Love Languages

7 Words of Affirmation
10 Quality Time
2 Receiving Gifts
3 Acts of Service
8 Physical Touch
6 Words of Affirmation
11 Quality Time
1 Receiving Gifts
6 Acts of Service
6 Physical Touch

Quality Time
In the vernacular of Quality Time, nothing says,
10 Words of Affirmation
9 Quality Time

1 Receiving Gifts
4 Acts of Service
6 Physical Touch
is it just me or is everyone scoring really low on "Receiving Gifts"? :D
Out of curiosity: Are you guys giving yourselves the love tokens you need? It seems that the more skilled you are at making yourself happy, the easier it will be for someone else to keep you happy ... and the easier it will be for you to keep them happy.

Just a thought ...

And yes, I'm including "physical touch" hahaha :m024:
Out of curiosity: Are you guys giving yourselves the love tokens you need? It seems that the more skilled you are at making yourself happy, the easier it will be for someone else to keep you happy ... and the easier it will be for you to keep them happy.

Just a thought ...

And yes, I'm including "physical touch" hahaha :m024:

I am, acts of service are something I typically neglect to do for myself. Now that I am taking care of them I find myself much more able to exist for the rest.

Another curious thought, for the scores that are low, are they low because we already do that for ourselves or do we simply not place any emphasis on it in life?

Should we be attempting to question why we need certain things and not others? If I become more accustomed to providing for myself in these ways, then what is left in needs from another? Perhaps that is where true love comes into play, but that requires two that are both at that level.
Words of Affirmation 8
Quality Time 7
Receiving Gifts 3
Acts of Service 2
Physical Touch 10
9 Words of Affirmation
5 Quality Time
1 Receiving Gifts
6 Acts of Service
9 Physical Touch

Interpreting and Using Your Profile Score

The highest score indicates your primary love language (the highest score is 12). It’s not uncommon to have two high scores, although one language does have a slight edge for most people. That just means two languages are important to you.
The lower scores indicate those languages you seldom use to communicate love and which probably don’t affect you very much on an emotional level. Click Next to learn more about your primary love language and how to put it to use.
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6 Words of Affirmation
9 Quality Time
0 Receiving Gifts
4 Acts of Service
11 Physical Touch
8 Words of Affirmation 8 Quality Time 0 Receiving Gifts 4 Acts of Service 10 Physical Touch
6 Words of Affirmation
11 Quality Time
1 Receiving Gifts
4 Acts of Service
8 Physical Touch
I could not take the test.

It goes against every single one of my beliefs. Boooo.
Words of Affirmation 5
Quality Time 11
Receiving Gifts 0
Acts of Service 7
Physical Touch 7
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5 Words of Affirmation 12 Quality Time 3 Receiving Gifts 9 Acts of Service 1 Physical Touch

Weird. My Acts of Service used to be the highest.
Your Scores

4 Words of Affirmation 10 Quality Time 1 Receiving Gifts 6 Acts of Service 9 Physical Touch
9 Words of Affirmation
6 Quality Time
1 Receiving Gifts
2 Acts of Service
12 Physical Touch

I've read the book this is based on, and I LOVE it. One of these days I want to get my husband to read it... we seem to speak each other's "love languages" pretty well (much better than some of my past relationships!) but I still think the book offers a lot of great insights. It's somewhat religious, but not overly, so if that's not your thing (it's not really mine) you can easily ignore that aspect.
7 Words of Affirmation
7 Quality Time
0 Receiving Gifts
4 Acts of Service
12Physical Touch

7 Words of Affirmation
7 Quality Time
2 Receiving Gifts
7 Acts of Service
7 Physical Touch