Kill the poster above you

^ Forces self to do accounting homework and studying.

The creator of this universe decides switchgirl is too cute, terminates her program and puts one in its place of a hairless blind mole rat.

Huh I wonder where that came from.
Eventhorizon decides it's time to leave planet earth and build a utopia on the moon, however his rocket malfunctions and he is launched directly into the sun o.O
I send a monkey friend to drop a coconut on your head from a tree near you.
A million paper-cuts doused in hot sauce.
An exceptionally small but no less deadly piece of space debris falls from the sky, hits [MENTION=5045]Skarekrow[/MENTION] 's head and passes through unnoticed due to its size. On its way through though it knocks some neurons out of place and tips the moral center of good and evil in his brain to far evil. Suddenly, he decides he must become head of a large corporation and through a little work and effort achieves this goal. As head of this corporation he throws the country into chaos, people die in large numbers due to poisoned water and food supplys from the chemicals his company dumps into the environment. He gets away with this of course because he finds he is exceptionally good at schmoozing with politicians. Then one day another piece of space debris hits him as he lay on his death bed tipping the scale back to where it started and he is forced to reflect on his life during his last moments on this earth.
Trips while on a visits to the Gluten factory and falls into a giant vat of gluten…much like this -

He is sucked up and and the pressure from the pipe forces pure gluten up his ass, absorbed into his system and he dies a violent death.
Antel investigates Skarekrow's death, only to fall into the gluten vat himself. Unfortunately his asshole is too small to fit the gluten shooting up it and he is launched onto the moon. Dies like Willzyx.

[MENTION=1926]TinyBubbles[/MENTION] chews a sweet bubblegum but accidentally swallows it and gets choked by it.
flower falls in love and is loved to death.
[MENTION=680]just me[/MENTION] finds a cat stuck up a tree, climbs up to rescue, but as he is bringing it back [MENTION=2240]rawr[/MENTION] launches super-hero like into the air and pulls the cat away from just me's arms, mistakenly thinking just me was doing it harm. In the confusion just me loses his balance and falls head first into a cactus plant.
TinyBubbles was skunked and stunk herself and others close to her to death. The clothes were ruined, too. Nobody would get close enough to try and help her.
Just me falls in tough love with his barber who cuts him to a permanent scared smile. The wounds are deep and dies of an airborne bacteria infection.
^ Refuses to fart infront of a pretty lady. Ends up exploding from internal gaseous force.
[MENTION=10252]say what[/MENTION] is sent 1,000 walnut chocolate chip cupcakes and dies looking at them.
[MENTION=1926]TinyBubbles[/MENTION] saw the most adorable puppy ever and dies from too much cuteness.
I initiate a cat and mouse game with with [MENTION=11868]drummergirlbk[/MENTION], but on a global scale. Our defenses our tested, each attack is parried with a more brutal counter-attack. We're driven to the absolute limits of our genius and malevolence until our plans become so elaborate and intricate that even world leaders are just a pawn in the game.

Then I get bored and nuke her.