Life is Meant to Be Enjoyed

As per my signature sign-off — “The unexamined life is not worth living.” — Socrates

Life for me is certainly to be enjoyed (abundantly) but it’s also about having the courage to look inside of ourselves and to ask those deep and profound questions:

What is the meaning of life?
Why am I here?
Is there a God?
What happens to me when I die?
Is there life after death?

…and then setting off on the journey to seek out the truth and not get distracted or satisfied until one finds the truth.
Life is meant to be enjoyed not endured.
Life is meant to be enjoyed. Implicit in this statement is that there is a God that had an intention when making life; and then what is meant by joy. To achieve a state of joyousness when in extremely difficult life situations one needs to call upon an inner strength or belief or unique perspective. I think that people have tried throughout the ages to find joy irrespective of the events surrounding them at any time - and once found, some lovingly pass this knowledge on to others.

But this evades the question - Is life meant to be joyful? One likes to feel joy, or love or peace whatever the situation looming in front of them might be - but was it meant to be joyful? I don't think so on many counts. Firstly, the cruelty of nature and death is not joyful - so the intention to make it so was not there, secondly even in situations where physical needs are met, joy does not sit singing happily below the surface.

Should one strive to live a joyful life - yes, as the alternative is pain.
True, if possible. But it is much easier said than done. Especially if you are born in North Korea and you are not that country's leader.
or. i'm in between.

Why am I here?

life for me should have a purpose. it''s a waste of time and energy without any. i tried to enjoy it, but i still look for something soul-rewarding. something that lasts.
Life is not meant to be enjoyed. Life is meant to be lived. And living is about filling needs. Sometimes what you need is not what you'll enjoy, but without it you'll end up worse off. You know what's really enjoyable? Crack. Focus on meeting the needs of first yourself, then those around you, then those of the world. It will be a lot more fulfilling than simply seeking enjoyment.
True or false, to you INFJs?

Others can answer too.

What matters to me here is what I have to sacrifice in order to enjoy life? If I have to inflict pain, use and manipulate other people just to get money, sex and all other hedonistic indulgences, then that's a big no no from me. A life without any kind of contribution would be a meaningless life to me, so if there's a choice between enjoyment and contribution then I'd definitely choose contribution, because contribution or helping others is an enjoyment in itself, ha.