I'm interested in hearing forum members thoughts on this subject. It doesn't matter what religion/church. Please describe your experience as a child, as a parent or both.
I grew up forced to go to a Christian Church (nondenominational, but very traditional ... attend Sunday School and then the Sermon.) I hated it. Sermons equaled drawing practice on the back of tithing envelopes and getting knocked over by a little old lady's rose perfume. My parents would bribe myself and my siblings with Duncan Donuts. The concept of religion was something I understood, but I did not understand "spirituality" until my later teens. I place more importance on spirituality than religion, thus making all the forced church attendance pointless. I know I'm completely neglecting the fact that MY parents may have had a need to attend church.
Here I am contemplating the thought of doing what my parents did to me ... to my own children. However, their experience may be far different than mine. A friend has invited me to attend her church. Nontraditional, nondenominational. As a parent, it is my duty to expose them to things in order to forum opinions based on their experience. Hmmm I think I just answered my own question

I LOVE THAT! However, I still would like to hear your thoughts.