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[MENTION=1579]Odyne[/MENTION], I'm not threatening anyone just stating an opinion. I'm really surprised that it was interpreted that way.
I didn't mean that YOU were threatening. The thought seemed to make it as if INFJf members had to sacrifice one for the other when that isn't really the case.
I was merely addressing the idea.
I do think that typology, similar to religion and politics, can have a very polarizing effect and I'm just reluctant to see that happen here for my own selfish reasons.
Typology, religion, and politics are neutral concepts systems of laws and principles that are used by people for their own selfish ends. It doesn't take away merit from the concepts themselves, but it does say something about the people who use them for those ends.
I've made friends here and faced my own personal demons here so in that sense I am protective. I've explained how I satisfy both my needs for community and knowledge.
And so have I. Which is why I want to promote more understanding and tolerance, and I see that typology tends to bring that when it is taught correctly.
I guess my philosophy is why re-invent the wheel? Here are two sites that have separate focuses that they perform very well, why not take advantage of them? Also, if you notice the two sites have a very different feel that is in part because they have different foci. It is possible that a change in the focus of infjsf (or any other site for that manner) will result in a change in the dynamic (positive or negative or no change at all).
It isn't re-inventing the wheel. Otherwise we would have one typology forum across the whole internet. Like you said, there is a different feel and what INFJf can provide is a safe environment where members can learn without the heat and aggression of discussions that tend to occur on other typology website.
This would be a favorable place for INFJs (and anyone who is interested in the INFJ type) to learn form their peers.
As for me thinking that infjs are unable to deal with knowledge, I ask the members here to look at my conduct on this forum. Does it support that idea? To be honest I find the response quite shocking.
I tend to use "you" when I respond to posts, but like I said I was addressing the idea and the potential it held and not the person. My intention wasn't to say that you identify with such a philosophy. My apologies for the misunderstanding. :thumb: