Left or Liberal?

Left or Liberal?

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All you're describing is infrastructural power ala Michael Mann.

What you're describing is a plutocracy where the main forms of control are technological in nature (just like all civilisation then). It is not the technical knowledge of such elites that would put them in charge, but their money, otherwise the programmers would be CEOs.

E.g. Overwhelming technologies useful for political control = castles, armour and steel weapons.

Knightly class in charge = aristocracy/stratocracy/whatever

Masons and blacksmiths in charge = technocracy.

Please get your fucking terminology correct.

no in a technocracy the freemasons not the operative masons are in charge because the people who control the technocracy are the 'technocrats' ie the people who control the technology

the blacksmiths and masons do not control the hi-tech. they control the low tech
does anyone think that pentagon Darpa robot up there isn't going to whack you because you are black or brown or white or yellow?

if your social credit score drops too low its going to chase you and whack you and it doesn't give a damn about your identity politics
Universal basic income has the support of 40% of British people, poll reveals
Findings emerge after Labour's John McDonnell told The Independent the party is expected to include a pilot in its next general election manifesto

Forty per cent of British people support the idea of universal basic income and would welcome experiments of the radical policy in their local area, a new poll claims.

The findings emerge after the shadow chancellor, John McDonnell, told The Independent that Labour is set to include a pilot of the scheme in the party’s next manifesto for a general election.

In their new 180-page report, the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA) say the concept is “rapidly breaking through into the mainstream political discourse”.
no in a technocracy the freemasons not the operative masons are in charge because the people who control the technocracy are the 'technocrats' ie the people who control the technology

the blacksmiths and masons do not control the hi-tech. they control the low tech


A technocracy is not 'rule by people who control the technology'.

A technocracy is rule by people who have technical knowledge.

In your example, what you are describing is metely plutocracy or oligarchy, except in a few individual cases (Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg for example, but even they stretch the definition).


A technocracy is not 'rule by people who control the technology'.

A technocracy is rule by people who have technical knowledge.

In your example, what you are describing is metely plutocracy or oligarchy, except in a few individual cases (Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg for example, but even they stretch the definition).

the mark zuckerbergs and bill gates of the world aren't individuals

they are agents
Yea it's weird how you think that's true while being entirely wrong

i'm happy to have a metaphysical discussion in the relevant place

but if you think any of the observable facts i am pointing out here are factually incorrect you are welcome to try and prove that so...

why you wouldn't let the facts guide you is beyond me unless you are so invested in an ideology that you treat it like a religion with blind faith and i don't think alan watts would have approved of that
China's 'social credit' system bans millions from travelling
By Jamie Fullerton, Beijing
24 March 2018 • 6:58pm

It sounds like the plot line from an episode of Black Mirror set in a dystopian future, but China's “social credit” system has already seen over 12 million people slapped with domestic travel bans as punishment for bad behaviour.

Nine million Chinese have been banned from buying domestic flights, and three million more from buying business class tickets in early trials of the scheme, under which citizens are rated on their compliance with social norms and rules.

Behaviour that triggered the bans varied from obstructing footpaths with electric bikes to failing to pay fines.

Zhang Yong, deputy director of the China’s National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), said the trials were taking place across China’s provinces over the next two years.

The social credit system is based on the government’s phrase “once untrustworthy, always restricted”, and is set to be tested further on the country’s train system from May 1, it was announced last week.

Communist China will use a 'social credit score' to rank its citizens and give those with the most favoured behaviour perks
  • The project rates citizens based on their behaviour - both positive and negative
  • Benefits include priority public housing, travel visas and job promotions
  • Those with a negative score can be blacklisted and not allowed to get a flight
  • The system is made possible by the growing network of surveillance that uses artificial intelligence to identify people and vehicles
By Joe Pinkstone For Mailonline

Published: 17:50, 21 August 2018 | Updated: 17:58, 21 August 20
Letting technocrats run Europe is bad politics and bad economics
Aditya Chakrabortty
Mon 14 Nov 2011 21.00 GMT First published on Mon 14 Nov 2011 21.00 GMT
It's a mistake to put unelected officials in charge of Italy and Greece

Consider for a moment the injured feelings of the plutocrat. He's the target of round-the-clock protests stretching from Oakland to Norwich. He's denounced by the Archbishop of Canterbury. Goodness, even those carefully-placed "news" stories about how George Osborne must scrap his tax on the super-rich, which once commanded at least a respectful audience, now meet with the puzzled mirth of a country that suspects a wind-up. At this point the penny loafer drops: they're called the 1% because they're lonely.

But through every cold weather front a little sunshine must peep. Which is why the gym-buffed corporate financiers, the chauffeured captains of industry and all the others whose membership subs are simply too big to qualify for the 99% club must have managed a brave little smile at the past week's changes of regime in Italy and Greece. Because that swap of Silvio with Mario, Papandreou with Papademos, shows that however much fashionable opprobrium is now being dumped on the results of free-market fundamentalism, the arguments used to justify it remain powerful.

Over the past few days, the debate over the usurpation of democratic leaders in southern Europe by unelected technocrats has run thus: general rejoicing at the deposal of Berlusconi; a little light brow-furrowing over what this says about the eurozone's respect for the will of its people, and much use of phrases such as "safe pair of hands". The consensus has been that this is politically bad (subtext: then again, those wobbly southern European democracies do need their stabiliser wheels); but probably for the best economically.
goldman sachs technocrats:

Waiiiiiiit you should show them in their true form!

the image of the goldman sachs technocrats was taken from the progressive newspaper 'the independent'

are you saying their information is wrong?

what part of this information are you not understanding?
the image of the goldman sachs technocrats was taken from the progressive newspaper 'the independent'

are you saying their information is wrong?

What you don't realize is that the conspiracy you've been parroting for weeks on this thread has been done before, thousands of times, by smarter people than you, who have been nevertheless debunked and discredited. What you're doing is not even new, fresh, or exciting. It's just old.

So let me have my fun, baby. Here's the UN Secretary General and his two assistant in their true form, from liberal sources:

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