Get over it
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- 6w5
When it comes to clothes I mostly wear black, 98% of my stuff is black. The other includes red, grey, navy. I like bright too but you know, from time to time. I look either like a college girl of the past decades, very meticulous, very clean and creepy or jeans+whatever and don't care much. It's either very classical and minimalistic or quite "wtf". I don't like too revealing stuff most of the times, not when it reveals everything at once. One thing at a time is my rule. So I don't know... I'm versatile actually in my tastes but I still end up as black-on-black almost exclusively... :S
I button my shirts all the way up...
I also gravitate towards black. In the summer I'll wear bright colors but I have the most difficult time with brown or anything that is not black.
I do not button my shirts all the way up though