I can't disagree. Here in NY there are tough rules for concealed carry of a handgun. For long guns, the rules are sketchy at best. Back in, (I think 2013), Gov. Cumo instated the new amunition rule...all that did was piss a lot of people off and make amunition sales go underground. Bootleg amo here has a mere markup of 30% on legal. We are still allowed to reload spent shells for personal use. There are a few that collect spent shells, and reload them with god only knows what, (had a fella show me one he loaded with dimes!)BTW - This is supposed to be a “well regulated militia”...I would not call the state of gun ownership in the US “well regulated” one fraction.
I understand people don’t want their names listed as gun owners on some “list”, but I think we have demonstrated fairly well that we don’t know how to play by the rules, not that there are many rules - especially in Nevada.
When the law went into effect, the shelves were bare. Law enforcement had a tough time getting supplies because civillians had bought them all out. This to me hit the 'wrong' population of gun owners. The street sales and tent sales of firearms skyrocketed. Here folks still sell guns via a newspaper ad!
I'm not ashamed to add mine to a 'list' if it meant that the regulation would stave off or suspend illegal gun sale & ownership, however, I don't see that happening. If anything the folks will bury them away like many have for years...the guns just disappear.
I find no plausable use for armor piercing bullets. My brother is law enforcement. He has some terrible stories about guns in the wrong hands. It's just a civil mess that needs adressing, however, governement chastising folks that know how to use a gun and respect what its intended for isn't going to clear the guns off the street. And, then we have the home break in factor. Crooks break into a home, steal registered guns and shoot up a 7-11 with them, is the registered owner going to be liable?
Guns belong in a gun safe. Period. If a person can not afford to lock up their weapons out of harms way, they shouldn't be allowed to purchase the gun. I sew alot, there is a free pattern lurking around for a purse that has a center zip pocket to hold a handgun. All one has to do is unzip it 2-3 inches and finger is in the trigger and she's blowing out her handbag on some perceived dirtbag agressor. It's uncanny the ease of use some of these concealed weapons carriers have. They want to make the law into open carry now. My thought is are we going backwards into the wildwest era where that was the law...kill or be killed?
It boggles the mind.
Bottom line is, it all begins and ends with intent. If we teach our young people to be courageous and fearless without guns perhaps it will take a turn for the better. After all, children learn what they live, and much of the time it is fear, and someone elses fear to boot!
Love to you too @Skarekrow . This thread was a great idea. Perhaps if we can get many talking from all sides of the issue here, we can get the same word out into the streets and perhaps envoke a change in the positive direction.

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