Let's make this place better

[MENTION=1579]Odyne[/MENTION], I'm not threatening anyone just stating an opinion. I'm really surprised that it was interpreted that way.

I didn't mean that YOU were threatening. The thought seemed to make it as if INFJf members had to sacrifice one for the other when that isn't really the case.

I was merely addressing the idea.

I do think that typology, similar to religion and politics, can have a very polarizing effect and I'm just reluctant to see that happen here for my own selfish reasons.

Typology, religion, and politics are neutral concepts systems of laws and principles that are used by people for their own selfish ends. It doesn't take away merit from the concepts themselves, but it does say something about the people who use them for those ends.

I've made friends here and faced my own personal demons here so in that sense I am protective. I've explained how I satisfy both my needs for community and knowledge.

And so have I. Which is why I want to promote more understanding and tolerance, and I see that typology tends to bring that when it is taught correctly. :smile:

I guess my philosophy is why re-invent the wheel? Here are two sites that have separate focuses that they perform very well, why not take advantage of them? Also, if you notice the two sites have a very different feel that is in part because they have different foci. It is possible that a change in the focus of infjsf (or any other site for that manner) will result in a change in the dynamic (positive or negative or no change at all).

It isn't re-inventing the wheel. Otherwise we would have one typology forum across the whole internet. Like you said, there is a different feel and what INFJf can provide is a safe environment where members can learn without the heat and aggression of discussions that tend to occur on other typology website.

This would be a favorable place for INFJs (and anyone who is interested in the INFJ type) to learn form their peers.

As for me thinking that infjs are unable to deal with knowledge, I ask the members here to look at my conduct on this forum. Does it support that idea? To be honest I find the response quite shocking.

I tend to use "you" when I respond to posts, but like I said I was addressing the idea and the potential it held and not the person. My intention wasn't to say that you identify with such a philosophy. My apologies for the misunderstanding. :thumb:
You know, I really like the idea of a JCF encyclopedia of sorts.

Like a JCF wiki? Who has that? LOL

Lol I love how everyone uses the initialism that PersonalityNation developed! Warms my cockles.

Anyways, who is going to be the person that oversees and interprets the accuracy?

INFJs is counting its chickens before they hatch.
Like a JCF wiki? Who has that? LOL

www.personalitynation.com has it, and everyone should check it out.
It is a great way to get introduced to basic JCF knowledge.

Don't make the mistake of thinking your forum, staff, articles and everything you came up with haven't been given the credit it deserves over here. :smile:

Lol I love how everyone uses the initialism that PersonalityNation developed! Warms my cockles.

Thank you. You've done good (and continue to do so) to the typology world. Jung would be proud. <3
www.personalitynation.com has it, and everyone should check it out.
It is a great way to get introduced to basic JCF knowledge.

Don't make the mistake of thinking your forum, staff, articles and everything you came up with haven't been given the credit it deserves over here. :smile:

Thank you. You've done good (and continue to do so) to the typology world. Jung would be proud. <3

Lol, being a sweetheart will get you everything.

It isn't re-inventing the wheel. Otherwise we would have one typology forum across the whole internet. Like you said, there is a different feel and what INFJf can provide is a safe environment where members can learn without the heat and aggression of discussions that tend to occur on other typology website.

This would be a favorable place for INFJs (and anyone who is interested in the INFJ type) to learn form their peers.

I just want to point out that this isn
Sorry to spam.

I do want to say that I think it would be great if INFJs did it. Especially if they have INFJs writing their thoughts on it. THat is what I ultimately hoped to cause and stir. I would LOVE to read several INFJ perspectives on Jung’s, Lenore’s, etc. ideas. I would LOVE IT.

I only know of one INFJ that has, and she’s not on this forum and won’t write me a dang article. *shakes fist at her*
I just want to point out that this isn’t a fair jab. Every forum goes through, “severe drama” and each staff takes different methods to handle it. There is no win all, and I don’t recall anyone on any other forum being stabbed XD

Lol, no body said anything about stabbing or jabbing. Reality is that the atmosphere differs from one forum to another, and it maybe favorable for some and not so much for others. People will thrive in one, and not so much in the other. That is all that was meant in that post. :smile:
I always love with NTPs storm another forums to demand that their failed logical inconsistencies should be everyones failed logical inconsistencies.


