war against their country as honorable people coming to the service of their state.

They were not serving their state, they were trying to destroy the United States of America to preserve owning dark-skinned human beings and to any real American that is not honorable, it is white supremacy and treason.

It is also a sentiment that persists in 2015 throughout the former Confederacy that, if not making blatant calls for secession and a second Civil War, is attempting to nullify federal laws enacted because Americans elected an African American man as President; something that Republicans as a group cannot countenance and spent the past six years trying to undo.

It is why when Lindsey Graham said the Confederate flag “is who we are,” he meant racist Republicans and teabaggers as much as he meant South Carolinians and racist conservatives living in states still loyal to the treasonous Confederacy.

Nearly a week after a true and loyal Confederate racist brutally murdered nine innocent African Americans worshipping in a building they assumed was a safe sanctuary from Confederates, and after several days of negative publicity and pressure, both Governor Haley and Senator Graham suddenly think that maybe a symbol of treason and racism is not playing well with decent Americans. However, in the past, both Governor Haley and Graham defended keeping the racist flag in a prominent position atop the South Carolina state house.

In 2000 in the New York Times Lindsey Graham said, “There is a guy out there named Bubba. He grew up when public schools got integrated. He goes to work every day. There are women and African-Americans in the workplace and he’s fine with that, but he thinks the whole world is against him and has rights he doesn’t have. He thinks the flag is the last thing he has going for him and he’s not going to take it down. I don’t want to step on Bubba’s feelings. There are no groups sticking up for the Bubbas of the world.”

For the past six years with an African American man as President, Republicans and other racist white supremacist groups have been sticking up for the racist Bubbas in America and their efforts were repaid last week when a typical Southern “Bubba” named Dylann Roof who viewed the Confederate flag as “the last thing going for him” shot and killed nine African Americans that many, many Confederate racists are “fine with,” or they would not defend flying a flag denoting white supremacy and treason.

Graham was not alone in defending the Confederate symbol of racist hate and treason against the United States.
In November 1999, then-state Sen. Joe (you lie) Wilson railed against the those who called for removing the traitorous and racist flag saying, “That’s offensive to me that they would take my heritage and make it into a Holocaust era-type description. I find that very offensive, and it’s not true. The Southern heritage, the Confederate heritage is very honorable.”

That so-called “honorable” heritage nearly rent America in two, killed over 750,000 Americans, and created a discriminatory environment for African Americans that persists to this day.

Another South Carolina Republican who now serves as the state legislature’s majority leader, State Senator Harvey Peeler, warned that “Race relations will not be the same in this state if you take that flag down, the rebels would yell!”

At least Peeler inclined toward denoting the flag as a racist symbol that will not bode well for African Americans if it is removed.
He also misrepresented a bunch of current anti-American traitors Peeler chose to call “rebels.”

Waging war on the United States of America was beyond a “rebellion,” it was an active and incredibly despicable attempt to destroy the nation, and that “enemy” flag, as Republican and South Carolinian Lindsey Graham rightly said “is who we are.”

It is telling that the so-called proud Southern heritage of racism and treason that flag represents is being vigorously defended by The Sons of Confederate Veterans.
The descendants of racist white supremacists and traitors are rallying to preserve the presence of the Confederate flag on South Carolina’s state capitol on Facebook.

Even as decent, non-racist Americans are expressing their abject disgust that many Southerners, and nearly all Republicans, are defending and clinging to a symbol of treason, anti-American sentiment, and racism, neo-Confederates are glorifying the reminder of the South’s shame in the aftermath of a Confederate’s shooting spree that killed nine African Americans in their place of worship.

What most Southern pride Confederates cannot accept is decent Americans expecting them to do what would be considered “honorable and dignified” as American citizens; admit that South Carolina and the Confederate states were wrong to secede in the defense of slavery, wrong in waging a treasonous war of aggression against the United States of America, and despicably racist in raising the Confederate flag in 1962 as a defiant response to the Civil Rights movement.

Sadly, that defiance, white supremacy, and treason still exists throughout the South and the Republican movement that the people electing an African American man as President unwittingly exposed in 2008 and again in 2012.

