- Enneagram
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My opinion is that no one ever really knows someone else fully. You can get to know them though in a way where what you know of them you love. Its a process though of weighing the good to have more value than the bad. Of over looking things you dont like or understand. Does love necessitate being able to look past what you dont agree with or does it instead allow you to accept the things into your life that you normally would not? Has anyone who has been in a relationship with someone they believed loves or loved them believe that person loves EVERYTHING about them?
So for you to accept that you are loved do you have to believe your partner loves everything about you or are you ok with them loving you more and that being an offset for what they may not. If you find something about your partner you dont love do you try to change them into something you can love more easily potentially changing them in the process?
Here is what I think:
You do NOT love someone if you want to change fundamental parts of who they are. You cannot just love selective parts of a person and hope that the other pieces will come together in order to satisfy a fantasy you have created around them. A person just is and to try get them to change to suit you personally and doling out love based on your level of satisfaction is ridiculous.
I do believe you can love someone while wanting them to grow. Growth is a change that comes from within and that happens slowly on a gradient. It is not something that can be dictated or enforced. it is part of a person's natural evolution. You cannot make a person grow, you can only support them as they are and let them continue on their personal journey. Supporting someone as they grow does not get you attached to an "idea."
I believe you can love someone while getting them to consider. If there is something about a person that you do not feel comfortable with you should be able to bring it to their attention for their consideration, not with the expectation that they will do something about it. If you can have a rational conversation about what you feel should be or could be changed, you should be able to accept their decision. If this change is for the betterment of them as a human being and will lead to growth, then you can still love them. If this change comes from a selfish place, you do not love them. If the change is for their betterment as a human being and they choose not to and therefore tend to be toxic to themselves and by extension to you, you can love them but they will hurt you and you are better off leaving sometimes.
I am currently in a relationship with someone who I consider to be perfect for me. He is honestly the best person I know. He is such a calm and rational person. He makes good decisions. He is happy and content in his life. He does not bend to social pressures and lives by his own morals. There are many qualities about him that I have admired even before we were involved. He has gone through his own personal evolution and is years ahead of me in that department. I have loved him for years. He has loved me for years, too, though I used to fear that he wouldn't because of all of my flaws. I have a lot of demons to overcome and with his help am becoming more and more successful at being the best version of myself. I always feared that he would lose patience with me as I went through things but so far he hasn't. I am slowly accepting that he loves all of me for who I am at this exact moment, but I also recognize that he sees that I could be better... For MYSELF, not for him. He believes I am perfect for him but feels distress when I am struggling with things in my life. He feels the need to help and to solve things, but tries to step back and never dictates to me. Instead, he waits for me to come up with strategies I want to try to improve certain areas of my life.
Some examples:
I wanted to learn to cook and to eat better. He bought just about everything in my kitchen, sends me tons of recipes for things I might like, suggests ways to prepare food in advance, etc. I opened the door, he flooded me with resources and information.
I want to pay off the rest of my debt and save. He worked out an excel spreadsheet over several months to help me account for my money and come up with strategies to save.
I want to get into shape and lose weight. He creates a spreadsheet of specific workouts so I do not have to think about it or worry, I just show up and do what's laid out for me. He sends me countless podcasts, videos, studies, etc that are relevant to my specific circumstances.
Essentially, when I bring a problem to the table and things I want to investigate he will spend a substantial amount of time researching and helping to provide me with the information I need to meet my goals. He NEVER tells me I should do something or that i should NOT do something. His primary concern is that I am happy. He tries to make my life easier in any way that I can. He supports me through everything and I crash and burn a LOT. He does not understand my emotional state a lot of the times but he lets me be exactly as I am and if he judges it, he does not express it. He just receives me as I am and then we move forward together.
So I do think you can fully love a flawed person. But love is not superficial and it is not selfish. So if any of those elements come into it, it is NOT love.