Lucid dream - have you experienced one?


Community Member
We spend so much of our life sleeping! How well do you pay attention to your dreams? Do you like Freud or Jung more?

I had a semi-lucid experience a few months ago. It started off as a normal dream but then out of no where I mounted this hippogryph and we flew off. I immediately knew I was dreaming! The feeling was so intense, I had no fear of boundaries or limits. We flew out over the ocean and my vision was changing from my point of view to the hippogryph's point of view. I literally became the animal. A kraken rose out of the water and I dove for it..

I guess the excitement was too much for me to handle! So have you ever become lucid in any of your dreams? What was it like??
I used to be a lucid dreamer but I haven't had a lucid dream since I was about 19. It was great and I had excellent control of my dreams, changing their direction, continuing dreams from the previous night. Eventually, I lost the ability and developed insomnia instead. I understand you can learn how to do it but I did it without any lessons. I hadn't thought about that in a long while. Thanks.
I lucid dream all the time. I can usually recognize in most dreams that I'm dreaming, I usually have in-depth discussions with individuals in my dreams about dreaming. Its a shock for me once I figure out that I'm dreaming, once I figure out that I'm dreaming the dream collapses (like in Inception). After watching the film I took the idea of having a totem in my dreams to remind me that I'm dreaming, I have a mirror. It shows me the difference between what I look like after I've recreated myself through my emotions (everything in my dreams is constructed by emotions and memory) and what I look like in reality. One freaky experience was when I had a dream about an INFJ that I know in real life and we were having a conversation with each other, only to have her dream the same. Ironically when I told her we were sitting in the same room, as we both dreamt that we were sitting in before. She ended up asking if I were psychic. I highly doubt that, but none the less it was far to weird to be a coincidence, its happened more than once.

Its cool but freaky...
I used to dream lucidly a lot more (in the past couple years), but I haven't had any recently. I'm sure I'll have more.
But it really is great! It just sucks when you end up waking up.. Why is it that you can dream lucidly for so long but then after a certain point you start waking up? No matter how hard you push to continue the dream, you are drifting further and further away towards conciousness :( Does it have to do with the sleep cycles? And during which cycle is the lucid dream? REM sleep, like normal dreams? I would assume so, since we are probably even more mentally active than in normal dreams.
Everyone says you need to keep a journal and be devoted and all that, but I think that's cheating. I've been trying to do it without, so far I have about 3 (although I can remember have one when I was really young too, on accident) but I keep getting excited and waking up. They've all started in a classroom. I realize I'm dreaming, then everything starts to kind of shake and buzz, and there's a sound of white noise. Then I'm teleported to this classroom.
No... but I tried really really hard.
One time, I even dreamed I lucid dreamed. -.- The first thing I thought about when I woke up was "fuck you brain!!!"
Everyone says you need to keep a journal and be devoted and all that, but I think that's cheating. I've been trying to do it without, so far I have about 3 (although I can remember have one when I was really young too, on accident) but I keep getting excited and waking up. They've all started in a classroom. I realize I'm dreaming, then everything starts to kind of shake and buzz, and there's a sound of white noise. Then I'm teleported to this classroom.

How have you been "trying" or preparing yourself for it. I kind of want to try it but it's supposed to take dedication and proper technique. I have never had a lucid dream but I want to, they sound like fun.
How have you been "trying" or preparing yourself for it. I kind of want to try it but it's supposed to take dedication and proper technique. I have never had a lucid dream but I want to, they sound like fun.
A lot of people say the trick is to "intend to lucid dream." Spend some time during the day thinking about what you'd do in your dream (obvious :)) if you could do anything, and just planning it out. If you ever wake up for like 5 seconds in the middle of the night, remind yourself then, then go back to sleep. That always has worked for me.
The hard part is staying in it. I always go, "omg I'm doing it," then I wake up.
I've never had an out of body experience but based on how it's described I don't think it feels like lucid dreaming. When you are lucid dreaming you are simply aware that you are asleep and dreaming. It's fun. Feels safe. Not scary at all in my experience. The first time it happened I literally thought, "Wow. I'm dreaming. Cool." If I switched my attention to a dream object the dream would change. If I didn't like the story line of the dream I just changed it with a simple thought. I think for me most lucid dreaming happened close to dawn. Easy. Smooth.
I used to lucid dream a lot as a child. I still do, but rarely. It's not something I have to train myself for, just occurs naturally once in a while.
Its a shame I can't do it naturally but I'll keep trying :)

Thanks for the replies!
Indeed, I have experienced several lucid dreams, it truly is an amazing moment when you realise you're dreaming, this has thrown me out of the dream several times. A good way to maintain lucidity is either to rub you're hands together or spin on the spot, or shout something like, "Increase vividness!" I use mantra's, RC's and do techniques like WILD and WBTB. (:

An OBE tends to be a lot more realistic and vivid compared to a lucid dream. An OBE will start with you laying on you're bed normally and then you simply use a method to come out of you're body whilst you're body is in sleep paralysis. You then enter into a non physical body. It is essentially a lucid dream.
I never have lucid dreams that aren't either terrifying or sexual. I remember a crazy lucid dream I had where the moon crashed into the earth, that was freaky.
I never have lucid dreams that aren't either terrifying or sexual. I remember a crazy lucid dream I had where the moon crashed into the earth, that was freaky.

Sounds like you have some issues that need solving? Unless you like it that way ofcourse.