Last film you watched, Part 2

In the process. It's too light to watch it properly.

I remember Ben Barnes very differently from his days as Caspian and Dorian Gray, too. He's grown into a mature-looking man :relaxed:
He has indeed! When you watch it let me know please - I binged watched it on Friday night :neutral::flushed:
47 Ronin. I expected action but it was too boring to pay much attention to it.
Analyse This.

Epically entertaining and funny.

I think it should be on one of those lists of films INFJs would love.
Maybe. I typed him as INTP based on the fact that he's an engineer and nerdy but maybe that was wrong
The job doesn't make the man, or my man would be ISTP.

Time will tell you about processing and interaction. Then you'll know :relaxed:
The job doesn't make the man, or my man would be ISTP.

Time will tell you about processing and interaction. Then you'll know :relaxed:
Very true, though I will say that there are certain mindsets required for certain jobs which often explains why certain people are drawn to them.

An ENFP for example would probably have a f difficult time being a claims processor. The lack of contact with people and rote nature of going over numbers and rules would be unlikely to appeal to them much. They could do it but it would be a bit stressful I think. Istj on the other hand? That's their dream job. Rules! Enforce rules! Lol