It's a forum based on a community of individuals who feel and act alike - not a forum based upon promoting a biased peer group of generally weak to average topologists who don't understand the massive gaps in their knowledge and thus promote an amusingly slack bundle of typology theories coupled with promoting those who support their highly individualized viewpoints, often without any consideration for fairness or proportionality. We already have at least one of those on the internet and we can see it in the negative direction in monthly trending of those sites.

I don't see any need for INFJs to totally change, I see a need for INFJs to grow, but you shouldn't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

The change will be evolutionary not revolutionary.

But I think another leader besides an Indigo Child can do the same job - if not better.
Indigo Children haven't automatically cornered the market on intelligence.
It's going to make another person grow who takes on the position.

Despite my personal disgust with the individual noted I don't think this is a fair comment at all. Moderators are bound by their own interpretation of the ruleset and fairness unless they are simply unprincipled - in some cases this is very very true and it tends to be a disease which inflicts site owners more than moderators.

However, this does not denote a failure of the individual if they abuse the powers they have in the community, it's a failure of the whole staff and the system to keep those individuals in check. You can see this in other personality sites such as PerC or PerN. Apart from the recent issues regarding spontaneous changes without the apparent consensus of the community (evident by the reaction) and the attempts to control and restrain the debate and uproar regarding that rather than letting people get it out on a single thread the track record for INFJ moderation has been very good.


In effect, I would be more comfortable if you kept the criticisms to the system and what is fair rather than targeting individuals and therefore I felt the need to reprimand the reply you made to my post because I don't want to endorse it, quite the opposite.
If you guys want to try it, then give it a shot! I see no harm in trying, and only potential if it succeeds.
I have always thought this forum was more of a place where people can talk to people who are like them (MBTI being a tool for that), get emotional support or post cute animal pictures more than a place to really discuss JCF* in depth. If you are really interested in typology there are forums like PerC, PerN or TypoC for that.

However, it doesn't mean you can't learn about jungian typology here. You can always make articles about it and mainly to crush dumb stereotypes and help many people realize they're not INFJ at all, but it most likely will never be the main interest of the forum.

*Limit is now happier.
I always love with NTPs storm another forums to demand that their failed logical inconsistencies should be everyones failed logical inconsistencies.


It's a forum based on a community of individuals who feel and act alike - not a forum based upon promoting a biased peer group of generally weak to average topologists who don't understand the massive gaps in their knowledge and thus promote an amusingly slack bundle of typology theories coupled with promoting those who support their highly individualized viewpoints, often without any consideration for fairness or proportionality. We already have at least one of those on the internet and we can see it in the negative direction in monthly trending of those sites.

I don't see any need for INFJs to totally change, I see a need for INFJs to grow, but you shouldn't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

The change will be evolutionary not revolutionary.

Despite my personal disgust with the individual noted I don't think this is a fair comment at all. Moderators are bound by their own interpretation of the ruleset and fairness unless they are simply unprincipled - in some cases this is very very true and it tends to be a disease which inflicts site owners more than moderators.

However, this does not denote a failure of the individual if they abuse the powers they have in the community, it's a failure of the whole staff and the system to keep those individuals in check. You can see this in other personality sites such as PerC or PerN. Apart from the recent issues regarding spontaneous changes without the apparent consensus of the community (evident by the reaction) and the attempts to control and restrain the debate and uproar regarding that rather than letting people get it out on a single thread the track record for INFJ moderation has been very good.


In effect, I would be more comfortable if you kept the criticisms to the system and what is fair rather than targeting individuals and therefore I felt the need to reprimand the reply you made to my post because I don't want to endorse it, quite the opposite.


Yes, because everything you say is true.

I feel really bad for the fool that chooses to listen to what you have to say.

