Johari/Nohari window!

On the Johari side, there is nothing I think of myself that others do not know. That
@aeon I will as well, since you're setting a precedent. I haven't looked at mine for a while and I seemed to have emassed a good level of data. Like you, very little of this surprises me very much at all. There were some interesting nuggets though.

As for the Johari window, the top trait (which I did not choose for myself) is intelligent. While I do regard myself as this (hence little surprise), I didn't see it as a top trait in a sense, I saw the ones I listed as the most promiant. Observent, reflective, and complex are the most mutually agreed upon in that respect. I am however, surprised at how broad I am seen as. There are general overlaps, but a few of the words I am kind of surprised in how others see it.

As for the Nohari window, little surprises me here either. Inflexible is the highest one, and I reconize that in myself. I do not like change at all, and I am very very resistant to it. I will bend, but I require a lot of pressure and time before I will do so. Overdramatic doesn't surprise me either. I try very hard to regulate it, but I can over react in an emotional manner when I see something as being overtly wrong in some way. I am a bit suprised no one has seen lethargic or embaressed. Mind you I have really worked through my embaressment over the past year, and it is becoming almost a non issue for me now. I think I might remove that from my list. Lethargic perhaps is just me holding myself to very high standards of what it means to have the capacity to work and not need rest. There are only two or three that others see in me that I have a hard time agreeing with. Although for a few, I can see how I might be seen as that in individual cases.
OK, I'll play too. Mine's been out there for years now and I'm sure I've probably changed some over that time, but the feedback I get has stayed pretty consistent. I find that interesting.

On the Johari, the only dominant trait defined for me is reflective. It's a trait known to me and to others. There's a lot of variety in the other traits chosen for me by people, but it seems to paint a similar picture. While these traits may not specifically pull words I also chose, in general it doesn't surprise me or seem out of step with my self-assessment. I think I am uncomfortable with labeling myself positively, but it does fit into some uncomfortable aware spot when I see it reflected back to me through other assessment.

On Nohari, dominant traits are insecure and irrational. The insecure part, I'm very aware of. I admit though, I've been surprised by the dominance of people who have chosen irrational for me. While I've never thought of myself as particularly logical (what's the difference between rational and logical? I'll have to look that up), I do feel curious about what in my presentation screams irrational so loudly. :)
I'd share but only one person did my johari/nohari so it's not really public opinion yet. :)
On the Johari side, there is nothing I think of myself that others do not know. That’s a good thing, I feel. And while I think I am silly, few people have said I was, and that makes sense given I filter a lot of that out online. That said, two dominant traits emerged that are/were in my blind spot - loving and wise. The only other traits that have any traction are accepting and caring. All other traits have a handful of votes at best.

Johari: 59 votes
  • 81% of people agree that AeonIan is complex
  • 54% of people agree that AeonIan is idealistic
  • 91% of people agree that AeonIan is intelligent
  • 57% of people think that AeonIan is loving
  • 76% of people agree that AeonIan is reflective
  • 55% of people think that AeonIan is wise

On the Nohari side, there is nothing I think of myself that others do not know. That’s a good thing too, I feel. People did recognize my glum and unhappy, but not nearly as often as they described me as aloof, which became a dominant trait.

Nohari: 20 votes
  • 60% of people think that AeonIan is aloof
  • 90% of people agree that AeonIan is withdrawn
  • 65% of people agree that AeonIan is distant
  • 65% of people agree that AeonIan is passive
  • 85% of people agree that AeonIan is overdramatic

Given the influence of certain aspects of my personality and neurology, the above makes total sense to me. And hehe, on that Oldham personality test I got “dramatic, mercurial, and sensitive,” so the overdramatic pulling an 85% makes sense too.


Would anyone else care to share how they see their results? Is your self-image in line with how others see you, and if so, to what degree? What do others see in you that is in your blind spot? What do they not perceive in you that you can see? What are your dominant traits, and do you think they are accurate? How many votes for each window?


So I took a look at your johari, and I found a few odd things:
  • you have 59 votes, which is vastly greater than the 2nd largest here
  • most of your votes are by "anonymous" voters, which is strange in a johari since people complimenting you are willing to expose who they are. This is evident in the ratio of anonymous/identified votes of the other participants in this thread.
  • You're the only one who posted their results
Hmmm, I haven't Looked at my Johari/Nohari Windows in a while.

If any of you who haven't done mine want to do so (or add to it under a different name), they are indicated in my signature.
So I took a look at your johari, and I found a few odd things:
  • you have 59 votes, which is vastly greater than the 2nd largest here
  • most of your votes are by "anonymous" voters, which is strange in a johari since people complimenting you are willing to expose who they are. This is evident in the ratio of anonymous/identified votes of the other participants in this thread.
  • You're the only one who posted their results

He must have a lot of friends that are are very insecure of how they think of others! Or, a different conclusion that was insinuated by someone.
So I took a look at your johari, and I found a few odd things:
  • you have 59 votes, which is vastly greater than the 2nd largest here
  • most of your votes are by "anonymous" voters, which is strange in a johari since people complimenting you are willing to expose who they are. This is evident in the ratio of anonymous/identified votes of the other participants in this thread.
  • You're the only one who posted their results

My N/J windows have been open for years at this point, and the posts there reflect the contributions of 6 different forums, 4 of which were/are dedicated to personality typing, and 2 that had a rule when doing N/J that contributions had to be anonymous.

As to me being the only one who has posted, indeed, this is true. I found it interesting, and I was likely doing my hyperfocus thing.

If it seemed I was doing it to self-promote, or put myself in the limelight, all I can say is that when I do the enneagram, Type 3 is my lowest score. :wink:

Oright, so upon request, I made mine. I am really curious as to what are your impressions of me. Even if you don't know me well, give it a shot. =) I appreciate it.

Odyne's Johari

Odyne's Nohari

Bumpity for the new people.

Feel free to make ones for yourselves as well. :]
Post the links here if you're interested in getting feedback.
I think It's time to resurrect the Johari/Nohari thread.

Ooh...I've not seen this before



I think I did it wrong.
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