Live Chat!

/nominates self as emcee of chat.

JK. People just babble on in there. No problems.
What he said. ^

I can't believe I just agreed with Shai Gar. Someone please shoot me.
What he said. ^

I can't believe I just agreed with Shai Gar. Someone please shoot me.

Don't worry. It happens to the best of us. All you have to do is take a scalding hot shower, clutch your favorite stuffed animal*, and slowly cry yourself to sleep.

I personally use my stuffed Cthuhlu doll. He can scare off anything!
I'm rather certain a stuff Cthulhu doll is very Shai Garian in nature... sorry.
I'm randomly online and mostly on AIM. My username is merrysmyangel.
Okay, let's give the end of Saturday London Time for everyone interested to have downloaded and installed Skype and set up their cameras.

And everyone can post their skype names in here who really are interested in the live chat. We can get it ready for Midnight Sunday London time if that's cool with everyone.

shai.gar is my skype name.
No. It didn't.

I'm waiting on Skype Names. Remember eric when INFJ Forums were alive with an almost constant skype chat? Motorjax hosted some great ones.
Man. I'm still looking for my headset. When I moved I packed it away somewhere, and now I have no idea where it is (dangit!)