Gah my cheeks hurt from laughing.
Yes, because everything you say is true.

I love an honest response followed by social threats and attempts to humiliate those who read and learn.

Do I need to report your recent attempts in directly advertising that I come visit your site again despite me making it perfectly clear many times that I would not? Should I remind you that the agreements between PerN and INFJs involve allowing PerN to post exclusively articles on INFJs with a single advertising link only and then point at your signature and the numerous advertising links above?

I think I've been more than considerate and friendly in giving you quite few free chances to back off in dealing with you Limit; if you make it necessary for me to deal with you by the book then I will do so.
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[mods]This thread, nor any thread on the forums, is NOT for personal disputes like this. Take it to PMs, or better yet, place each other on ignore. [/mods]
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I just want to point out that I’m not “ADVERTISING”

I was mentioned several times in this thread as obviously wanting to put my attention towards it. I gave my opinion on it and the difference between being on each forum and seeing the expectations of members.

Not only that, but collecting members from forums that aren’t developed in Analytical Psychology has proved mostly difficult since the majority come with preconceived ideas stemming from MBTI and are generally not willing to budge for quite some time. Too many defensive posts from people who want to cling to “Im an NT!” “I’m not a Sensor! I don’t care about details!” Etc upon etc.

It’s more advantageous to find fresh crops of individuals rather than those who have grown so personally attached to a portrait of their type they read off an internet website.

Not to say anyone is not welcomed, but more to say that PerN is well known around here. In fact, we get several members from people talking negatively about PerN, rather than reading any forum post I make. O.O

I’m speaking from experience building a website that involves pushing analytical psychology forward, which is the premise of this thread.
Okay, guys, there's been enough mudslinging in this thread and mini-jabs. So please stop it now. :)

Here's the thing: The INFJ forums will stay as is unless the members as a whole want change. But if someone *wants* to create an article or have a subforum dedicated to JCF we can do that. It won't change the forums in any way, shape or form. If people want to investigate JCF further, they can enjoy the subforum (if it's created) or go elsewhere for their JCF wants and needs.

[MENTION=3473]InvisibleJim[/MENTION] and [MENTION=3465]Limit[/MENTION], please find another place to express your personal arguments; the sniping in this thread is off-topic. And [MENTION=1378]Orion[/MENTION], recognize that no one is personally jabbing at you, but don't expect everyone to hop on the idea of JCF - it can be intimidating. BTW, yes, I'm part way through Lenore's book and I really enjoy it. It's an easy JCF "primer" so to speak. But I know a bit about JCF - not enough to want to write an article about it, but it does have merit as a theory.

So [MENTION=731]corndogman[/MENTION] and a few others are right: We can create a sub-forum. If people want to contribute and discuss items, it certainly won't change the forums. People, just because IndigoSensor's gone doesn't mean the forums are going to undergo a fundamental change. There are several of us behind the scenes and we work *together* to run the forums.

Anyway. Chill, take deep breaths, and think about what you're saying for a bit. No, everything isn't suddenly going haywire. If you want a sub-forum, it can be done. If you want to maintain that subforum, you'll have to make it happen on your own, as a community. Same as any other subforum on here.

but like.... seroiusly you guys? Go read what Orion posted. I say that because I really don't think many people have. Sure, the words have gone past your eyeballs and bounced around the brain, but they've not soaked in yet. Its like Orion saying "so, im making a lemonade stand." "why? because you like taking money from the lemonade store across the street?"

Sure, the lemonade store across the street is going to get less money. But... really? Just because you CAN go there, doesn't mean you should brohans and brosephs, and brosistas.

I agree that we really should find one way of typing. I prefer just plain old JCF, but whatevs. Everyone who takes that as elitism clearly do not know what you're talking about. I'm sorry. I'm not being sarcastic either, I'm sorry but if you think thats elitist you really need to take a step back and re examine what is there.

4 prez.
kk cheers to the staff for keeping things in perspective. I've got everything I needed out of this thread.

No more contemplating- more doing!

Consider me in to the notion of more doing.