Least favourite personality type?

I hate everybody

If one believes that, they haven't been paying attention, :P
I'll go with ESTJ, probably just coz my sister's one but I don't like it much.

oops this is in the wrong forum, how can I delete it?
Any ESTJ that scores low on Openness to New Experience. So not all of them, just some of them. My ESTJ sister is very open minded, so we get along really well.
For what it's worth, one of the interesting things is the relation between Openness to Experience and Jungian theory. If one interprets the latter from the lens of the MBTI dichotomies, S is essentially negatively correlated to Openness to Experience...but the way we see it in functions theory/as originally conceived by Jung, this doesn't have to be the case. (Hence -- appropriately defined -- why an ESTJ might be high in it.)

However, this just demonstrates the divergence between dichotomies-S and a true orientation to sensation, as if anything, greater orientation to richness of sensation is if anything one variant of how one can increase one's Openness to Experience.

(the classic fictional exemplar of thirsty for new experiences of a sensory variety is Sherlock from the BBC series -- exceptionally interested in new sensory situations, showing all the disdain for sticking to the tried-and-true conventions, imaginative, and so on....but a sensory type and a clear one to me at that.)
Anyway, in a Big 5 framework, low in Openness to Experience is the bane for me. In a functions-theory framework, I seem to conflict most with Se+Fi as a combination, but obviously that's not necessary or anything. People exemplify that pattern in different ways, so really I'm just saying many common ways people exemplify it don't work for me.

Some Te types are frustrating too.
Anyway, in a Big 5 framework, low in Openness to Experience is the bane for me. In a functions-theory framework, I seem to conflict most with Se+Fi as a combination, but obviously that's not necessary or anything. People exemplify that pattern in different ways, so really I'm just saying many common ways people exemplify it don't work for me.

Some Te types are frustrating too.

Functionally, I don't like Te/Si, due to an over emphasis on facts. To them, reality is nothing more than what they can see. Which is annoying to deal with, not least because it's not true.
Why though? Really interested to know since I don't have INFP friends.
INFJs too. And that's why I don't have friends in real life LOL.
INFJs too. And that's why I don't have friends in real life LOL.

infp confirmed. infjs generally avoid calling people out unless directly asked and can be physically pained when having to do so.
My least favorite personality type is Sam Pepper
I guess I get along least with Si dom and aux users. Doesn't mean I hate them, just that I don't get them. Same the other way around. It changes also with the following functions. If they use the same judging axis, they are merely irritating, but when it's also a different judging axis from mine, they can become annoying to the point of dislike.

The type I dislike the most, though (from experience), seems to be the ENFP. I have yet to meet one that I like.