That flag is not now, and never has been, a symbol of remembrance of the Confederacy’s war dead, or a symbol of noble traditions of history, heritage, or ancestry.
It is, in fact, an enduring expression of 19th Century white supremacy and treason, and 20th-century (and counting) racism and outrage against decent Americans who believed in their heart of hearts that African Americans deserve the equality guaranteed to all citizens in the United States Constitution.

On Sunday last whether he realized it or not, Senator Lindsey Graham actually uttered the truth when he said that symbol of racism and treason, the Confederate flag, represents “whwe are,” and the “we” are neo-confederate Republicans, teabaggers, and mass murderer Dylann Roof.

I see your point. But while it's not illegal there's starting to be a disturbing atmosphere of blackballing going on. For example the cop who tweeted a pic of himself wearing confederate flag boxers (admittedly a stupid thing to do, especially considering the climate), and was promptly fired. But sometimes the line between illegal and blackballing becomes immaterial if times have become heavily censorious. I don't like censorship coming from either side is my only point. Not here to laud the confederate flag.

I think people should be able to fly it.
But the fact is, at this stage in the development and (misguided though it is) progressive nature of society has decided to shun what the flag has come to represent in popular culture today.
So I don’t feel sorry for them at all…just because it was once okay with the Greeks to have sex with young boys doesn’t mean that times and minds don’t change.
You are asking to be ostracized for the flag right now because of the racial tension in this country…it’s sucks, but that’s reality.
People still have the right to fly it…but you can’t aways control popular opinion.

Just about every flag is somehow a symbol of respect, integrity and duty. How generic can they be? That's so much whitewash that it's absurd.

If that's all it really means to them then there's like a few hundred other symbols to choose from. Those ideas are so damn generic we might as well invent an ACME brand for it.
It's also freedom of speech.

Well there is that. And from that perspective I would have to side with those wanting to fly it. However we would also have to say the Nazi flag is free speech as well.


Just about every flag is somehow a symbol of respect, integrity and duty. How generic can they be? That's so much whitewash that it's absurd.

If that's all it really means to them then there's like a few hundred other symbols to choose from. Those ideas are so damn generic we might as well invent an ACME brand for it.

It doesn’t matter…even if they came up with some new “memorial flag” representing your above ascribed ideals…the problem is the Civil War was about slavery and will always be associated with it.
I don’t know why they need a fucking flag at all?
Why does the US NEED a flag?
The whole concept is outdated…first on the battlefields so you know who to kill, then on ships, then to make claims to land.
Those are all things of the past.
I understand the sentimentality people feel and the patriotism that was ground into the heads of the baby-boomers and their parents.
But you don’t need a flag to reflect on why you like where you live.
Most people only know that the stars represent the states…they don’t even know the rest of the symbolism….why?
Because they barely teach it…probably as a single paragraph…it's obsolete now.
Humans and their symbols...
Well there is that. And from that perspective I would have to side with those wanting to fly it. However we would also have to say the Nazi flag is free speech as well.


And here in the US you can fly the Swastika…it will get you arrested in France or Germany…we are quite free.
(at least in that regard)
It doesn’t matter…even if they came up with some new “memorial flag” representing your above ascribed ideals…the problem is the Civil War was about slavery and will always be associated with it.
I don’t know why they need a fucking flag at all?
Why does the US NEED a flag?
The whole concept is outdated…first on the battlefields so you know who to kill, then on ships, then to make claims to land.
Those are all things of the past.
I understand the sentimentality people feel and the patriotism that was ground into the heads of the baby-boomers and their parents.
But you don’t need a flag to reflect on why you like where you live.
Most people only know that the stars represent the states…they don’t even know the rest of the symbolism….why?
Because they barely teach it…probably as a single paragraph…it's obsolete now.

Well I see the US flag as a representation of many good things. I take some measure of pride from the ideal it represents. Do we need it? Likely not but does it represent something? Yes in my mind it does.
Well I see the US flag as a representation of many good things. I take some measure of pride from the ideal it represents. Do we need it? Likely not but does it represent something? Yes in my mind it does.

And I get that.
I wouldn’t try to do away with it or anything.
My Dad was all about the flag…I understand the viewpoint very well.

I’m not saying that they should ban the Confederate flag…just not fly it on state capitol grounds.
It’s not a flag of the United States.